Zone1 Bishop rebukes trump at national prayer breakfast

Confronting him with christianity was an aggressive move. Particularly as a day earlier he claimed that God saved him in order to institute his reign of cruelty.

Only an avsolute charlatan wouldd invoke God to cover his ungogly actions.

But the word of God is less powerful than the word of Trump in america these days.

Christians have left the building and faux christians have taken over.
This is a leftwinger espousing views that are not Christian
Tommy, as much as it want it to be otherwise, gay sex acts are immoral and always will be. The president is right to acknowledge the truth that there are but two sexes. It's just natural law. No leftwing "bishop" can make her own rules.
Many never use them for the purpose you note.
I'm noting the purpose of the organ, not what people choose. People are not born to make that choice, any more than people are born to choose any immoral act. Think about any act that is not intrinsically right. The first time of committing any such act is the hardest. The second time is easier...then so easy it becomes a habit. Then, that habit becomes a necessity.
I'm noting the purpose of the organ, not what people choose. People are not born to make that choice, any more than people are born to choose any immoral act. Think about any act that is not intrinsically right. The first time of committing any such act is the hardest. The second time is easier...then so easy it becomes a habit. Then, that habit becomes a necessity.

I'm thinking many would tell you that their actions were never hard.
Not in the US. Here, there are "only two genders, male and female”
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Confronting him with christianity was an aggressive move. Particularly as a day earlier he claimed that God saved him in order to institute his reign of cruelty.

Only an avsolute charlatan wouldd invoke God to cover his ungogly actions.

But the word of God is less powerful than the word of Trump in america these days.

Christians have left the building and faux christians have taken over.
That so-called bishop is of Satan the Devil. The sinful deeds of Satan are what she encourages.

Funny. Mercy comes into play when a person has the power of punishing someone. Very few have the wish, let alone the power, to punish anyone over sexual matters, so 'mercy' isn't even applicable here. Perhaps if there were a a beatitude that teaches, Blessed are those who coddle... ?

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