Black fathers: shattering stereotypes.

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I got the number from memory but confirmed it here after you asked

Show shows births to unmarried mothers, it doesn’t really give information on how involved the fathers are.
Activist and #Blexit founder Candace Owens declares, “The biggest issue facing black America is father absence.”

Former NAACP president Kweisi Mfume, when asked if white racism or the absence of fathers posed a greater threat to black Americans, replied without hesitation, “The absence of black fathers.”

Given the devastation fatherlessness visits on black children, you would think racial justice activists would sound the alarm. Yet Black Lives Matter openly seeks to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family,” the only institution that, through marriage, binds children to their fathers.

The BLM core statement of belief mentions black mothers, black families, black parents, and even black trans women. Yet nowhere does it mention black fathers, even though when black fathers have access to their children, they prove to be more involved parents than their white and Hispanic counterparts.
Today, black children face an overwhelming injustice, being denied en masse the benefits of growing up in a married home. Only 17 percent of black kids make it to their high school graduation living exclusively with their married mother and father. That means 83 percent of black youth are suffering the loss of a parent or the instability of split homes. That’s an emotional starvation rate an order of magnitude greater than any other racial group.

Racism is not primarily responsible for the dissolution of the black family. Leftist policies are. Renowned economist Thomas Sowell explains, “The black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and discrimination, began rapidly disintegrating in the liberal welfare state that subsidized unwed pregnancy and changed welfare from an emergency rescue to a way of life.” This way of life has kept many black children stuck in cycles of generational poverty.
But because family breakdown, not racism, is overwhelmingly responsible for high rates of child poverty, the solution is found in marriage. The success sequence — 1) get at least a high school degree, 2) get a full-time job, and 3) get married before having any children — lifts 91 percent of youth out of poverty. Marriage is our greatest anti-poverty weapon.
Regardless of their race, children who grow up without dads, especially boys, are more likely to commit violent crime. Fathers teach children different lessons than mothers do. One of those vital lessons is teaching children to police themselves through rough-and-tumble play, straight talk, and a disciplinary style inclined toward getting kids to take responsibility for their actions.
Fathers provide their sons a role model of what a strong and self-controlled man looks like, and for daughters they model what a father and husband should be. When a father fails, or is flat-out absent, a young man is more likely to encounter his first enforced boundaries at the hands of police. Prisons could be renamed “centers for dad-deprived boys,” and black boys are dad-deprived more than any other demographic.

Academically, black students, 65 percent of whom are being raised by single parents, struggle most in school. White students, 24 percent of whom live in single-parent homes, tend to inhabit the middle ground. Asian students, 15 percent of whom have single parents, generally occupy the top-achieving academic strata. The correlation between kids in single-parent homes and academic struggles is glaringly obvious, but it seldom factors into discussions aimed at helping black students succeed.

What happens when fathers, regardless of race, marry the mothers of their children? They raise successful students. A meta-analysis of 30 studies found student success has infinitely more to do with family than with race. The researchers concluded, “The family elements that were most strongly associated with a reduction in the achievement gap were coming from a two-biological-parent family and high levels of parental involvement.”

Even more interesting, when the study factored in the religious faith of an intact family, “The achievement gap totally disappeared” (emphasis added). When their emotional needs are met in the home of their married mother and father, black students are just as capable of academic success as kids from any other racial group.

Possibly most of the studies that provide this information might be a few years old. Maybe there is something of a renaissance lately of black fathers becoming more involved with their kids. Maybe the problem was overstated in the past, and even today. And maybe not, these days it's hard to know what to believe because the person who authored the study may have been biased one way or another. I'm pretty sure it's one helluva challenge, probably moreso for a black father. But I'm also pretty sure the reward for being a good dad is unmatched by any worldly riches. So - Happy Fathers Day to everyone regardless of your race, religion, or whatever.
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Single moms have boyfriends, and they cohabitate.

And that is a trend...more families are cohabitating unmarried. It is a statistic that says only one thing: the mother and father are not married.

The assumption is, father is uninvolved.

But it doesn’t say that, could cohabitating, could be divorced but not involved, could living elsewhere but still involved, vpcould be in prison but still involved. Could be a single father.

Pew has a much more in depth analysis
let’s not forget, that, due to the system of incarceration, men are not only separated from their families but often even prevented from staying in the homes with their families if the housing is federally provided.


They aren't deadbeat, absent fathers, they're currently or formerly incarcerated.
Glad we can stop slandering them.

I will point out one thing, I've heard it said that in some cases the fathers actually do live with their baby-mommas, but keep a different address so that she can get more welfare bennies. I happen to know some people who do that. They have all the family structure you need, just no paperwork, and even if he gets his wages garnished by the state, she gets more from the state in support than they would if it was an "intact family" on record.

