Bill Gates: Business's need to stay closed for 6 to 10 weeks!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Bill Gates said the US missed its chance to avoid a coronavirus shutdown and recommended businesses stay closed for 6 to 10 weeks

  • Bill Gates said the US missed its chance to contain COVID-19 without mandatory shutdowns, according to CNBC.
  • "We did not act fast enough to have an ability to avoid the shutdown," Gates said during a Ted Connects virtual event Tuesday.
  • While admitting the "disastrous" economic impact, according to CNBC, Gates reiterated his previous suggestion that the shutdown should last six to 10 weeks.
  • Gates also called on the US to improve its testing capacity and strategy.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
America has missed its chance to contain the coronavirus without mandatory shutdowns, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said in an interview Tuesday, according to CNBC.

"The US is past this opportunity to control (COVID-19) without shutdown," Gates said during a virtual TED Connects event, CNBC reported. "We did not act fast enough to have an ability to avoid the shutdown," Gates added.

The US has become the third-worst-hit country in the world, with nearly 600 deaths and nearly 50,000 confirmed cases reported across all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and at least three US territories.

Those numbers, however, are likely to climb as the US continues to ramp up its testing efforts — which have been woefully behind those of other countries.

"In terms of testing, we're still not creating that capacity and applying it to people in need," Gates said, according to CNBC, reaffirming earlier comments Gates made about testing in the US not being organized enough.

More state and local governments have begun telling residents to remain in their homes in recent weeks, with one in three Americans now under "stay at home" orders. But Gates said the time to take such measures was back in January, according to CNBC.

Gates also said that, despite a potentially "disastrous" impact on the economy, the shutdowns should last for six to 10 weeks, CNBC reported. That timeline echoes Gates' previous comments about the steps other countries should take to contain the virus.

On Monday, President Trump went on a Twitter spree urging the US economy to go back to business as usual within 15 days, despite most public health experts — including Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the top officials on the Trump administration's coronavirus task force — advising against lifting the containment measures to reopen the economy, predicting that the outbreak could last for several months.

Bill Gates said the US missed its chance to avoid a coronavirus shutdown and recommended businesses stay closed for 6 to 10 weeks

  • Bill Gates said the US missed its chance to contain COVID-19 without mandatory shutdowns, according to CNBC.
  • "We did not act fast enough to have an ability to avoid the shutdown," Gates said during a Ted Connects virtual event Tuesday.
  • While admitting the "disastrous" economic impact, according to CNBC, Gates reiterated his previous suggestion that the shutdown should last six to 10 weeks.
  • Gates also called on the US to improve its testing capacity and strategy.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
America has missed its chance to contain the coronavirus without mandatory shutdowns, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said in an interview Tuesday, according to CNBC.

"The US is past this opportunity to control (COVID-19) without shutdown," Gates said during a virtual TED Connects event, CNBC reported. "We did not act fast enough to have an ability to avoid the shutdown," Gates added.

The US has become the third-worst-hit country in the world, with nearly 600 deaths and nearly 50,000 confirmed cases reported across all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and at least three US territories.

Those numbers, however, are likely to climb as the US continues to ramp up its testing efforts — which have been woefully behind those of other countries.

"In terms of testing, we're still not creating that capacity and applying it to people in need," Gates said, according to CNBC, reaffirming earlier comments Gates made about testing in the US not being organized enough.

More state and local governments have begun telling residents to remain in their homes in recent weeks, with one in three Americans now under "stay at home" orders. But Gates said the time to take such measures was back in January, according to CNBC.

Gates also said that, despite a potentially "disastrous" impact on the economy, the shutdowns should last for six to 10 weeks, CNBC reported. That timeline echoes Gates' previous comments about the steps other countries should take to contain the virus.

On Monday, President Trump went on a Twitter spree urging the US economy to go back to business as usual within 15 days, despite most public health experts — including Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the top officials on the Trump administration's coronavirus task force — advising against lifting the containment measures to reopen the economy, predicting that the outbreak could last for several months.

Okay why are you all over these boards starting thread after panicked thread about this? What are you terrified about? Do you have some kind of condition that makes you vulnerable or do you see the crashing of the economy as Leftism's Great Chance?
Bill is free to shut down his own business as long as he likes ...

... when it comes to mine ... he can respectfully STFU.

I can't wait til the Constitutional challenges on this make their way up the chain. Should be interesting.
There you have it, Bill Gates, a real Billionaire unlike Trump, understands the SCIENCE and understands Trump failed in January which has produced a mess where we need to be shut down for an extended period of time.

You and Denizen can keep the trolling TDS threads and links coming out for all the good it will do you.
Trump doesn't have anyone opposing him in November, and his polls are at their highest, if polls even matter.
Why doesn't Gates step into the political ring like Mikey if he's so smart?
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There you have it, Bill Gates, a real Billionaire unlike Trump, understands the SCIENCE and understands Trump failed in January which has produced a mess where we need to be shut down for an extended period of time.

You and Denizen can keep the trolling TDS threads and links coming out for all the good it will do you.
Trump doesn't have anyone opposing him in November, and his polls are at their highest, if polls even matters.
Why doesn't Gates step into the political ring like Mikey if he's so smart?

