black man finds white cop not guilty


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
....this is in response to USMB member Paul Essien's saying ONLY white people justify blacks being killed by whites
he says:
'''''No. Pretty much all murders of black people by white cops are justified by white people.''''

of course he is wrong:
....a BLACK prosecutor found Darren Wilson INNOCENT..........and the prosecutor wanted SO BAD to charge him!!!!!...he hates white cops [ like a lot of blacks ] --but found him innocent
the BLACK POTUS staff found him innocent

post # 42:
I think Mr. Essien has fallen for the divide and conquer technique used by the controllers on this Earth for a very long time. To where they pit race against race. And religion against religion is another one. And whatever other label humans like to attach themselves to.

If we all can understand we are all infinite consciousness living in a human body to experience 5 senses. I think Mr. Essien would spend less time worrying about the color of people's skin. And since we are all infinite consciousness we have been a part of every skin color in previous incarnations.
I think Mr. Essien has fallen for the divide and conquer technique used by the controllers on this Earth for a very long time. To where they pit race against race. And religion against religion is another one. And whatever other label humans like to attach themselves to.

If we all can understand we are all infinite consciousness living in a human body to experience 5 senses. I think Mr. Essien would spend less time worrying about the color of people's skin. And since we are all infinite consciousness we have been a part of every skin color in previous incarnations.
..when humans obsess with something, it warps their thinking
I think Mr. Essien has fallen for the divide and conquer technique used by the controllers on this Earth for a very long time. To where they pit race against race. And religion against religion is another one. And whatever other label humans like to attach themselves to.

If we all can understand we are all infinite consciousness living in a human body to experience 5 senses. I think Mr. Essien would spend less time worrying about the color of people's skin. And since we are all infinite consciousness we have been a part of every skin color in previous incarnations.
..when humans obsess with something, it warps their thinking

And all we have to do is follow the money at look at who is funding these WOKE mobs and BLMers and MSM promoting a fear of white supremacy. Now they have the sheeple thinking their is a white supremacist in every corner. And now everything you say and do that goes against almost any agenda, You are labeled a white supremacists.

Not long ago the WOKE teachers in CA got caught online saying that it is white supremacy to want your kids to go back to school. So this really does begin in the education systems. The teachers teaching our kids are being programmed in the Universities to believe these kind of things.

....a BLACK prosecutor found Darren Wilson INNOCENT

Actually, a prosecutor doesn't determine guilt or innocence. They can only decide, on the basis of evidence gathered, if a viable case exists against the accused to go to trial.

If the prosecutor determines there isn't a sufficient case, any charges made are dropped and there is no trial.
....a BLACK prosecutor found Darren Wilson INNOCENT

Actually, a prosecutor doesn't determine guilt or innocence. They can only decide, on the basis of evidence gathered, if a viable case exists against the accused to go to trial.

If the prosecutor determines there isn't a sufficient case, any charges made are dropped and there is no trial.
Unless they are fully corrupted prosecutors who will file charges anyways for harassment which we are seeing alot of now. .
....a BLACK prosecutor found Darren Wilson INNOCENT

Actually, a prosecutor doesn't determine guilt or innocence. They can only decide, on the basis of evidence gathered, if a viable case exists against the accused to go to trial.

If the prosecutor determines there isn't a sufficient case, any charges made are dropped and there is no trial.
Unless they are fully corrupted prosecutors who will file charges anyways for harassment which we are seeing alot of now. .

Actually, a judge can award costs to a defendant if the case goes to trial with insufficient preparation.
....a BLACK prosecutor found Darren Wilson INNOCENT

Actually, a prosecutor doesn't determine guilt or innocence. They can only decide, on the basis of evidence gathered, if a viable case exists against the accused to go to trial.

If the prosecutor determines there isn't a sufficient case, any charges made are dropped and there is no trial.
Unless they are fully corrupted prosecutors who will file charges anyways for harassment which we are seeing alot of now. .