BTW... that's how you see people with EBT cards filling up brand new $40K SUV's full of groceries. A friend of mine worked in a grocery store, and she would lament how she could watch a 300 pound illegal alien welfare queen on a scooter swipe an EBT card, then she would have to help her load carts full of junk food into vehicles she couldn't afford herself.

Naturally when the government rewards a certain behavior or subsidizes poverty, you end up with more of it.

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family structure is a subject for REAL sociologists. There is no question that
single motherhood is more prevalent amongst
black african-american women than most other ethnic-american groups. Unknown paternity is also more prevalent. Sociologists who invented a subject called "black studies" in the 1960s decided that the reason for the "differences" in social characteristics between black african-americans and persons of no color or "other-color" lands ENTIRELY on the impact of american slavery (as does hypertension and sickle cell anemia. Susceptibility to
illness caused by the corona virus has been added to that list.) I believe that there are other factors which are ACTUALLY CULTURAL.
In order to understand the phenomenon----the situation should be traced from ORIGIN of the
culture----all the way back to africa.
Sometimes stereotypes are so pervasive, you never think to question them, this is one.

A dad posted joyful photos of black fathers to shatter stereotypes. It became a movement.

Sean Williams’s life changed four years ago at his local grocery store in Long Island.

Williams, a 37-year-old black man and father of three, was running errands with his youngest daughter when a white woman approached him.

She wanted to commend him for “sticking around,” he said.

This wasn’t the first time Williams received this type of comment. In his predominantly white neighborhood, the stay-at-home dad recalled getting frequent praise from neighbors, who applauded him for being an involved black father.

Williams knew why people were congratulating him: They were perpetuating the racist and pervasive myth of the “missing black father,” which purports that black fathers are too often absent from their children’s lives.

“I spoke with my friends who are all active black dads and asked them if they had similar experiences,” Williams said. “The answer was yes.”

After the grocery store incident, Williams made it his mission to shatter a stereotype that he knew was baseless.

Data from the National Center for Health Statistics shows that the majority of black fathers do, in fact, live with their children. The same study also showed that black fathers are more likely to feed, bathe, diaper, dress and play with their children on a daily basis than their white and Hispanic counterparts.

Williams aimed to debunk the misconception of black fatherhood by creating an initiative called The Dad Gang.

He began by posting photos of him and his kids, now ages 15, 4 and 3, on social media. Then he started posting photos of other black fathers he knew.

It started as an Instagram page, with the goal of focusing exclusively on positive stories, images and videos of active black dads,” Williams said. “I wanted to showcase the reality of black fatherhood and rewrite the narrative.”

Over the past year, The Dad Gang grew from merely a digital platform to a sprawling community of fathers across the country.

Last June, Williams organized a “Strollin’ with the Homies” event in New York City, where more than 100 dads came together with their kids for a group walk.

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Cool. This reminded me of Dad's Home 2. I love seeing men step up!
There will be zero shortages of those that hate black people trying to emphasize how bad they are to keep the stigmas going.

And then there are the high volumes of people who hype up the level of “hatred” of Blacks. Booker T. Washington warned US about people like this.
And you believe that lie?

70% of black children are born to unmarried black women
Show shows births to unmarried mothers, it doesn’t really give information on how involved the fathers are.
Most of my students are unmarried but most have kids and for most, the dad of at least some of the kids is living in the home. (My students are all white, if that matters)
Most of my students are unmarried but most have kids and for most, the dad of at least some of the kids is living in the home. (My students are all white, if that matters)

black american is an ethnic group (in fact
so defined by black american sociologists)
"white" is not an ethnic group in the USA.
I couldn’t tell what you meant, that clarifies it.
Do you disagree? Numbers don't lie.

Think about it, Jews are less than 3% of the population yet we run the financial, entertainment and sports industries. How do you explain that? Asians make make the most in terms $$$.
And then there are the high volumes of people who hype up the level of “hatred” of Blacks. Booker T. Washington warned US about people like this.

another topic-----what people are "hatred of
Blacks" hypers ?
Show shows births to unmarried mothers, it doesn’t really give information on how involved the fathers are.
Its a known fact, unlike a study that claims unwed black fathers are still in the home scamming the welfare system
You're spitting in the wind. In most cases actually, it's better that the fathers aren't involved given what they are. Mind you, the mothers are little better.

father-mother-kids is not the ONLY FAMILY UNIT known thruout the world. People tend
to do (in child-rearing and family unit) what
their great grandparents did

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