Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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What, you mean white people shouldn't feel guilty about 400 years of murder, rape, torture and forced servitude?
Unfortunately, that does not always work. A high school friend I have kept in touch with graduated from college, and served in the Army. He never had children. During most of his adult life he worked at two jobs. He could place all his few belongings into his old car.
What was wrong with him?

Why didn't you help him, friend?
Unfortunately, that does not always work. A high school friend I have kept in touch with graduated from college, and served in the Army. He never had children. During most of his adult life he worked at two jobs. He could place all his few belongings into his old car.
Nothing always works. The discussion isn't about the one-offs

We can list dozens of multi-millionaires, billionaires who never graduated college.
Poverty exists because the vast majority of the poor do not take the three basic steps to get out of it:

1. Finish high school
2. Don’t have babies you can’t afford
3. Get taxpayer-funded vocational training or a vocational-oriented A.A. degree

It’s not rocket science.
Good list. call me crazy, but I would include"work any job you can get, until you can get a better one," and "get married" in that list.

Two people working full time, even at minimum wages and sharing expenses can get by and not be poor, whether they need some official definition of "poverty," or not. If they go a year working hard and being reliable, they can then find another, better paying job. Employers like to hire skilled people, but more important at the entry level is knowing someone will show up for work, and follow through.

Welfare provided the easy out, and far too high a percentage of blacks take it. Some scalawag gets multiple women pregnant, let's the state take care of his kids, he just creates the next generation of poverty.
Good list. call me crazy, but I would include"work any job you can get, until you can get a better one," and "get married" in that list.

Two people working full time, even at minimum wages and sharing expenses can get by and not be poor, whether they need some official definition of "poverty," or not. If they go a year working hard and being reliable, they can then find another, better paying job. Employers like to hire skilled people, but more important at the entry level is knowing someone will show up for work, and follow through.

Welfare provided the easy out, and far too high a percentage of blacks take it. Some scalawag gets multiple women pregnant, let's the state take care of his kids, he just creates the next generation of poverty.
Yes, absolutely. And if married, one doesn’t even need to have any post-high school training (in most cases). Two people working full time jobs - say, a waitress and a grocery store clerk, or a Target worker and a FedEx driver - can easily net $80,000. Even two full-time McDonalds workers where I live, paying $16 an hour, earn over $60,000 combined.

Now watch all the Democrats race in to say that $60,000 is “poor.”
No I am not. I admire Jews, respect, Judaism, love Israel, and rerget the Holocaust. I like blacks when they lack felony convictions and illegitimate children.

You are up there with those who denied Copernicus and Galileo.

I am not a white nationalist, a white supremacist, and I do not identify with the alt right.

I am a heriditarian and a race realist. We have the facts on our side. Those of your persuasion have the power.
Race Realism is the new code word for white supremacy.
No they shouldn't. No one alive today has participated in these activities against blacks. Guilt should only be felt for your OWN ACTIONS. Should I feel guilty because another white man named Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin killed millions of his own citizens?

If you were still benefiting from what they did, um, yeah.

Money doesn't help. Haven't you heard of the Kansas School Experiment?

No, I don't believe anything from the Cato institute... not sure why you do.

he problem with the idea that poverty still exists because we don't throw enough resources at it has one fatal flaw. That is that resources are limited.

Actually, we have plenty of money. The problem is that the top 20% has 87% of the wealth. Redistribute it fairly, and poverty goes away.

Before the New Deal, 70% of the population lived below the poverty line. Then we redistributed the wealth. Low and behold, poverty is only 13% now. See how that works?

Yes, theoretically money is unlimited when we have a government willing to print as much as they feel they need. But there are a finite number of teachers qualified to and willing to teach a program like head start. We are scraping the bottom of the barrel for teachers as it is, due to the hell hole that the government has turned many Public Schools into.
Actually, too long a list of everything wrong with education to go through here, where I would antagonize liberals and conservatives alike.

But the real problem is you can't just spend 9 billion on Head Start and say, "job well done."

MAGA Blacks represent those blacks who have decided to stop whining and take advantage of the opportunities offered. No shame in accepting the opportunities provided by wealthy whites. That is how all successful white people became successful.

