Black conservatives not welcome @ annual naacp convention

Was she supposed to hug them? They had a booth there, obviously, so how exactly were they not welcomed? No one bared the doors against them now did they Chicken Little.

The "closed-mind" is one who can't see that yelling at someone because you believe them to be wrong isn't the same thing as "intolerance".
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Was she supposed to hug them? They had a booth there, obviously, so how exactly were they not welcomed? No one bared the doors against them now did they Chicken Little...

it's called fauixrage. if someone doesn't buy her BS, then they are meanies and she's being victimized.

I think she gets paid by the hour for that.
Did that slug actually make any valid point, whatsoever? I'm genuinely interested to know, as all she seemed interested in was drowning out the other two with vague, racially-charged nonsense. Plenty of shame tactics thrown in, too.
Was she supposed to hug them? They had a booth there, obviously, so how exactly were they not welcomed? No one bared the doors against them now did they Chicken Little...

it's called fauixrage. if someone doesn't buy her BS, then they are meanies and she's being victimized.

I think she gets paid by the hour for that.

It's called perpetual martyrism.
Was she supposed to hug them? They had a booth there, obviously, so how exactly were they not welcomed? No one bared the doors against them now did they Chicken Little...

it's called fauixrage. if someone doesn't buy her BS, then they are meanies and she's being victimized.

I think she gets paid by the hour for that.

Which "she" are you talking about?

Are migratory bird killers welcomed at Sierra club conventions? Poor example I guess. The Sierra club is silent about the administration granting a 30 year extension for windmill farms to kill eagles. Political affiliation trumps single issues and the NAACP as well as the Sierra club have become the political arm of the democrat party and and you bet your ass(ets) that outsiders are not welcome.
It's because they're racists. NAACP won't tolerate racists :lmao:
Well, if any of you remember how they treated Deneen Borelli in 2012, then you'll know this isn't anything new. The NAACP is more a of a clique than an organization to promote the rights or the advancements of 'colored' people.
NAACP is short for National Association for Advancement of Colored People.

First of all, why do these hypocrites still have the word "COLORED" in their name??

If anyone referred to the President as "COLORED" that person would be condemned as racist, yet these bunch of hypocrites get away with their hypocrisy, scot free.

Second: Is a black person who has a conservative mindset not a "COLORED" person?

Third: Is the advancement of "COLORED" people the exclusive purview of Democrats? Are there no Republican "COLORED" people who might have intentions to advance "COLORED" people? Do all conservative "COLORED" people strive to keep the "COLORED" people from advancing?

Fourth: How has the NAACP has succeeded, so far, advancing "COLORED" people?

Fifth: Is the NAACP in support of shakedown artist so-called Reverend Jesse Jackson? Or the promoter of racial hatred and unrepentant Tawna Browley apologist so-called Reverend Al Sharpton?

Sixth: Is the NAACP supporting the so called Reverend whose name no one should remember, who referred to a duly elected United States Senator as a ventriloquist dummy?

Finally: Why is still there an NAACP with a "COLORED" President in the White House?
Not at all. I would venture to say that if a group of Liberals went into a highly-charged Republican convention or organization and tried to sway them to go over to the Democratic side they too would more than likely be kicked out. That was the whole premise here and I agree with the lady NAACP rep who was talking to those two people who told them they were not welcome. And again, there can be no doubt that if the tables were turned around, a Liberal would not be welcomed at a Conservative function to try to sway their members into going to their side. End of story.
Considering it was founded by white Republicans who opposed lynchings and racist tactics of the Democrat Party, it is a sad day. Even its anthem they sing today was written by a Black Republican, James Weldon Johnson, whom started working with the NAACP, in 1917, being its first Black executive secretary-known as their operating officer.
LOL! Really? A story about one persons opinion?

How low do you have to go to find something to be upset about? No tweets today? LOL
Considering it was founded by white Republicans who opposed lynchings and racist tactics of the Democrat Party, it is a sad day. Even its anthem they sing today was written by a Black Republican, James Weldon Johnson, whom started working with the NAACP, in 1917, being its first Black executive secretary-known as their operating officer.

And just look at how far the Republicans have fallen. Now they embrace the racist tactics. Shame.
NAACP is short for National Association for Advancement of Colored People.

First of all, why do these hypocrites still have the word "COLORED" in their name??

If anyone referred to the President as "COLORED" that person would be condemned as racist, yet these bunch of hypocrites get away with their hypocrisy, scot free.

Second: Is a black person who has a conservative mindset not a "COLORED" person?

Third: Is the advancement of "COLORED" people the exclusive purview of Democrats? Are there no Republican "COLORED" people who might have intentions to advance "COLORED" people? Do all conservative "COLORED" people strive to keep the "COLORED" people from advancing?

Fourth: How has the NAACP has succeeded, so far, advancing "COLORED" people?

Fifth: Is the NAACP in support of shakedown artist so-called Reverend Jesse Jackson? Or the promoter of racial hatred and unrepentant Tawna Browley apologist so-called Reverend Al Sharpton?

Sixth: Is the NAACP supporting the so called Reverend whose name no one should remember, who referred to a duly elected United States Senator as a ventriloquist dummy?

Finally: Why is still there an NAACP with a "COLORED" President in the White House?

Why do you think the NAACP should go away?

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