Black cyclists are 4.5 times more likely to be killed than white cyclists

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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
From the "women, minorities, and children hit hardest" files.

More Black Cyclists Die Because of Racial Divide​

Why don’t more people of color ride bikes? There is no singular reason; however, safety is often cited as a primary concern. In communities of color with a high concentration of low to middle-income residents, the lack of cycling infrastructure elements, such as bike trails, bike lanes, or even shoulders, make cycling unsafe and impractical.

Thread needs more effort. Why is this an important discussion for the forum to have? Violates clean start rule. Lacks content.

Titles and Opening Posts:
  • Titles must be free of INFLAMMATORY words, name calling, and "pet names".
  • Content in opening posts must be 3 sentences or more and must contain the opinion of the member starting the thread. "Get a load of this" is not sufficient topical content. Summarize the topic to be discussed and why you think it needs discussion.
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