Bill Cosby Granted Appeal Of Rape Conviction


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Philadelphia — In a stunning decision that could test the legal framework of #MeToo cases, Pennsylvania’s highest court will review the trial decision to let five other accusers testify at Bill Cosby’s sexual assault trial in 2018, which ended with the longtime TV star’s conviction."

The 2 main aspects of the appeal is the Supreme Court agreeing to review the testimony of other accusers from long-ago encounters, which his legal team objected to -- and also the court will review Cosby's agreement with previous prosecutors who basically granted him immunity from later prosecution if he agreed to testify in a civil suit.

Hopefully this guy loses his appeal and serves the rest of his life in prison, but if he wins it and gets his conviction overturned -- that may be the final straw for these black lives matter thugs and Antifa -- because they are basically trying to argue that raped white women don't matter when its a black thug who did it..
The fact is that these women got in his car for a 3 hour drive to the middle of nowhere; what did they think was going to happen?
Here's the thing. Legally this should have never been prosecuted in the first place because statute of limitations issues.

I dont think there's a statute of limitations when it comes to rape.
There isn't on homicides. 7 years on everything else.

That would depend on the state.
You're right in that if it's just rape there are limitations.
If it involves a child there are no limitations in a lot of states.
so it begins, how soon will OJ claim racism, they thing they might as well strike while the iron is hot.
Bill Cosby appeal: Camille Cosby breaks silence, says racism at root of husband's incarceration FireWHAT? Racism is the excuse when you do criminal acts and get caught?

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