Black Flags across America

Sigh...and these are the guys who spent four years telling us what bunch of cry baby losers we were in 2016. I would much rather have a pink pussy hat demonstration than an attempted armed insurrection over losing an election.
Because you are a pussy?
I love ya brother. But if this amount of cheating can be gotten away with and ignored, then all future elections are pointless!

Every democrat will win by a half a matter what (you saw it again in the Georgia run offs).
Georgia was the closest scrutinized election in modern history. Poll watchers, lawyers, and the public looking at every aspect of the special senate election on January 5th.

And after the counting was done, nobody could find any fraud.

But inside the Bartow County, Ga., Senior Center on Tuesday, a dozen teams worked in pairs to do a hand recount of more than 43,000 votes cast in the Jan. 5 runoffs.

For Republican monitor Judy Kilgore, it helped seeing things with her own eyes, and knowing that some of her friends and neighbors she trusted were the ones doing the counting.

"I can personally hear them, I can walk around the tables, I can observe what they're doing," she said.

In this case, the audit examined the Senate election between former Republican Sen. David Perdue and Democratic Sen.-elect Jon Ossoff. Ballots were checked by pairs of election workers that audibly read off votes on the page, confirming with their partner before moving to the next one. From there, stacks of ballots are then counted in groups of 10 before each batch is entered into a tally sheet and eventually compared to the final totals.

After working for about eight hours, the final margin of error in Bartow County was less than a tenth of percent from the original results - expected, Kirk said
I love ya brother. But if this amount of cheating can be gotten away with and ignored, then all future elections are pointless!

Every democrat will win by a half a matter what (you saw it again in the Georgia run offs).
Georgia was the closest scrutinized election in modern history. Poll watchers, lawyers, and the public looking at every aspect of the special senate election on January 5th.

And after the counting was done, nobody could find any fraud.

But inside the Bartow County, Ga., Senior Center on Tuesday, a dozen teams worked in pairs to do a hand recount of more than 43,000 votes cast in the Jan. 5 runoffs.

For Republican monitor Judy Kilgore, it helped seeing things with her own eyes, and knowing that some of her friends and neighbors she trusted were the ones doing the counting.

"I can personally hear them, I can walk around the tables, I can observe what they're doing," she said.

In this case, the audit examined the Senate election between former Republican Sen. David Perdue and Democratic Sen.-elect Jon Ossoff. Ballots were checked by pairs of election workers that audibly read off votes on the page, confirming with their partner before moving to the next one. From there, stacks of ballots are then counted in groups of 10 before each batch is entered into a tally sheet and eventually compared to the final totals.

After working for about eight hours, the final margin of error in Bartow County was less than a tenth of percent from the original results - expected, Kirk said
I wonder how many of those ballots counted, were signature confirmed, and only had 1 candidate selected. Yeah, they were counted, but they werent legal...As usual...
I love ya brother. But if this amount of cheating can be gotten away with and ignored, then all future elections are pointless!

Every democrat will win by a half a matter what (you saw it again in the Georgia run offs).
Georgia was the closest scrutinized election in modern history. Poll watchers, lawyers, and the public looking at every aspect of the special senate election on January 5th.

And after the counting was done, nobody could find any fraud.

But inside the Bartow County, Ga., Senior Center on Tuesday, a dozen teams worked in pairs to do a hand recount of more than 43,000 votes cast in the Jan. 5 runoffs.

For Republican monitor Judy Kilgore, it helped seeing things with her own eyes, and knowing that some of her friends and neighbors she trusted were the ones doing the counting.

"I can personally hear them, I can walk around the tables, I can observe what they're doing," she said.

In this case, the audit examined the Senate election between former Republican Sen. David Perdue and Democratic Sen.-elect Jon Ossoff. Ballots were checked by pairs of election workers that audibly read off votes on the page, confirming with their partner before moving to the next one. From there, stacks of ballots are then counted in groups of 10 before each batch is entered into a tally sheet and eventually compared to the final totals.

After working for about eight hours, the final margin of error in Bartow County was less than a tenth of percent from the original results - expected, Kirk said
I wonder how many of those ballots counted, were signature confirmed, and only had 1 candidate selected. Yeah, they were counted, but they werent legal...As usual...

Georgia let blacks that cannot add 2+2 count the votes.


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1. Flying a black flag or the American flag upside down would only cause more violence.

2. People who feel that the election results were not completely accurate should think of other ways to deal with it.

a. If they subscribe to any Dem-supporting publication, they should reconsider their subscription.

b. If they do any business with Dem-supporting businesses, they should consider finding another business (I admit that I find Amazon too convenient to stay away from).

c. Above all, if one lives in a solidly Republican state, make sure that your election procedures are as honest as possible -- in order to prevent any hanky-panky from Dem operatives in your state.

d. Work with the Republican Party to recruit as many attractive candidates as possible, especially for Congress. Perhaps it is harder to rig Congressional elections than it is to rig the Presidential election.

The next four years are going to be very rough for many Americans.

They should remember the old saying: Don't get mad, get even.
We should all declare a month of mourning to protest this stolen election and our disgust that biden will be innaugurated.

Fly a black flag.
Boycott Amazone, FB, Twit, Gaggle, Walmarket, crabApple, and any other liberal supporting business for one month. That should get their attention. The only time you hurt them is when you hit them in the pocketbook.
It is very possible to avoid purchases from these places for an extended amount of time and not even miss them. Not just a month.
Just volunteer and do the ground work for getting out the vote for 22....

I love ya brother. But if this amount of cheating can be gotten away with and ignored, then all future elections are pointless!

Every democrat will win by a half a matter what (you saw it again in the Georgia run offs).

Criminality Beyond Anything Previously Witnessed

The criminality includes forging signatures, ballot-box stuffing, ballot harvesting, paying for voting, offering raffle prizes for voting, voting in place of the deceased, doctoring ballots, voting twice, not delivering opposition ballots, destroying opposition ballots, backdating ballots, re-running ballots through counting machines, restricting access of poll observers, and even assaulting and threatening observers.

Also, advising voters at the voting booth, ‘finding’ stacks of ballots hours and days later, feigning water main breaks to clear out voting precincts and then manipulate counting machines, delivering truckloads of computer-generated ballots, employing software susceptible to vote-switching, and untold numbers other illegal and un-democratic schemes.

Georgia was the closest scrutinized election in modern history. Poll watchers, lawyers, and the public looking at every aspect of the special senate election on January 5th.

And after the counting was done, nobody could find any fraud.

They kept recounting fraudulent ballots and when the judge FINALLY gave the OK to inspect the ballots...they started shredding them (it's illegal for ballots to be destroyed for 22 months).

That is called destruction of evidence.

Lets have a recount in GA NOW just to see how many ballots they have left.

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