Black people advocate for segregation

Governments collapse if we start letting a minority of people abstain from the rules binding everyone. Can't pick and choose what you obey and what you reject just as you can't let a small number of people dictate terms to the majority. When they try you arrest them, if they try again you execute them. Since every government on the planet works this way to varying degrees, since there is no alternative it isn't opporessive. It's just the way it is.

Want segregation and can't get enough sigs or votes for it? Go in your home, close your drapes, move the goal post and say you now have segregation.

I didn't say anything about "abstaining from rules" picking or choosing, or dictating terms.. You made that up as a diversion.
Go read the op again and stop trying to be disingenuous. Listen to what they have been saying for years.White people and racism are the cause of all black problems.

Why do you want to continue racism and oppression of black people?

Political Correctness and Identity Politics have created de facto social/cultural/economic segregation.

So we're pretty much already there.



Except that we are being told:

You will pay my way and also be vicitimized by me and say nothing about it you White piece of shit or I will harm you more.

The top poster's method make it possible to eliminate that effect. Highly desirable I would say.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
It's pretty much true...

When an issue ariss Black America trusts no one but Black America...
I don't know how that works with the " Content of Character" doctrine they are so proud of.

Another scholar weighs in.

OK... show me an NAACP Shcolarship for a white person .

I already know that you can't..... but then again you don't seem to be interested in such factual realities.
Do however knock yourself out.

I didn't say anything about "abstaining from rules" picking or choosing, or dictating terms.. You made that up as a diversion.
Go read the op again and stop trying to be disingenuous. Listen to what they have been saying for years.White people and racism are the cause of all black problems.

Why do you want to continue racism and oppression of black people?

Disingenuous? Claiming a majority supports segregation isn't disingenuous? If you think you're right go get it put on a ballot somewhere. Otherwise I'm just gonna keep making fun of you and your minimind.
You can't just deport american citizens because they have been the victims of racism their entire lives.
That would be racist.
I say give them what they have been saying they wanted for decades right here in america.
Don't you want to end white racism and oppression of black people?

Who said anything about forced deportation? I'm suggesting they choose to leave if they don't want to be around white people.

America should have only one race...... AMERICAN. It's not based on skin color ethnicity or religion. It's based on loyalty to this country and to the ideals this nation was born with.

I want to end this idea that there is ANY category of people in this country other than AMERICAN. The greatest oppressor of blacks and other minorities in this country is...... THEMSELVES.
OK... show me an NAACP Shcolarship for a white person .

I already know that you can't..... but then again you don't seem to be interested in such factual realities.
Do however knock yourself out.


Good point, link for us please the KKK Scholarship fund so we can compare them. ;)
Black people advocate for segregation

And here we have an example of the fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity which contribute to racism.

..and here we have deflection and obfuscation.

white people are racist. Everyone knows that. We've heard it for decades. Blacks are tired of racism oppressing them..they've been saying so for decades, haven't you been listening?
Have you watched the Ferguson situation?
White racist cops and white racist judges and white racist prosecutors and white racist chief of police and racist white legislators are all working together to oppress them. They want all of those people replaced with blacks..They said so openly and on television. You can't deny that.

You're a closet racist who wants to continue to oppress blacks.
Don't try to change the subject...
This has nothing to do with me. Listen to what blacks say they want. WHy would you want to deny people the right to be free from white racism?..Are you a racist?
Go read the OP again. I'm not going to repeat myself and run around in circles.

Mumbles under his breath (Twenty bucks he doesn't know what a circle is.) :)
...he said as he deflects and tries to create a distraction rather than address the topic....
And better yet, your new 'white America' would be free of blacks – a racist's dream come true.

Until they notice a society composed only of their own ethnicity drives them just as nuts as a mixed one. Only now they don't have an excuse.

You don't know that...You're saying that blacks lack/don't deserve the ability to live free from the oppression of white racism?
That's racist.
Attitudes like that are why they want to be free from white people.
...he said as he deflects and tries to create a distraction rather than address the topic....

Notice you didn't explain it. It's ok if you can't, it's hard and one of those book lernin' things.

Address the aren't being clever by dodging and creating distractions..

Do you think blacks should continue to be oppressed by white racism?
I think a two state set up would be better. Blacks would get the black areas of miss, al, ga, sc, nc, va. They'd get to elect a government, president, police, constitution, and their own laws.

No white telling them what to do.
And better yet, your new 'white America' would be free of blacks – a racist's dream come true.

This isn't about me. You're trying to change the subject.