Actually, a judge can award costs to a defendant if the case goes to trial with insufficient preparation.
And prosecutors CAN be charged with prosecutorial misconduct--------but what CAN and should be happening isn't happening now leading to people like Flynn and cops who have done nothing but defend themselves being harassed in corrupt dem districts with the prosecutors and even corrupt judges having no fear of punishment for their behavior.
....this is in response to USMB member Paul Essien's saying ONLY white people justify blacks being killed by whites
he says:
'''''No. Pretty much all murders of black people by white cops are justified by white people.''''

of course he is wrong:
....a BLACK prosecutor found Darren Wilson INNOCENT..........and the prosecutor wanted SO BAD to charge him!!!!!...he hates white cops [ like a lot of blacks ] --but found him innocent
the BLACK POTUS staff found him innocent

No, he just found that it was impractical to charge him after a previous grand jury refused to press charges. see Paul, CIVILIZED societies/communities don't go around and burn/destroy/loot/mob rule
civilized societies have a court system...they think with their minds and not their emotions
Do they go into their nation`s Capitol and shit on the floor while injuring 130 cops? see Paul, CIVILIZED societies/communities don't go around and burn/destroy/loot/mob rule
civilized societies have a court system...they think with their minds and not their emotions
Do they go into their nation`s Capitol and shit on the floor while injuring 130 cops?
you are not even close ....blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate--rape TWICE the rate...etc lose that argument all the time
....this is in response to USMB member Paul Essien's saying ONLY white people justify blacks being killed by whites
he says:
'''''No. Pretty much all murders of black people by white cops are justified by white people.''''

of course he is wrong:
....a BLACK prosecutor found Darren Wilson INNOCENT..........and the prosecutor wanted SO BAD to charge him!!!!!...he hates white cops [ like a lot of blacks ] --but found him innocent
the BLACK POTUS staff found him innocent

No, he just found that it was impractical to charge him after a previous grand jury refused to press charges.
....wrong--he investigated it again---the THIRD time!!!!!!!! cause he hates whites/cops.....and couldn't find anything wrong = most of cop shootings are justified
....a BLACK prosecutor found Darren Wilson INNOCENT

Actually, a prosecutor doesn't determine guilt or innocence. They can only decide, on the basis of evidence gathered, if a viable case exists against the accused to go to trial.

If the prosecutor determines there isn't a sufficient case, any charges made are dropped and there is no trial.
bullshit ..stop nitpicking
....wrong--he investigated it again---the THIRD time!!!!!!!! cause he hates whites/cops.....and couldn't find anything wrong = most of cop shootings are justified

Again, kind of hard to charge someone when a previous grand jury acquitted him and all the witnesses had already been intimidated into silence.
total bullshit
--investigated THREE times!!!! of them by Obama's admin ....most of these shootings are justified --plain and simple
Brown ATTACKED the cop
NO--NO--it's not hard to charge ANYONE--but there has to be at least SOME evidence....there doesn't even have to be a lot!!!!!
otal bullshit
--investigated THREE times!!!!.

Blah, blah, blah...

Once the first one covered it up, there wasn't much Obama or the new guy could do.

He had the affirmative defense of double jeopardy. prove what the OP says---you people are not civilized = you don't agree with or want civilized courts/etc

..if the verdict goes your way, you agree with it...if the verdict doesn't, you act like you understand how CHILDISH/stupid/uncivil that is???!! do you???
.....NO WONDER your murder/crime/rape rate is so high!! prove what the OP says---you people are not civilized = you don't agree with or want civilized courts/etc

..if the verdict goes your way, you agree with it...if the verdict doesn't, you act like you understand how CHILDISH/stupid/uncivil that is???!! do you???
.....NO WONDER your murder/crime/rape rate is so high!!

Sorry, in a "Civilized" society, unarmed children aren't shot in the street by thug cops. prove what the OP says---you people are not civilized = you don't agree with or want civilized courts/etc

..if the verdict goes your way, you agree with it...if the verdict doesn't, you act like you understand how CHILDISH/stupid/uncivil that is???!! do you???
.....NO WONDER your murder/crime/rape rate is so high!!

Sorry, in a "Civilized" society, unarmed children aren't shot in the street by thug cops.
1. if you are talking about Rice, you are wrong..he had what appeared to be a pistol--DUH
2. you did not and cannot refute the point, that you ONLY agree with a verdict if it goes your way = childish/uncivilized/etc

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