MAGA blacks are the ones who realized there was really good money telling white people what they want to hear.
You don't see them taking their minstrel shows in front of black audiences. Instead, they get in front of crowds of white people and say, "Them other negroes sure be shiftless, boss!"
Good list. call me crazy, but I would include"work any job you can get, until you can get a better one," and "get married" in that list.

Two people working full time, even at minimum wages and sharing expenses can get by and not be poor, whether they need some official definition of "poverty," or not. If they go a year working hard and being reliable, they can then find another, better paying job. Employers like to hire skilled people, but more important at the entry level is knowing someone will show up for work, and follow through.

Welfare provided the easy out, and far too high a percentage of blacks take it. Some scalawag gets multiple women pregnant, let's the state take care of his kids, he just creates the next generation of poverty.

I agree 100%. Democrats have happily created a system where bad behavior is rewarded and good behavior is punished.

Yes, absolutely. And if married, one doesn’t even need to have any post-high school training (in most cases). Two people working full time jobs - say, a waitress and a grocery store clerk, or a Target worker and a FedEx driver - can easily net $80,000. Even two full-time McDonalds workers where I live, paying $16 an hour, earn over $60,000 combined.

Now watch all the Democrats race in to say that $60,000 is “poor.”

If you are raising a family of four kids, it is.

I make close to $95,000 a year. I live in a modest condo, drive a sensible car, and I am by no means "Rich".

I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to have to own a home, put aside money for kid's education, etc.
Good list. call me crazy, but I would include"work any job you can get, until you can get a better one," and "get married" in that list.

Two people working full time, even at minimum wages and sharing expenses can get by and not be poor, whether they need some official definition of "poverty," or not. If they go a year working hard and being reliable, they can then find another, better paying job. Employers like to hire skilled people, but more important at the entry level is knowing someone will show up for work, and follow through.

Welfare provided the easy out, and far too high a percentage of blacks take it. Some scalawag gets multiple women pregnant, let's the state take care of his kids, he just creates the next generation of poverty.
There is no one-size fits all solution to poverty and the right makes the same mistake as the left in this.

Solutions depend on locality and demographics.

In some cases, it is training people on HOW to work: show up on time, don't just not show up, how to dress. behave etc.

In some cases it is people in an area where the primary employer has left, taking with them what were once well paying skilled jobs. If there are other jobs then maybe a job retraining program of some sort is a good solution.

Other places may have no jobs. When a primary business leaves, so too do the subsidiary business. Entire towns are boarded up, crime increases, and people with homes can't sell them anywhere nesr what they paid for.

Or, the places with the most employment have a high cost of living and housing market. A minimum wage job or two won't go far.

There are multiple ways to make a dent in it if take to a community level.

The right has always opposed social safety nets, largely imo, because poverty is viewed as a moral failing or character flaw, while the accumulation of wealth is sign of God's favor.

Funny, somehow no one goes on a rant when it's white folks on welfare ( the original welfare queen was white.)
Yes, absolutely. And if married, one doesn’t even need to have any post-high school training (in most cases). Two people working full time jobs - say, a waitress and a grocery store clerk, or a Target worker and a FedEx driver - can easily net $80,000. Even two full-time McDonalds workers where I live, paying $16 an hour, earn over $60,000 combined.

Now watch all the Democrats race in to say that $60,000 is “poor.”
How far would $60,000 go?

One of my favorite MAGA people in this world!!!!!! I like her, I respect her, I admire her! She is the very best!:clap::clap::clap:

Candace Owens.

How far would $60,000 go?

We were talking about rising out of poverty, and $60,000 a year is not poverty.

You Dems have no idea what poverty is. Seems that you think that unless you can afford a really nice apartment, buy brand-new clothes at will, eat out, and own a car, you’re in poverty. That’s middle class.
There is no one-size fits all solution to poverty and the right makes the same mistake as the left in this.

Solutions depend on locality and demographics.

