Bill Gates says "climate tech" will produce 8 to 10 Teslas, a Google, an Amazon and a Microsoft

"Not only do these batteries require large amounts of raw materials, including lithium, nickel and cobalt – mining for which has climate, environmental and human rights impacts – they also threaten to leave a mountain of electronic waste as they reach the end of their lives"

The Congo uses children slave labor to go into the small crevasses to retrieve Cobalt from the mines...many have died so libs could feel good about themselves for saving the planet....which EV's do not do....if anything they cause more environmental damage than petroleum....
Gates probably has inside information that the Biden administration plans to tax Ford and Chevy nearly to death while leaving Tesla alone. At any rate Ford makes about a quarter of a million vehicles per year but Gates promises 8 to 10 Teslas? What's the point?
this treasonist, queer gates, needs to be hung.....
ITS wife left because ITS gay

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