Black History Month- remembering Vincent Mystro Kelley


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
On Father's Day, 2013, Mr. Kelley was in a grocery store in the city of South Strabane, PA. A gentleman came in to the facility to rob the bank branch located within the store. Although he was not packing heat, Kelley went after the thief following him into his car. There the cowardly Honky murderer killed the innocent unarmed African American biker in cold blood.

Kelley was a standup guy, he wasn't going to let someone disrespect fathers like himself on Father's Day, unchallenged. When a black leader says "black lives matter", its empty words unless he was out in the streets protesting Kelley's return to room temperature.

Had Mr. Kelley been armed, it would have likely turned out differently, but liberal thinking has discouraged a lot of people from carrying heat.

Friends, Family Remember Man Killed During Bank Robbery
On Father's Day, 2013, Mr. Kelley was in a grocery store in the city of South Strabane, PA. A gentleman came in to the facility to rob the bank branch located within the store. Although he was not packing heat, Kelley went after the thief following him into his car. There the cowardly Honky murderer killed the innocent unarmed African American biker in cold blood.

Kelley was a standup guy, he wasn't going to let someone disrespect fathers like himself on Father's Day, unchallenged. When a black leader says "black lives matter", its empty words unless he was out in the streets protesting Kelley's return to room temperature.

Had Mr. Kelley been armed, it would have likely turned out differently, but liberal thinking has discouraged a lot of people from carrying heat.

Friends, Family Remember Man Killed During Bank Robbery
They need to change it to "KILL WHITEY" history month.
Nope.....that's all year....not just a month.
On Father's Day, 2013, Mr. Kelley was in a grocery store in the city of South Strabane, PA. A gentleman came in to the facility to rob the bank branch located within the store. Although he was not packing heat, Kelley went after the thief following him into his car. There the cowardly Honky murderer killed the innocent unarmed African American biker in cold blood.

Kelley was a standup guy, he wasn't going to let someone disrespect fathers like himself on Father's Day, unchallenged. When a black leader says "black lives matter", its empty words unless he was out in the streets protesting Kelley's return to room temperature.

Had Mr. Kelley been armed, it would have likely turned out differently, but liberal thinking has discouraged a lot of people from carrying heat.

Friends, Family Remember Man Killed During Bank Robbery
/---/ " A gentleman came in to the facility to rob the bank branch"
Great story but you have a bizarre idea of what a gentleman is.
gentleman (jĕnˈtl-mən)
A well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior.
He was a damn good man; a caring man with rare courage. It's sad when such a a man dies under any circumstances, but sadder still, when he died not naturally nor by accident but by the deliberate act of a person who can only be described only as a worthless piece of shit.

I have to add that I admire a man who rides motorcycle regardless of the weather. Years ago I rode my Suzuki 650 in the rain and even in Pennsylvania snow storms. come there is no Yellow or Brown History Month?..brown being ''southerners'' or muslims/etc
This man has been dead for almost six years. Stop abusing his corpse for retarded political points.
This man has been dead for almost six years. Stop abusing his corpse for retarded political points.

I was just wondering why Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton weren't in the streets of South Strabane demanding justice for Mr. Kelley- when they made such a big deal for questionable characters like Michael Brown, Freddie Gray and Trayvon Martin- yet not a syllable about this upstanding African American?
This man has been dead for almost six years. Stop abusing his corpse for retarded political points.

I was just wondering why Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton weren't in the streets of South Strabane demanding justice for Mr. Kelley- when they made such a big deal for questionable characters like Michael Brown, Freddie Gray and Trayvon Martin- yet not a syllable about this upstanding African American?

Please stop pretending you care. This man’s corpse is nothing more than a pawn in this gross game of political chess.
It the 8th Anniversary of Mr. Kelley's death, yet not a single riot from BLM.

Here's the story of a black man, a father, who was just standing up for what was right in the city of South Strabane PA.

And not a word from BLM or Antifa demanding justice.

Why is a devoted Father, murdered in cold blood on Father's Day, why doesn't his life matter to libs?

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