White people are racist. Everyone knows that. We've heard it for decades. Blacks are tired of racism oppressing them..they've been saying so for decades, haven't you been listening?
Have you watched the Ferguson situation?
White racist cops and white racist judges and white racist prosecutors and white racist chief of police and racist white legislators are all working together to oppress them. They want all of those people replaced with blacks..They said so openly and on television. You can't deny that.

You're a closet racist who wants to continue to oppress blacks.
Does that mean they can stay and you will move to Africa?

I'm not from Africa. My family isn't either. My family came here in the 17th century and built this country through blood, sweat, and tears.

I have no problem with AMERICANS of any race, ethnicity, or religion. I don't want a white or black or Christian society. I want an AMERICAN society. So far as I'm concerned anyone who wants anything else shouldn't be here.
Address the aren't being clever by dodging and creating distractions..

Do you think blacks should continue to be oppressed by white racism?

It's called not accepting the premise of the question.

Ask legit questions and you'll earn legit responses. Post half-baked racist nonsense that works on racist sites off those racist sites and you're gonna get screwed with your pants on.

A Rotagilla says what?
Does that mean they can stay and you will move to Africa?

I'm not from Africa. My family isn't either. My family came here in the 17th century and built this country through blood, sweat, and tears.

I have no problem with AMERICANS of any race, ethnicity, or religion. I don't want a white or black or Christian society. I want an AMERICAN society. So far as I'm concerned anyone who wants anything else shouldn't be here.

What does africa have to do with this?
Blacks want to be free from white racism. I listed the reasons they have
given in the OP.
I think they're right. Why would you want to continue to oppress black people and force them to live under rule by white racists?
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

They already have the black only (no whites allowed) Congressional "Black" caucus.
(Which is really a country drunk on "diversity" where negroes demand(!) whites be "inclusive" we have a political bloc of negroes in gvt who are paid with TAXPAYER DOLLARS (translation; white people ) but they have this group that forbids white people to participate

They WANT to be segregated from let's "help" them reach their goal.

Set aside a state or 2 and make it EXCLUSIVELY black. All black politicians, all black cops, all black judges, all black prosecutors. They can set up their own businesses and have 100% black ownership and employees.

...but...they will be forced to pay their own way entirely. No welfare, no EBT, and all of their "social" "programs" and "entitlements" will be funded exclusively by blacks.

They can tax each other or hand out entitlements to each other however they interference from us white devils.

I'd even be ok with reducing tax rates for them so they can get a foothold and get a solid foundation to build their black utopia.

They've complained for generations about "racism"in EVERYTHING and being held down.
Here's their chance to soar.

It would be a win-win for both races.
We don't have to finance their dysfunction and they don't have to live under the rule of us evil white racists.
I think that already happened but it is a nation called Liberia.
Address the aren't being clever by dodging and creating distractions..

Do you think blacks should continue to be oppressed by white racism?

It's called not accepting the premise of the question.

Ask legit questions and you'll earn legit responses. Post half-baked racist nonsense that works on racist sites off those racist sites and you're gonna get screwed with your pants on.

A Rotagilla says what?

Address the reasons they have given that I listed in the op.

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist"

Ididn't say these things. Black people have...for decades..stop trying to change the subject and make this about me.

I think they're right. I believe they should not be ruled by white racists and should be free to have their own system.
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

They already have the black only (no whites allowed) Congressional "Black" caucus.
(Which is really a country drunk on "diversity" where negroes demand(!) whites be "inclusive" we have a political bloc of negroes in gvt who are paid with TAXPAYER DOLLARS (translation; white people ) but they have this group that forbids white people to participate

They WANT to be segregated from let's "help" them reach their goal.

Set aside a state or 2 and make it EXCLUSIVELY black. All black politicians, all black cops, all black judges, all black prosecutors. They can set up their own businesses and have 100% black ownership and employees.

...but...they will be forced to pay their own way entirely. No welfare, no EBT, and all of their "social" "programs" and "entitlements" will be funded exclusively by blacks.

They can tax each other or hand out entitlements to each other however they interference from us white devils.

I'd even be ok with reducing tax rates for them so they can get a foothold and get a solid foundation to build their black utopia.

They've complained for generations about "racism"in EVERYTHING and being held down.
Here's their chance to soar.

It would be a win-win for both races.
We don't have to finance their dysfunction and they don't have to live under the rule of us evil white racists.
I think that already happened but it is a nation called Liberia.

We aren't talking about liberia. We're talking about the u.s. and what black americans say they want.

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