In some cases, it is training people on HOW to work: show up on time, don't just not show up, how to dress. behave etc.
I'm extremely old, but I don't remember going through any such training program. Actually, I guess I did, and just didn't realize it. Going to school was how I learned to show up on time, dress properly, behave correctly and do the work. Enforced by a mom who wouldn't hesitate to show me the error of my ways if I had shown up late or didn't go because I needed a mental health day.

Summer after 10th grade, I lied about my age to work a minimum wage job at Church's Fried Chicken. I had already been showing up on time and getting work for ten years for free. I sure had no trouble doing it for a fat two dollars and ten cents an hour.
In some cases it is people in an area where the primary employer has left, taking with them what were once well paying skilled jobs. If there are other jobs then maybe a job retraining program of some sort is a good solution.

Other places may have no jobs. When a primary business leaves, so too do the subsidiary business. Entire towns are boarded up, crime increases, and people with homes can't sell them anywhere nesr what they paid for.

Or, the places with the most employment have a high cost of living and housing market. A minimum wage job or two won't go far.
We can always find excuses for why people don't work. But if they were valid, no one would be working. So the thing to do is to look at those who do have jobs and those who do not and find out what they are doing differently. I see black people working hard every day. I see hard-working black people treated with respect and welcomed when they become Republican leaders as the OP finds so triggering.
There are multiple ways to make a dent in it if take to a community level.

The right has always opposed social safety nets, largely imo, because poverty is viewed as a moral failing or character flaw, while the accumulation of wealth is sign of God's favor.
I oppose safety nets for a different reason. They actually subsidize the Walmarts and the McDonald's of the country by providing cash and health care assistance so they don't have to. But . . . given that I don't believe that Walmart and McDolald's would increase wages and provide health insurance of the safety nets were gone I reluctantly support them so that the working poor can have a chance to become the working middle class.

Those who live on the TANF/SNAP/etc. lifestyle of permanent multi-generational welfare so they can play on their Obamaphones all day are a different story. The solution for them is group homes instead of cash payments, cafeteria style meals instead of EBT cards that can be traded for drugs.

Let each adult in the home be required to do four hours per day of job search, or training, plus four hours per day of cooking, cleaning, childcare while others work, yardwork and maintenance of the home. Let every child be supervised in attending school and studying two hours per day.

Funny, somehow no one goes on a rant when it's white folks on welfare ( the original welfare queen was white.)
The above rant fully applies to all people on welfare, no matter the race. It is the OP that chose to make it about race.
We were talking about rising out of poverty, and $60,000 a year is not poverty.
What is poverty is dependent on where you live.

You Dems have no idea what poverty is. Seems that you think that unless you can afford a really nice apartment, buy brand-new clothes at will, eat out, and own a car, you’re in poverty. That’s middle class.

I'm not a Dem nor do I think that is poverty. That is your own "let them eat cake" attitude talking.

Try again.
Back on the Topic of honoring black MAGA Republicans.

Wesley Hunt, who is not my congressman, but is in a nearby district (I have the eyepatch guy), is an outstanding young Republican.

He didn't become a congressman by sucking up to white Republicans, he did it by outcampaigning a field of seven white and two Hispanic Republicans and then defeating the white supremast Democrat, Duncan Klussman.


I wish I was kidding, but that's his name. "Duncan Klussman." His very name is a dog whistle, calling loud and clear to racist Dems to help him defeat Wesley Hunt. No such luck.

Here he is standing up for Americans of all races:

If you were still benefiting from what they did, um, yeah.

No, I don't believe anything from the Cato institute... not sure why you do.

Actually, we have plenty of money. The problem is that the top 20% has 87% of the wealth. Redistribute it fairly, and poverty goes away.

Before the New Deal, 70% of the population lived below the poverty line. Then we redistributed the wealth. Low and behold, poverty is only 13% now. See how that works?

Actually, too long a list of everything wrong with education to go through here, where I would antagonize liberals and conservatives alike.

But the real problem is you can't just spend 9 billion on Head Start and say, "job well done."

MAGA blacks are the ones who realized there was really good money telling white people what they want to hear.
You don't see them taking their minstrel shows in front of black audiences. Instead, they get in front of crowds of white people and say, "Them other negroes sure be shiftless, boss!"
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