Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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Democrats who find excuses for lack of success by blacks remind me of some parents of kids in special education.

These parents will find every excuse in the book for their child's bad behavior and refusal to try to learn. They will doctor shop in search of new disagnoses of disabilities on which to blame their own failure to parent. They will blame teachers and administrators for their children's problem and tell their children that it isn't their faults.

Funny thing is, I deal with many parents who do some of those things sometimes. But I can think of exactly four who did all of those things all the time until we wanted to shake them and say "do you get what kind of an adult you are creating here?" All four of those parents had two things in common: screwed up relationships and whiteness.

Just like the white Democrats who find excuses for black lack of success.
Yes, absolutely. And if married, one doesn’t even need to have any post-high school training (in most cases). Two people working full time jobs - say, a waitress and a grocery store clerk, or a Target worker and a FedEx driver - can easily net $80,000. Even two full-time McDonalds workers where I live, paying $16 an hour, earn over $60,000 combined.

Now watch all the Democrats race in to say that $60,000 is “poor.”
Which is why they do not get married. They can live together, each claim poverty and get checks from taxpayers.
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Race Realism is the new code word for white supremacy.
Professor J. Philippe Rushton is the Dean of Race Realism. This is what he wrote about that:


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective​

2nd Special Abridged Edition
by Professor J. Philippe Rushton
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

Modern science shows a three-way pattern of race differences in both physical traits and behavior. On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, less sexually active, less aggressive, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole. Whites fall in the middle, but closer to Orientals than to Blacks...

Race differences start in the womb. Blacks are born earlier and grow quicker than Whites and Orientals. The three-way race pattern occurs in milestones such as sexual maturity, family stability, crime rates, and population growth...

Race differences exist in sexual behavior. The races differ in how often they like to have sexual intercourse. This affects rates of sexually transmitted diseases. On all the counts, Orientals are the least sexually active, Blacks the most, and Whites are in between...

IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups.
Race, Evolution, and Behavior:


I have been banned from white supremacist websites for quoting Professor Rushton.

The working poor are not the salt of THIS country, at least in liberal areas. They get food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized housing, free breakfasts and lunches for their kids, and don’t contribute in a penny. They are net takers.
I never got any of that when I was one of the working poor.
I never got any of that when I was one of the working poor.
Maybe you made over the amount. I volunteer taught basic financial literacy to the working poor*, and they were all on subsidies.

*None had full-time jobs. They worked evenings delivering food, or the late shift at Walmart, or a few hours a few days a week at McDonalds.
Exactly. Maybe they deliver for Door Dash on the weekends, and then have another part-time job three evenings a week at Target.

Anyone in the DC area who is working full-time is earning $30,000 a year, minimum. They can work a few evenings a week on top of that to add another $10,000 or so for $40,000. That is not poverty. All they need to do is rent a room in a townhouse or share a 2-bedroom apartment, and they get by.

The poverty line is about $14,000 a year.
OK, about the Dems crying about the “poor” trying to get by on $60,000, I did a little calculation:

My entry-level salary when I graduated from college was $44,000 in 2023 dollars. With that, I rented my own little apartment in a mediocre building in DC, bought food, paid the premium on my major-medical insurance, and paid the Metro fare to the office. (I couldn’t afford a car the first year.)

I never considered myself in poverty. I considered myself having to live on a very tight budget (my treat was the buffet at Big Boy’s), but rather in the early steps in my career. Within five years, and because I had career training, I was earning enough to buy my starter condo.

But no way is $40,000 “poverty,” and $60,000 is lower-middle class.
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Democrats who find excuses for lack of success by blacks remind me of some parents of kids in special education.

These parents will find every excuse in the book for their child's bad behavior and refusal to try to learn. They will doctor shop in search of new disagnoses of disabilities on which to blame their own failure to parent. They will blame teachers and administrators for their children's problem and tell their children that it isn't their faults.

Funny thing is, I deal with many parents who do some of those things sometimes. But I can think of exactly four who did all of those things all the time until we wanted to shake them and say "do you get what kind of an adult you are creating here?" All four of those parents had two things in common: screwed up relationships and whiteness.

