Bill Mahrer on Rosengate


Leftwingers keep telling me that none of them agree with Rosen, that her words were misunderstood or meaningless.

Then I keep seeing things that OTHER leftwingers say that not only support what she said, but AMPLIFY it.

Too funny.


What did Maher say that was wrong? Please dont respond with the equivalent of grabbing your peal necklace and screaming "Oh Dear!"

Ann Romney has never had to get out and be a part of the workforce. That statement is true and no one not even Ann Romney has denied it. So, what is the problem?

You deny her value and efforts to support the family.
There is nothing Maher can say anymore to surprise or shock. If people consider him funny, well so be it. I am glad we don't have HBO, because it would have been a waste of money (and time)...:lol:
You gotta love Jay Carney saying that he knows at least 3 Hillary Rosen's and he's not sure which one visited the White House regularly so he can't comment. Dodge...divert...and disinform...the keys to being a successful press secretary in the Obama Administration!
Absolutely no problem whatsoever. I think this is great fun. You may want to address your question to the lefties who have thrown Rosen under the bus.

Disagreeing is throwing her under the bus?

Did Rosen lose her CNN gig? No. She hasn't lost a thing. So how has she been thrown under any buses?

[ame=]Wolf Blitzer To Hilary Rosen: Democrats Are "Throwing You Under The Bus," Huh? - YouTube[/ame]

Hilary Rosen Thrown Under The Bus For Pointing Out The Truth–That Ann Romney Never Worked A Day In Her Life [Video] | Axiom Amnesia

Obama Responds To Hilary Rosen Comments: 'There's No Tougher Job Than Being A Mom'

But I know you'll deny this, and all the other news items on this. Please see my sig, below.

Wolf Blitzer is an idiot. That's what you are leading with? :lol:
Hilary Rosen is a democratic strategist activing working on obama's reelecton campaign and for the DNC to formulate reelection strategy. She has been a frequent visitor to the white house for strategy sessions with the president. It's a little late to say she's a private citizen. She hasn't been fired either.

Another lie from USMB's biggest liar.
The more the media dwells on this Rosen person, the more attention she gets. She's like a 2 year old with a temper tantrum -- they want attention, give them none and it takes the wind out of their sail real fast. Who gives a shit what Rosen thinks anyway?

Obama told us to judge him by the associations he keeps. She is one of them.
And what, in your feeble mind, do you think is bad about Hilary Rosen?
There is nothing Maher can say anymore to surprise or shock. If people consider him funny, well so be it. I am glad we don't have HBO, because it would have been a waste of money (and time)...:lol:
Because there is nothing else worthwhile on HBO. Ever!

Holy shit - another one!

Leave it to the dingy rw's to make a mountain out of a cherry-picked, partial phrase uttered by a CNN REPORTER.

This stupidity is only one of many reasons I don't watch fux. For Pete's sake people, stop spreading such idiotic lies.
The more the media dwells on this Rosen person, the more attention she gets. She's like a 2 year old with a temper tantrum -- they want attention, give them none and it takes the wind out of their sail real fast. Who gives a shit what Rosen thinks anyway?

Obama told us to judge him by the associations he keeps. She is one of them.
And what, in your feeble mind, do you think is bad about Hilary Rosen?

Ah...her obvious attitude that stay at home moms are somehow inferior to women that are out in the workforce?

Leave it to the dingy rw's to make a mountain out of a cherry-picked, partial phrase uttered by a CNN REPORTER.

This stupidity is only one of many reasons I don't watch fux. For Pete's sake people, stop spreading such idiotic lies.

How was Rosen's statement "cherry picked", Luddly...she not only uttered it...she then proceeded to defend it rather vehemently until the entire subject blew up in her face at which time she went into full "damage control" mode and denied that she meant anything bad by it.

What I find most amusing is that liberals LIKE Rosen jumped all over Mitt Romney on several occaisions...REALLY taking things he said out of context to give them a different meaning...but then you come here and complain that it's being done TO Rosen? That's priceless.
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Leftwingers keep telling me that none of them agree with Rosen, that her words were misunderstood or meaningless.
Then I keep seeing things that OTHER leftwingers say that not only support what she said, but AMPLIFY it.
Too funny.
What did Maher say that was wrong? Please dont respond with the equivalent of grabbing your peal necklace and screaming "Oh Dear!"
Ann Romney has never had to get out and be a part of the workforce. That statement is true and no one not even Ann Romney has denied it. So, what is the problem?

You deny her value and efforts to support the family.

You deny reality


Leftwingers keep telling me that none of them agree with Rosen, that her words were misunderstood or meaningless.

Then I keep seeing things that OTHER leftwingers say that not only support what she said, but AMPLIFY it.

Too funny.


Yup......Maher just backed up what many on the right have been saying about the left's views on women.

Leave it to the dingy rw's to make a mountain out of a cherry-picked, partial phrase uttered by a CNN REPORTER.

This stupidity is only one of many reasons I don't watch fux. For Pete's sake people, stop spreading such idiotic lies.

Hilary Rosen Vs Ann Romney - YouTube

This is Hilary Rosen talking, NOT a "CNN Reporter." And it's "mountain out of a molehill" - and your use of the word "cherry picking" is quite trite now. use your thesaurus and come up with another term. Take your time.

Leave it to the dingy rw's to make a mountain out of a cherry-picked, partial phrase uttered by a CNN REPORTER.

This stupidity is only one of many reasons I don't watch fux. For Pete's sake people, stop spreading such idiotic lies.

Hilary Rosen Vs Ann Romney - YouTube

This is Hilary Rosen talking, NOT a "CNN Reporter." And it's "mountain out of a molehill" - and your use of the word "cherry picking" is quite trite now. use your thesaurus and come up with another term. Take your time.
You do realize that's not Hillary Clinton, don't you?
And what, in your feeble mind, do you think is bad about Hilary Rosen?

Ah...her obvious attitude that stay at home moms are somehow inferior to women that are out in the workforce?

Except she didn't say or imply that. Compared to your attitude that under age boys are sexy I think she's doing fine.

Come on, know as well as I do that Rosen views stay at home moms as inferior to women that are in the workforce. You'd have to be blind not to see that attitude come boiling out during the CNN broadcast. She's doing the best that she can to mitigate the damage...and it hurt them, trust me...but that doesn't change her personal viewpoint which she made only too clear both during that show and subsequently after that show when she was questioned about it. Rosen calling herself a stay at home mom I found especially amusing...she had a female partner with which she adopted two kids and then broke up with three years later. Nice try, Hilary!
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