Because running for office would mean actually doing something. Even if it is ultimately something stupid.
My biz won't exist if i sit on my a** for a month

Nor will most my peers

Owners don't get to stand in the Unemp line, crumbs from the Gub'Mit won't keep us afloat, SBA loans are a predatory joke, and the taxman is still beating on our doors

and quite frankly i'm tired of public officials (all of whom get a free pass) telling the private sector (none of which do) to lockdown

maybe if we had actual leaders who were in our shoes, they'd understand

My biz won't exist if i sit on my a** for a month

Nor will most my peers

Owners don't get to stand in the Unemp line, crumbs from the Gub'Mit won't keep us afloat, SBA loans are a predatory joke, and the taxman is still beating on our doors

and quite frankly i'm tired of public officials (all of whom get a free pass) telling the private sector (none of which do) to lockdown

maybe if we had actual leaders who were in our shoes, they'd understand

Requesting, suggesting, and begging folks is one thing. Mandating, beyond any constitutional authority, is something else indeed.
WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THIS! It is one thing to have intelligent people rule the world from behind the scenes, but these filthy scumbags cannot even speak English and they actually savor their anti-Western accents!

Folks in October 2019 Bill Gates, the dude that ripped off Apple's idea for an operating system, and these other weirdos did a fucking dress rehearsal for this bullshit!

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My biz won't exist if i sit on my a** for a month

Nor will most my peers

Owners don't get to stand in the Unemp line, crumbs from the Gub'Mit won't keep us afloat, SBA loans are a predatory joke, and the taxman is still beating on our doors

and quite frankly i'm tired of public officials (all of whom get a free pass) telling the private sector (none of which do) to lockdown

maybe if we had actual leaders who were in our shoes, they'd understand

Requesting, suggesting, and begging folks is one thing. Mandating, beyond any constitutional authority, is something else indeed.

and that is the crux of the issue JW !

WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THIS! It is one thing to have intelligent people rule the world from behind the scenes, but these filthy scumbags cannot even speak English and they actually savor their anti-Western accents!

Folks in October 2019 these weirdos did a fucking dress rehearsal for this bullshit!

the emergency services have always held drills for disasters Snouter

in fact some are required annually by the feds

My biz won't exist if i sit on my a** for a month

Nor will most my peers

Owners don't get to stand in the Unemp line, crumbs from the Gub'Mit won't keep us afloat, SBA loans are a predatory joke, and the taxman is still beating on our doors

and quite frankly i'm tired of public officials (all of whom get a free pass) telling the private sector (none of which do) to lockdown

maybe if we had actual leaders who were in our shoes, they'd understand

I may be wrong, but this might be the first time that you seem to agree with Trump on something?!
Welcome aboard! If only for a few weeks...
sparky, based on just that video, they are not emergency services, they are emergency creators! Those POS's talk about shutting down the internet to protect their fake news narratives!
My biz won't exist if i sit on my a** for a month

Nor will most my peers

Owners don't get to stand in the Unemp line, crumbs from the Gub'Mit won't keep us afloat, SBA loans are a predatory joke, and the taxman is still beating on our doors

and quite frankly i'm tired of public officials (all of whom get a free pass) telling the private sector (none of which do) to lockdown

maybe if we had actual leaders who were in our shoes, they'd understand

I may be wrong, but this might be the first time that you seem to agree with Trump on something?!
Welcome aboard! If only for a few weeks...
well i do have some experience in pandemics kyzr, was even exposed a number of times, and i mean to the point where the receiving hospital told the crew 'you're not leaving'

sparky, based on just that video, they are not emergency services, they are emergency creators! Those POS's talk about shutting down the internet to protect their fake news narratives!
Then perhaps you're right, in that they've alternative motives Snouter

I noted how they all hail from prominent org's , basically elitist mouthpieces

Al of whom have assumed the lions share of American wealth and prosperity , at our expense and distance from it

So you see, i don't listen to much of what they say anymore

You want to really know the skinny? Go talk to the people in the trenches in the middle of all this

My biz won't exist if i sit on my a** for a month

Nor will most my peers

Owners don't get to stand in the Unemp line, crumbs from the Gub'Mit won't keep us afloat, SBA loans are a predatory joke, and the taxman is still beating on our doors

and quite frankly i'm tired of public officials (all of whom get a free pass) telling the private sector (none of which do) to lockdown

maybe if we had actual leaders who were in our shoes, they'd understand

I may be wrong, but this might be the first time that you seem to agree with Trump on something?!
Welcome aboard! If only for a few weeks...
well i do have some experience in pandemics kyzr, was even exposed a number of times, and i mean to the point where the receiving hospital told the crew 'you're not leaving'


Just noticed your location, had any glimpses of Elysium?
Stay safe!
There you have it, Bill Gates, a real Billionaire unlike Trump, understands the SCIENCE and understands Trump failed in January which has produced a mess where we need to be shut down for an extended period of time.
So the "computer expert" that constantly puts out updates for his operating system that crash your computer is practicing medicine now???

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