DHS opens wider door for illegal immigrants to schedule their arrivals


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Step right up, everybody, step right up! Make your appointments now for illegal entry into the USA! Step right up.

Insanity, thy name is Biden administration.

Homeland Security announced late Friday that it is expanding the daily number of slots for unauthorized migrants to schedule appointments to come into the U.S. to 1,450 a day.

That’s 200 more slots per day.

The slots are scheduled through a smartphone app, CBP One, which the Biden administration is billing as a “lawful pathway” for migrants who don’t have a legal visa to enter the country to be able to apply for entry anyway, taking advantage of the administration’s catch-and-release policies to gain a foothold in the U.S.

Biden officials say that giving migrants a chance to enter through official border crossings keeps them from jumping the border between the ports of entry, and reduces the load on the Border Patrol.

Customs and Border Protection described the app as offering “a safe, orderly and humane” process.

But critics say those who come are still in the U.S. without lawful status, so the overall number of illegal immigrants isn’t reduced.

The CBP One arrivals are in addition to tens of thousands of other unauthorized migrants who are showing up at airports deep inside the U.S. under another Homeland Security program that offers a “parole” to Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans, Nicaraguans and Ukrainians who likewise schedule their entries.

In May, the last month for which there is data, the Border Patrol reported 170,284 arrests, down from 184,306 the month before. But overall unauthorized entries, including those at airports and legal land crossings, remained about even.

I'm thinking about denouncing my natural-born citizenship; leaving the country; then sneaking back in illegally. All that free stuff; home loans; life in hotels; and a generally higher status in life. When's that old bitch running the White House going to croak on a chicken bone?
Step right up, everybody, step right up! Make your appointments now for illegal entry into the USA! Step right up.

Insanity, thy name is Biden administration.

Homeland Security announced late Friday that it is expanding the daily number of slots for unauthorized migrants to schedule appointments to come into the U.S. to 1,450 a day.
That’s 200 more slots per day.
The slots are scheduled through a smartphone app, CBP One, which the Biden administration is billing as a “lawful pathway” for migrants who don’t have a legal visa to enter the country to be able to apply for entry anyway, taking advantage of the administration’s catch-and-release policies to gain a foothold in the U.S.
Biden officials say that giving migrants a chance to enter through official border crossings keeps them from jumping the border between the ports of entry, and reduces the load on the Border Patrol.
Customs and Border Protection described the app as offering “a safe, orderly and humane” process.
But critics say those who come are still in the U.S. without lawful status, so the overall number of illegal immigrants isn’t reduced.
The CBP One arrivals are in addition to tens of thousands of other unauthorized migrants who are showing up at airports deep inside the U.S. under another Homeland Security program that offers a “parole” to Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans, Nicaraguans and Ukrainians who likewise schedule their entries.
In May, the last month for which there is data, the Border Patrol reported 170,284 arrests, down from 184,306 the month before. But overall unauthorized entries, including those at airports and legal land crossings, remained about even.

Jeebus. Fucking leftard morons. That's like giving free crack pipes to the crackheads so they won't show up in the hospital as much.

Liberal logic in action.
Step right up, everybody, step right up! Make your appointments now for illegal entry into the USA! Step right up.

Insanity, thy name is Biden administration.

Homeland Security announced late Friday that it is expanding the daily number of slots for unauthorized migrants to schedule appointments to come into the U.S. to 1,450 a day.
That’s 200 more slots per day.
The slots are scheduled through a smartphone app, CBP One, which the Biden administration is billing as a “lawful pathway” for migrants who don’t have a legal visa to enter the country to be able to apply for entry anyway, taking advantage of the administration’s catch-and-release policies to gain a foothold in the U.S.
Biden officials say that giving migrants a chance to enter through official border crossings keeps them from jumping the border between the ports of entry, and reduces the load on the Border Patrol.
Customs and Border Protection described the app as offering “a safe, orderly and humane” process.
But critics say those who come are still in the U.S. without lawful status, so the overall number of illegal immigrants isn’t reduced.
The CBP One arrivals are in addition to tens of thousands of other unauthorized migrants who are showing up at airports deep inside the U.S. under another Homeland Security program that offers a “parole” to Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans, Nicaraguans and Ukrainians who likewise schedule their entries.
In May, the last month for which there is data, the Border Patrol reported 170,284 arrests, down from 184,306 the month before. But overall unauthorized entries, including those at airports and legal land crossings, remained about even.

You forgot to mention this:

I'm thinking about denouncing my natural-born citizenship; leaving the country; then sneaking back in illegally. All that free stuff; home loans; life in hotels; and a generally higher status in life. When's that old bitch running the White House going to croak on a chicken bone?
You're crazy if you think illegals are living more extravagantly than normal hard working Americans.
1500×365~=550,000. If each has 3 other family that is only 2Mil per yr.

Estimates are 10-16 million have entered under this obiden takeover. If they are all in a backlog......it will take years to get them fully installed? How do they work? Silly question i suppose. If you don’t work how do you live?
The bottom line is, there's nothing good about Biden's border policy. In fact, it is the single worst thing any President ever did against this country.
Not the worst, but certainly not good.
Step right up, everybody, step right up! Make your appointments now for illegal entry into the USA! Step right up.

Insanity, thy name is Biden administration.

Homeland Security announced late Friday that it is expanding the daily number of slots for unauthorized migrants to schedule appointments to come into the U.S. to 1,450 a day.
That’s 200 more slots per day.
The slots are scheduled through a smartphone app, CBP One, which the Biden administration is billing as a “lawful pathway” for migrants who don’t have a legal visa to enter the country to be able to apply for entry anyway, taking advantage of the administration’s catch-and-release policies to gain a foothold in the U.S.
Biden officials say that giving migrants a chance to enter through official border crossings keeps them from jumping the border between the ports of entry, and reduces the load on the Border Patrol.
Customs and Border Protection described the app as offering “a safe, orderly and humane” process.
But critics say those who come are still in the U.S. without lawful status, so the overall number of illegal immigrants isn’t reduced.
The CBP One arrivals are in addition to tens of thousands of other unauthorized migrants who are showing up at airports deep inside the U.S. under another Homeland Security program that offers a “parole” to Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans, Nicaraguans and Ukrainians who likewise schedule their entries.
In May, the last month for which there is data, the Border Patrol reported 170,284 arrests, down from 184,306 the month before. But overall unauthorized entries, including those at airports and legal land crossings, remained about even.

But Democrats aren't for open borders! Now all you have to do is sign up to come into the country illegally.

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