Just like the white Democrats who find excuses for black lack of success.
The frightening thing is that you are in education, much less special needs education. .

Exactly. Maybe they deliver for Door Dash on the weekends, and then have another part-time job three evenings a week at Target.

Anyone in the DC area who is working full-time is earning $30,000 a year, minimum. They can work a few evenings a week on top of that to add another $10,000 or so for $40,000. That is not poverty. All they need to do is rent a room in a townhouse or share a 2-bedroom apartment, and they get by.

The poverty line is about $14,000 a year.

Which means it's artificially low.

Why should ANYONE have to drive a Door Dash or an Uber to make ends meet? And of course, Wall Street went crazy when CA insisted that they treat their employees like employees.
If you are raising a family of four kids, it is.

I make close to $95,000 a year. I live in a modest condo, drive a sensible car, and I am by no means "Rich".

I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to have to own a home, put aside money for kid's education, etc.
You’ve chosen to live in one of the most expensive places on earth to live. That was your choice.
There is no one-size fits all solution to poverty and the right makes the same mistake as the left in this.

Solutions depend on locality and demographics.

In some cases, it is training people on HOW to work: show up on time, don't just not show up, how to dress. behave etc.

In some cases it is people in an area where the primary employer has left, taking with them what were once well paying skilled jobs. If there are other jobs then maybe a job retraining program of some sort is a good solution.

Other places may have no jobs. When a primary business leaves, so too do the subsidiary business. Entire towns are boarded up, crime increases, and people with homes can't sell them anywhere nesr what they paid for.

Or, the places with the most employment have a high cost of living and housing market. A minimum wage job or two won't go far.

There are multiple ways to make a dent in it if take to a community level.

The right has always opposed social safety nets, largely imo, because poverty is viewed as a moral failing or character flaw, while the accumulation of wealth is sign of God's favor.

Funny, somehow no one goes on a rant when it's white folks on welfare ( the original welfare queen was white.)
If you are already working for minimum wage you have nothing to lose by moving somewhere where it goes further. Low wage workers who rent housing have no serious roots and can easily move to better their circumstances.
You’ve chosen to live in one of the most expensive places on earth to live. That was your choice.

Actually, I was born here.

I'm sure I could move to Jesusland, that's practically a third world country.

Don't worry, I'm sure you're too old for me to have been your teacher.

Judging by your attitudes, lucky me.
Race Realism is the new code word for white supremacy.
Here is some more from Professor J. Philippe Rushton, the Dean of Race Realism:


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective​

2nd Special Abridged Edition
Professor J. Philippe Rushton
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

In 1275 Marco Polo arrived in China from his native Italy to open trade with the Mongol Empire. He found that the Chinese had well built roads, bridges, cities connected by canals, census takers, markets, standardized weights and measures, and not only coins, but paper money as well. Even a postal system was in existence. All of these made him marvel when he compared the Chinese to what he saw in Europe and the Middle East. Even though he was an Italian, proud of his people and well aware of the greatness of Ancient Rome, Marco Polo wrote: "Surely there is no more intelligent race on earth than the Chinese."

Historical research bears out Marco Polo's impressions. As early as 360 B.C., the Chinese used the cross bow and changed the face of warfare. Around 200-100 B.C., the Chinese used written exams to choose people for the civil service, two thousand years before Britain. The Chinese used printing about 800 A.D., some 600 years before Europe saw Gutenberg's first Bible. Paper money was used in China in 1300, but not in Europe until the 19th and 20th centuries. By 1050 Chinese chemists had made gunpowder, hand grenades, fire arrows, and rockets of oil and poison gas. By 1100, factories in China with 40,000 workers were making rockets. Flame throwers, guns, and cannons were used in China by the 13th century, about 100 years before Europe.

The Chinese used the magnetic compass as early as the 1st century. It is not found in European records until 1190. In 1422, seventy years before Columbus's three small ships crossed the Atlantic, the Chinese reached the east coast of Africa. They came in a great fleet of 65 ocean going ships filled with 27,000 soldiers and their horses, and a year's supply of grain, meat, and wine. With their gunpowder weapons, navigation, accurate maps and magnetic compasses, the Chinese could easily have gone around the tip of Africa and "discovered" Europe!

