Black man/white man. Rights.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Black man have a gun in club. White man have a gun at town hall meeting.
Black man charged and prosecuted. White man exercising his gun rights.
Black man dies of overdose and black doctor charged with homicide.
White Woman dies of overdose and her boyfriend attorney and doctors not charged.WordPerfect 10 want to capitalize White Woman, but not black man or white man.

Michael Jackson in to blame for his death. Is doctor Murray dumb or what? If he is not a anaesthesiologist, how did he get the Propofol? How would M.J. be worth more to Dr. Murray dead than alive? Dead, Dr. Murray will not get paid anymore. Sound like accidental negligent homicide and is it a crime warranting jail time?.

Money talks and money gets things done,

If Dr. Murray is guilty of homicide by giving M.J. drugs that may have killed him. Then Nicole Smith’s boyfriend attorney and doctors that gave her drugs is guilty also. Evidence shows she was not capable of administering them herself. Why is boy attorney not in jail?

Michael Vicks spend 18 months in jail for killing dogs.Charles River Research Inc. Torture and kill dogs and monkeys and they are given government grants to do it.
Sarah Palin shoot wolves from planes for fun.
Buck Henry kills for sports and teaches other how to kill for sport and he gets a television show, get paid and they do not EAT all the birds and animals they kill. You do not have to kill for food anymore. All you have to do is go to the nearest butcher shop.
Native American do not have bison any more because they have all been killed off by sports and Native Americans are not allowed to kill them for food. Whales either. On their own land.
Sound like there are two set of laws, white law and black law.
White man and Black man take SAT test.
White man scores higher than Black man.
Black man accepted to more Universities because he is Black.
Black man screams racism and demands reparations.
actually howard k stern and 2 other doctors are going to be charged with anna nicole smith's death. but it too a while because of the evidence wasn't clear. with MJ's case the evidence is more clear. and dr Murray is responsible. he's an doctor and took an oath. doctors are not suppose to enable patient's drug addictions. they are suppose to disable them. his color has nothing to do with this case. if he was a white he'd be in big trouble too.
My brother was beaten to within an inch of his life. He cut off a group of African-Americans as they were crossing the street. They didn't take kindly to the act. You think I give a FUCK about your post.
Black man have a gun in club. White man have a gun at town hall meeting.
Black man charged and prosecuted. White man exercising his gun rights.

You mean this guy?

[ame=]YouTube - 4409 -- Brother carries AR-15 Rifle at Obamabot Rally[/ame]

Sure looks black to me and not arrested.

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