Bishop who lies


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2017
I believe being honest with others is much easier than being honest with yourself. It takes bronze. You have to check your feelings and bias' at the door. Personally I've yet to meet a "liberal" that was intellectually honest.

That bishop, she lesbian? Looks a woke hire to me. Anyway, I heard her on California liberal radio tonight. You know, speak quietly and maturely radio, shots of wake, TDS and such. Sometimes I listen to see what's on the proposed narration. The bishop says her only intention for writing her speech was unity. She probably figures she's a hero.

Some LGBT feel like death is upon them, because of Trump. Have mercy she says. If any do, then you know why. It’s woke family or friends, and their lib TV penetration. The Bishop herself is great example.

She also says she's not left, because, "I have grandchildren".
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She played victim made it appear as though trump supporters in maga hats were showing up at the door step when the opposite is true. they're coming for your children, to cut off their genitals, their breasts, and other mutilations which she supports. Amazing she would have children and yet not know the meaning of family cuz she wants all this without parental involvement
that woke community? Yeah well, sex outside marriage isn’t an issue if you aren’t religious. It’s natural.
LOL, well in a way your right cuz I don't recognize this woman has a bishop or minister cuz she's a woman and that's against Biblical theology
But the woman we're talking about professes to be religious. If she is going to invoke Christ name then she better follow the teachings of her source
LOL, well in a way your right cuz I don't recognize this woman has a bishop or minister cuz she's a woman and that's against Biblical theology
But the woman we're talking about professes to be religious. If she is going to invoke Christ name then she better follow the teachings of her source
There is nothing religious about her.. total creep alert! 😀

Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans 1:26–27​

Saint Paul writing his Epistles
For this reason [viz. idolatry], God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error.

This so called "bishop" should read the Bible.
Yes, the last thing a Christian should ask for, or show, is mercy. And be sure to attack anyone who even brings it up.

Just another world religion that has been perverted.

How weak was American Christianity's foundation that a person like this could make it sell its soul like this?
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Yes, the last thing a Christian should ask for, or show, is mercy. And be sure to attack anyone who even brings it up.

Just another world religion that has been perverted.

How weak was American Christianity's foundation that a person like this could make it sell its soul like this?
In American foundation people were tough. Something like this does not live with and grovel with those who need mercy. She has her comforts. We have enlarged our government massively and with private donations also to be compassionate. It is never enough because it cannot be enough. The richest nation in the world still cannot be all for all. So, then we hurt others trying to do so with the costs.

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