Black Ferguson Group Creates Hit List Map Targeting White Family Residences And Businesses

This far RW government in Missouri is going to have blood on its hands.
For what purpose?

that's how stupid jakie is. The Governor is frikken, DEMOCRAT
Hell, to tell you the truth, I had no idea, until you posted this.

Truly? I guess I'll have to Google it, for grins and giggles.

If true, that's just tooooooo frickkin' funny...

Once the shooting starts it will be open season on negroes.
They have been warned repeatedly about attacking innocent Whites. On the subways. In the schools. In fast food takeouts. In private homes.
They are a 'Special Needs' race and can not comprehend simple things like "leave my fucking lawnmower alone!".
The fucking lid will blow off when the first innocent White family is targeted. That you can take to your local food bank.
Of course the governor is Democrat. And that is why I am at the far right goons and thugs here trying to pour gasoline on a smoldering fire. You folks want a riot and have been fanning it with your racism.

One, I believe, based on what has been released, that Wilson should be non billed.

Two, I believe that Brown assaulted Wilson with his arms raised while yelling, "you won't shoot me." If I had been Wilson in that situation, I would have shot Brown fifteen times in the face.

Three, ALL AMERICANS have the moral right to non-violently protest.

Four, the governor has an obligation to not let the demonstrations get violent. Shoot looters, shoot those who assault others or the police.

Now that what I believe is put into perspective and I made you guys out yourselves, you far right reactionary haters need to act like Americans.
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Once the shooting starts it will be open season on negroes.
They have been warned repeatedly about attacking innocent Whites. On the subways. In the schools. In fast food takeouts. In private homes.
They are a 'Special Needs' race and can not comprehend simple things like "leave my fucking lawnmower alone!".
The fucking lid will blow off when the first innocent White family is targeted. That you can take to your local food bank.

The day will come, you will violate the law and be caught, and you will incarcerated with your peers.
It will be very interesting to see who Obama sides with if the shit hits the fan in Ferguson.
There is no doubt Obama will have to show his true colors on this one.
Of course the governor is Democrat. And that is why I am at the far right goons and thugs here trying to pour gasoline on a smoldering fire. You folks want a riot and have been fanning it with your racism.

One, I believe, based on what has been released, that Wilson should be non billed.

Two, I believe that Brown assaulted Wilson with his arms raised while yelling, "you won't shoot me." If I had been Wilson in that situation, I would have shot Brown fifteen times in the face.

Three, ALL AMERICANS have the moral right to non-violently protest.

Four, the governor has an obligation to not let the demonstrations get violent. Shoot looters, shoot those who assault others or the police.

Now that what I believe is put into perspective and I made you guys out yourselves, you far right reactionary haters need to act like Americans.
Do you not see the culpability of the Liberal wing of the Media in all of this?

They have been fanning the flames for weeks by drawing inappropriate levels of attention to the matter, have they not?
Kondor, I see the culpability of the media, the lefties, and the righties in this, yes.

It is many sided, not just one sided.

The LEO will crack heads right, left, and center as necessary.
Once the shooting starts it will be open season on negroes.
They have been warned repeatedly about attacking innocent Whites. On the subways. In the schools. In fast food takeouts. In private homes.
They are a 'Special Needs' race and can not comprehend simple things like "leave my fucking lawnmower alone!".
The fucking lid will blow off when the first innocent White family is targeted. That you can take to your local food bank.

The day will come, you will violate the law and be caught, and you will incarcerated with your peers.
There is no law to "violate" which says I can not defend myself and or my family by any means if I am convinced that our lives are in danger.
If a bunch of Tree Dwellers storms my property and attempts to break in they will be met with lethal force.
I hope to are intelligent enough to understand such a simple concept.
Kondor, I see the culpability of the media, the lefties, and the righties in this, yes.

It is many sided, not just one sided.

The LEO will crack heads right, left, and center as necessary.
Well, I must confess, that I am glad to see you acknowledging that the responsibility for fanning the flames can be rightfully assigned to elements across the entire political spectrum, and that it is not limited to one side or the other, and some of your earlier posting here might otherwise lead one to believe.

Well said, and thank you.

( this in no way impairs our mutual rights to throw bricks at substance here - merely indicative of a bit of common ground that most folks can probably buy into )
So? you send your children to University for this?


St. Louis University Sends Out #Ferguson Protest Tips to Student Body
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 7:15 AM

The Ferguson protesters have looted over 100 businesses in the St. Louis area.

The protests and rioting have cost local taxpayers over $5.7 million so far.
Last week St. Louis University sent out this list of tips to students who wish to join the violent protests.

