Zone1 Birth Control is a bad thing

Start with banning abortions on demand. As far as reasons for birth control, there has been birth control methods since ancient Egypt. There has been over the past 70 years and yet the world population grew a lot until recently. Now, the population control mafia are using global warming-climate change as their method of reducing populations. People are having babies later in life which reduces pregnancies. People see the crazy left making crime a good thing so people have less desire to have babies. There's a lot to cover and change before we can just say "Have more babies." I fear that the world will have to collapse into wars including internal wars in the U.S. and other countries before that will happen. Reality is, it's more likely that Jesus will return and the Millennium will begin. After the wicked are wiped off the earth, there will be a thousand years of no death, just births, before Satan is loosed for a season before the final battle of Gog and Magog.
The more babies humans have the more global warming is going to likely kill us all. It's all these bayby humans who become adult humans who are destroying the planet. Thanks to Greta Thunberg for her actions to save us from ourselves..
More and more humans on the planet. Not exactly good for the environment and animal habitats. We're supposed to be "stewards" of our animals, not their elimination and destruction of the great forests.
Reality is, it's more likely that Jesus will return and the Millennium will begin. After the wicked are wiped off the earth, there will be a thousand years of no death, just births, before Satan is loosed for a season before the final battle of Gog and Magog.
Do not assume that your chosen Reality is real to others. Before your Cult Religion comments you made some reasonable points worthy of general discussion , imho .But to then reduce your submission to a Cult Rant is unnecessary , even if you personally feel very strongly about matters that others class as delusional .
Do not assume that your chosen Reality is real to others. Before your Cult Religion comments you made some reasonable points worthy of general discussion , imho .But to then reduce your submission to a Cult Rant is unnecessary , even if you personally feel very strongly about matters that others class as delusional .
We all live in the same reality. We therefore bump into each other. To go to name calling is a sign of weakness in your argument. To assume you know everything means you know nothing because you are at the end of your intelligence. You are now god of your ideology. That’s why science is never settled. Here scientists thought the age of the universe was settled at 13.4 billion years. The other day it was reported that it is actually 26.7 billion years old. Is it settled? The cultist of science have an ideology that they are the only ones right. Then, they are wrong.

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