Bishop who lies

In American foundation people were tough. Something like this does not live with and grovel with those who need mercy. She has her comforts. We have enlarged our government massively and with private donations also to be compassionate. It is never enough because it cannot be enough. The richest nation in the world still cannot be all for all. So, then we hurt others trying to do so with the costs.
So you can be merciful, but only if it's in your best interest.

American Christianity, 2025. It has "Trump" written all over it. What a shame.
The demented LEFT live and die by NARRATIVES.
Wokey Bishop says the lgtbq freaks are scared and feel threatened.
Threatened by WHAT? Orange Man BAD, and those who voted for him.
Doesn't have to be real, just STATED.
Fuck that BS, and to HELL with this FAKE "Bishop" shit stirring disrespectful ASSHOLE.
They've swapped out Gods.

Spare us. Politics have been the de facto religion of Democrats for many years.

In this case, it is possible for Christians to disagree with other Christians, even about then tenants of Christianity. In this case, this was just an activist using her position to make a political statement. Nothing more.
I believe being honest with others is much easier than being honest with yourself. It takes bronze. You have to check your feelings and bias' at the door. Personally I've yet to meet a "liberal" that was intellectually honest.

That bishop, she lesbian? Looks a woke hire to me. Anyway, I heard her on California liberal radio tonight. You know, speak quietly and maturely radio, shots of wake, TDS and such. Sometimes I listen to see what's on the proposed narration. The bishop says her only intention for writing her speech was unity. She probably figures she's a hero.

Some LGBT feel like death is upon them, because of Trump. Have mercy she says. If any do, then you know why. It’s woke family or friends, and their lib TV penetration. The Bishop herself is great example.

She also says she's not left, because, "I have grandchildren".

She is not a lesbian, to my surprise! Married for decades, and I think she has kids too
Only be merciful to those who agree with you politically.

American Christianity. Holy crap. No pun intended.

American Christianity shouldn't be aiding in the facilitation of an illegal invasion across our borders, which is one of the reasons the voters dumped you liberal shitheads.
American Christianity shouldn't be aiding in the facilitation of an illegal invasion across our borders, which is one of the reasons the voters dumped you liberal shitheads.
Leviticus 19:33-34
Deuteronomy 10:19
I believe being honest with others is much easier than being honest with yourself. It takes bronze. You have to check your feelings and bias' at the door. Personally I've yet to meet a "liberal" that was intellectually honest.

That bishop, she lesbian? Looks a woke hire to me. Anyway, I heard her on California liberal radio tonight. You know, speak quietly and maturely radio, shots of wake, TDS and such. Sometimes I listen to see what's on the proposed narration. The bishop says her only intention for writing her speech was unity. She probably figures she's a hero.

Some LGBT feel like death is upon them, because of Trump. Have mercy she says. If any do, then you know why. It’s woke family or friends, and their lib TV penetration. The Bishop herself is great example.

She also says she's not left, because, "I have grandchildren".
Woke hire, that's what Jesus was too.
I believe being honest with others is much easier than being honest with yourself. It takes bronze. You have to check your feelings and bias' at the door. Personally I've yet to meet a "liberal" that was intellectually honest.

That bishop, she lesbian? Looks a woke hire to me. Anyway, I heard her on California liberal radio tonight. You know, speak quietly and maturely radio, shots of wake, TDS and such. Sometimes I listen to see what's on the proposed narration. The bishop says her only intention for writing her speech was unity. She probably figures she's a hero.

Some LGBT feel like death is upon them, because of Trump. Have mercy she says. If any do, then you know why. It’s woke family or friends, and their lib TV penetration. The Bishop herself is great example.

She also says she's not left, because, "I have grandchildren".
Trans is a scam and the people pushing it are evil.

Budde = demon preacher

She is pro slave labor.

Who will clean democrat toilets and work the late shift for slave wages under the table if Trump deports the slaves?

Democrats mad because they are losing their slaves and access to children.
I believe being honest with others is much easier than being honest with yourself. It takes bronze. You have to check your feelings and bias' at the door. Personally I've yet to meet a "liberal" that was intellectually honest.

That bishop, she lesbian? Looks a woke hire to me. Anyway, I heard her on California liberal radio tonight. You know, speak quietly and maturely radio, shots of wake, TDS and such. Sometimes I listen to see what's on the proposed narration. The bishop says her only intention for writing her speech was unity. She probably figures she's a hero.

Some LGBT feel like death is upon them, because of Trump. Have mercy she says. If any do, then you know why. It’s woke family or friends, and their lib TV penetration. The Bishop herself is great example.

She also says she's not left, because, "I have grandchildren".
After having the audacity to call on trump to be humane during a nationally televised event, assassination of her character by trumples was inevitable.
After having the audacity to call on trump to be humane during a nationally televised event, assassination of her character by trumples was inevitable.
You can put lipstick on a pig. Decorate it all you like liberal, you are dishonest as well.

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