Black people advocate for segregation

Many in all ethnicities want segregation. Many want free healthcare, laws to be reduced to the 10 Commandments, and require every male citizen to carry a sidearm.

Unfortunately, we don't govern by what minorities want.

Don't you want black people to be free of racism?To deny black people the right of self determination they have demanded is racist. ..Don't be racist.
Don't you want black people to be free of racism?To deny black people the right of self determination they have demanded is racist. ..Don't be racist.

I want all colors to play nicely with each other before we have to start knocking their heads together.
If you're so sure enough people want segregation then start collecting signatures to get it onto a national ballot. But if after you get the hundred or so people willing to put their names on a legal document proposing such a thing you have to strip naked, douse yourself in tar, and march through the po' side of town shouting at the top of your lungs, "Look at the tar baby! Look at the tar baby!" :)
IF that us what they want they can put together some funds and move to Nigeria, Somalia or some other African country. If they prefer to stay here they can deal with the fact that they have chosen to position themselves in a way to have little political power. They can either work to change that or deal with it. Get on the bus or get run over by iy.
Don't you want black people to be free of racism?To deny black people the right of self determination they have demanded is racist. ..Don't be racist.

I want all colors to play nicely with each other before we have to start knocking their heads together.
That experiment has failed. They say so themselves.Why do you want to force people to live under a system that has failed and oppressed them? That would be racist.
Well that answers that question, they can be more stupid.

Why do you call people who want the right of self determination and to be free of white racism "stupid"?
Don't be a racist.
Because it's stupid to harbor an inane fantasy that African-Americans seek to 'self-segregate' thus 'justifying' your own racism.
IF that us what they want they can put together some funds and move to Nigeria, Somalia or some other African country. If they prefer to stay here they can deal with the fact that they have chosen to position themselves in a way to have little political power. They can either work to change that or deal with it. Get on the bus or get run over by iy.

You can't just deport american citizens because they have been the victims of racism their entire lives.
That would be racist.
I say give them what they have been saying they wanted for decades right here in america.
Don't you want to end white racism and oppression of black people?
If you're so sure enough people want segregation then start collecting signatures to get it onto a national ballot. But if after you get the hundred or so people willing to put their names on a legal document proposing such a thing you have to strip naked, douse yourself in tar, and march through the po' side of town shouting at the top of your lungs, "Look at the tar baby! Look at the tar baby!" :)

The scholars of race relations on this thread evidently take their inspiration from the classics.
Governments collapse if we start letting a minority of people abstain from the rules binding everyone. Can't pick and choose what you obey and what you reject just as you can't let a small number of people dictate terms to the majority. When they try you arrest them, if they try again you execute them. Since every government on the planet works this way to varying degrees, since there is no alternative it isn't opporessive. It's just the way it is.

Want segregation and can't get enough sigs or votes for it? Go in your home, close your drapes, move the goal post and say you now have segregation.
IF that us what they want they can put together some funds and move to Nigeria, Somalia or some other African country. If they prefer to stay here they can deal with the fact that they have chosen to position themselves in a way to have little political power. They can either work to change that or deal with it. Get on the bus or get run over by iy.

You can't just deport american citizens because they have been the victims of racism their entire lives.
That would be racist.
I say give them what they have been saying they wanted for decades right here in america.
Don't you want to end white racism and oppression of black people?
Does that mean they can stay and you will move to Africa?
Well that answers that question, they can be more stupid.

Why do you call people who want the right of self determination and to be free of white racism "stupid"?
Don't be a racist.
Because it's stupid to harbor an inane fantasy that African-Americans seek to 'self-segregate' thus 'justifying' your own racism.
Don't try to change the subject...
This has nothing to do with me. Listen to what blacks say they want. WHy would you want to deny people the right to be free from white racism?..Are you a racist?
Go read the OP again. I'm not going to repeat myself and run around in circles.
Don't try to change the subject...
This has nothing to do with me. Listen to what blacks say they want. WHy would you want to deny people the right to be free from white racism?..Are you a racist?
Go read the OP again. I'm not going to repeat myself and run around in circles.

Mumbles under his breath (Twenty bucks he doesn't know what a circle is.) :)
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
It's pretty much true...

When an issue ariss Black America trusts no one but Black America...
I don't know how that works with the " Content of Character" doctrine they are so proud of.


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