In the last five centuries, the European nations leapfrogged over the Chinese in science and technology. Since 1950, however, Japan has beaten the West in the production of many high-tech products. Other Pacific Rim countries (China, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea) now follow Japan's path.

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:


Liberals complain about conservatives banning books. They would try to fire a teacher who assigned his class to read Professor Rushton's "Race, Evolution, and Behavior."
Watch. The Dems will have another excuse for why people can’t move to where they income will go further.
Nice taunt.

I pointed out the issues with your one size fits all view.
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Here is some more from Professor J. Philippe Rushton, the Dean of Race Realism:


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective​

2nd Special Abridged Edition
Professor J. Philippe Rushton
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

In 1275 Marco Polo arrived in China from his native Italy to open trade with the Mongol Empire. He found that the Chinese had well built roads, bridges, cities connected by canals, census takers, markets, standardized weights and measures, and not only coins, but paper money as well. Even a postal system was in existence. All of these made him marvel when he compared the Chinese to what he saw in Europe and the Middle East. Even though he was an Italian, proud of his people and well aware of the greatness of Ancient Rome, Marco Polo wrote: "Surely there is no more intelligent race on earth than the Chinese."

Historical research bears out Marco Polo's impressions. As early as 360 B.C., the Chinese used the cross bow and changed the face of warfare. Around 200-100 B.C., the Chinese used written exams to choose people for the civil service, two thousand years before Britain. The Chinese used printing about 800 A.D., some 600 years before Europe saw Gutenberg's first Bible. Paper money was used in China in 1300, but not in Europe until the 19th and 20th centuries. By 1050 Chinese chemists had made gunpowder, hand grenades, fire arrows, and rockets of oil and poison gas. By 1100, factories in China with 40,000 workers were making rockets. Flame throwers, guns, and cannons were used in China by the 13th century, about 100 years before Europe.

The Chinese used the magnetic compass as early as the 1st century. It is not found in European records until 1190. In 1422, seventy years before Columbus's three small ships crossed the Atlantic, the Chinese reached the east coast of Africa. They came in a great fleet of 65 ocean going ships filled with 27,000 soldiers and their horses, and a year's supply of grain, meat, and wine. With their gunpowder weapons, navigation, accurate maps and magnetic compasses, the Chinese could easily have gone around the tip of Africa and "discovered" Europe!

In the last five centuries, the European nations leapfrogged over the Chinese in science and technology. Since 1950, however, Japan has beaten the West in the production of many high-tech products. Other Pacific Rim countries (China, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea) now follow Japan's path.

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:


Liberals complain about conservatives banning books. They would try to fire a teacher who assigned his class to read Professor Rushton's "Race, Evolution, and Behavior."
It has no redeeming literary value and it isn't science.
Here is some more from Professor J. Philippe Rushton, the Dean of Race Realism:

A couple of points.

First and foremost, while the Chinese were relatively advanced, the Mongols themselves of the Yuan Dynasty were barbarians who had conquered them, so I'm not entirely sure that you are making a good point here. Within a century of Polo's visit, the Yuan Dynasty collapsed into anarchy and was replaced by the Ming Dynasty.

Secondly, despite the advancements the Ming Dynasty made, they were replaced by the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty, another group of foreign invaders. By the 19th Century, the Qing had been humiliated by European powers, and no doubt, a "race realist" like yourself expressed that as an indication of how "inferior" the Chinese were. Look at some of the cartoons below from the 19th century, and how much they have in common with the anti-Mexican rhetoric we hear out of "race realists", "nativists", and "MAGA" today.



See, America, you've ALWAYS been like this!

In the last five centuries, the European nations leapfrogged over the Chinese in science and technology. Since 1950, however, Japan has beaten the West in the production of many high-tech products. Other Pacific Rim countries (China, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea) now follow Japan's path.

Um, okay. Except now Japan is in a demographic death spiral, as many couples choose not to have children. China is even worse shape, as attempts to curb overpopulation have backfired on them. So your "Welcome to the You are now white enough" Club might be a little premature.

Europe and East Asia are on the decline, Hispanic, middle eastern and sub-Saharan African people are on the rise. Ebb and Flow.
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