The College Fix reported:
Saint Louis University officials recently sent students tips on how best to protest if they choose to take part in possible unrest as a result of the Ferguson grand jury decision, expected in the next week or so.
An administrator at the private college – a 20 minute drive from Ferguson – urged students to “travel in groups” if they protest in an email that also linked to several protest primers with tips on what to do if tear gassed or arrested, among other advice.
“We understand that a group of protest organizers are working hard to ensure that planned demonstrations are civil and non-violent,” Dr. Kent Porterfield, vice president for student development, said in the email sent to students Nov.12. “But we also recognize, despite their best efforts, they may not be able to control the few who wish to cause trouble.”

ALL of it here:
St. Louis University Sends Out Ferguson Protest Tips to Student Body The Gateway Pundit
Once the shooting starts it will be open season on negroes.
They have been warned repeatedly about attacking innocent Whites. On the subways. In the schools. In fast food takeouts. In private homes.
They are a 'Special Needs' race and can not comprehend simple things like "leave my fucking lawnmower alone!".
The fucking lid will blow off when the first innocent White family is targeted. That you can take to your local food bank.

The day will come, you will violate the law and be caught, and you will incarcerated with your peers.
There is no law to "violate" which says I can not defend myself and or my family by any means if I am convinced that our lives are in danger.
If a bunch of Tree Dwellers storms my property and attempts to break in they will be met with lethal force.
I hope to are intelligent enough to understand such a simple concept.

I agree with that, which is exactly what happened to a group of white storm troopers about 38 years ago.

Defend your property by all means, Danny, but if you go out looking to terrorize and torture, what you do will be visited on you

Stay home behind your castle walls.
And how amazing the FBI went out and gave them the targets they should be hitting.

Electrical grids, nuke plants, our water supplies, stadiums filled with people, etc etc

there's something VERY WRONG here

FBI: #Ferguson Decision ‘Will Likely’ Lead to Violence – Electrical & Water Treatment Plants Targeted
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, November 17, 2014, 7:12 PM

The FBI is warning law enforcement agencies across the country of pending violence following the Ferguson grand jury decision. Electrical and water treatment facilities could be targeted.
ABC News reported:
As the nation waits to hear whether a Missouri police officer will face charges for killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., the FBI is warning law enforcement agencies across the country that the decision “will likely” lead some extremist protesters to threaten and even attack police officers or federal agents.
Peaceful protesters could be caught in the middle, and electrical facilities or water treatment plants could also become targets. In addition, so-called “hacktivists” like the group “Anonymous” could try to launch cyber-attacks against authorities.
“The announcement of the grand jury’s decision … will likely be exploited by some individuals to justify threats and attacks against law enforcement and critical infrastructure,” the FBI says in an intelligence bulletin issued in recent days. “This also poses a threat to those civilians engaged in lawful or otherwise constitutionally protected activities.”

ALL of it here:
FBI Ferguson Decision 8216 Will Likely 8217 Lead to Violence 8211 Electrical Water Treatment Plants Targeted The Gateway Pundit

watch out steph they are going to get you in your trailer park!!
Once the shooting starts it will be open season on negroes.
They have been warned repeatedly about attacking innocent Whites. On the subways. In the schools. In fast food takeouts. In private homes.
They are a 'Special Needs' race and can not comprehend simple things like "leave my fucking lawnmower alone!".
The fucking lid will blow off when the first innocent White family is targeted. That you can take to your local food bank.

The day will come, you will violate the law and be caught, and you will incarcerated with your peers.
There is no law to "violate" which says I can not defend myself and or my family by any means if I am convinced that our lives are in danger.
If a bunch of Tree Dwellers storms my property and attempts to break in they will be met with lethal force.
I hope to are intelligent enough to understand such a simple concept.

I agree with that, which is exactly what happened to a group of white storm troopers about 38 years ago.

Defend your property by all means, Danny, but if you go out looking to terrorize and torture, what you do will be visited on you

Stay home behind your castle walls.
You will never find a single word from me on this forum or anywhere else, saying I would ever go out looking for any trouble from anyone.
All I have ever stated is if trouble comes looking for me it will always find me at home more than prepared.
Fucking leave me and my family and my fucking lawnmower ALONE and everything will be just peachy.
According to the protesters they want to create fear among white people, which is textbook terrorism. They intend to target hospitals, including a children's hospital. Are they intended to out do Saddam Hussein when he killed babies in incubators when he invaded Kuwait?
According to the protesters they want to create fear among white people, which is textbook terrorism. They intend to target hospitals, including a children's hospital. Are they intended to out do Saddam Hussein when he killed babies in incubators when he invaded Kuwait?

Where's a link to your fairy tale...what group of protesters said they wanted to create fear among whites????...stop making shit up.
So once again, shitshooters has posted a lie and the stench of shit has drawn the racists like flies.

No White family has been targeted or terrorized. The family is saying that the interactive map MISTAKENLY lists their home as a site for protests.

So, can anyone point to any reputable news source that lists a statement from White people saying that they have been targeted??

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