A Call for Kristallnacht Against Christians


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A Call for Kristallnacht Against Christians
Murals and stained glass windows of Jesus are a “gross form of white supremacy” and “should all come down,” says non-black leftist Shaun King.

24 Jun 2020 ~~ By Lloyd Billingsley
“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form of white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.”
That was a June 22 tweet from Shaun King, and the “far-left activist,” wasn’t done.
“Yes I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,” King tweeted. “In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Demark. Tear them down.”
The casual reader might wonder about this man Shaun King, so eager for a Christian Kristallnacht. As Fox News noted, King was “a surrogate for Sen. Bernie Sanders,” and introduced the Vermont socialist at a rally for his presidential bid. Bernie Sanders is big fan of Denmark, so King’s anti-Jesus tweets may be a form of socialist distancing. For their part, other groups on the left have been distancing themselves from Shaun King.
“King was once a leading voice in the Black Lives Matter movement,” according to Fox News, “but fell from grace when his race was questioned and he was accused of being a Caucasian falsely portraying himself as black.” In the 2015 “The Shaun King Controversy Explained,” German Lopez delved into the back story.
Shaun King had “been told” that his actual father was a light-skinned black man. Lopez found that official sources in Kentucky listed the father as Jeffery Wayne King, like his mother “also white.” A family member also told CNN that King’s parents were both white, but King claimed he didn’t lie about using his race to obtain an Oprah Scholarship to historically black Morehouse College.
Lopez claims that race “may not be biologically real,” but it’s clear that Shaun King, 40, is a genuine fake. Aside from the racial issue, the former “senior justice writer” for the New York Daily News has been criticized as self-promoter, narcissist and incompetent activist. King’s anti-Jesus hatred is likely an effort to recover credibility with Black Lives Matter. On the other hand, it recalls a central reality of the left.
Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries have always hated Christianity because it elevates truth and offers a moral authority beyond politics. In America, black leftist radicals continued the tradition. As University of Pennsylvania professor Thomas J. Sugrue notes, black-power radicals derided the Rev. Martin Luther King, a Christian minister, as “de Lawd” and branded him as “hopelessly bourgeois, a detriment rather than a positive force in the black freedom struggle.”
“The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) planned to attack the Statue of Liberty in New York City with pressure cooker bombs,” Newsweek reported in January of 2018, “the Statue of Liberty has a very weak point in its lower back,” noted Munther Omar Saleh, 21, “if I can get a few pressure cooker bombs to hit the weak point, I think it will fall face down.” The FBI busted Saleh and fellow bomber Fareed Mumuni, 22, who were aided by Australian jihadi Neil Prakash and an English supporter of ISIS.

First we had a Senator claiming she is partially native America indian, now the leader of the Black Lies Matter scam is WHITE! Like the phony Marxist "Civil Rights Worker" Rachel Anne Dolezal, Shaun King aka Talcum X, also makes the claim that he's a black person. Both have been proven to be liars...
Why do we allow our taxpayer dollars go to public school and college educational systems to inculcate and underwrite this sort of brainwashing? Time to cut off all federal funding! If there is a cry for Defunding a Program there it is....These people are the poster children for it.
King's remarks about Jesus being dark skinned is also false..."White Jesus," yeah. Has it occurred to him that Semitics are Caucasian?
Never mind, too much conscious thought to expect. Historically, the Mediterranean rim has been Caucasian for the most part. But we can't expect Shaun to know any real history. And a black man couldn't blend into that unless he posed as a subsaharan slave.
Hmm..., I wonder if King's head would explode when he realizes that the Arabs were (are) the world's foremost slave trading group since the cult was created by a thief... It's really ironic that Afro-American blacks convert to Islam and take on faux Arab names, thereby honoring slave masters. That is the epitome of the Stockholm Syndrome.
A Call for Kristallnacht Against Christians
Murals and stained glass windows of Jesus are a “gross form of white supremacy” and “should all come down,” says non-black leftist Shaun King.

24 Jun 2020 ~~ By Lloyd Billingsley
“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form of white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.”
That was a June 22 tweet from Shaun King, and the “far-left activist,” wasn’t done.
“Yes I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,” King tweeted. “In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Demark. Tear them down.”
The casual reader might wonder about this man Shaun King, so eager for a Christian Kristallnacht. As Fox News noted, King was “a surrogate for Sen. Bernie Sanders,” and introduced the Vermont socialist at a rally for his presidential bid. Bernie Sanders is big fan of Denmark, so King’s anti-Jesus tweets may be a form of socialist distancing. For their part, other groups on the left have been distancing themselves from Shaun King.
“King was once a leading voice in the Black Lives Matter movement,” according to Fox News, “but fell from grace when his race was questioned and he was accused of being a Caucasian falsely portraying himself as black.” In the 2015 “The Shaun King Controversy Explained,” German Lopez delved into the back story.
Shaun King had “been told” that his actual father was a light-skinned black man. Lopez found that official sources in Kentucky listed the father as Jeffery Wayne King, like his mother “also white.” A family member also told CNN that King’s parents were both white, but King claimed he didn’t lie about using his race to obtain an Oprah Scholarship to historically black Morehouse College.
Lopez claims that race “may not be biologically real,” but it’s clear that Shaun King, 40, is a genuine fake. Aside from the racial issue, the former “senior justice writer” for the New York Daily News has been criticized as self-promoter, narcissist and incompetent activist. King’s anti-Jesus hatred is likely an effort to recover credibility with Black Lives Matter. On the other hand, it recalls a central reality of the left.
Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries have always hated Christianity because it elevates truth and offers a moral authority beyond politics. In America, black leftist radicals continued the tradition. As University of Pennsylvania professor Thomas J. Sugrue notes, black-power radicals derided the Rev. Martin Luther King, a Christian minister, as “de Lawd” and branded him as “hopelessly bourgeois, a detriment rather than a positive force in the black freedom struggle.”
“The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) planned to attack the Statue of Liberty in New York City with pressure cooker bombs,” Newsweek reported in January of 2018, “the Statue of Liberty has a very weak point in its lower back,” noted Munther Omar Saleh, 21, “if I can get a few pressure cooker bombs to hit the weak point, I think it will fall face down.” The FBI busted Saleh and fellow bomber Fareed Mumuni, 22, who were aided by Australian jihadi Neil Prakash and an English supporter of ISIS.

First we had a Senator claiming she is partially native America indian, now the leader of the Black Lies Matter scam is WHITE! Like the phony Marxist "Civil Rights Worker" Rachel Anne Dolezal, Shaun King aka Talcum X, also makes the claim that he's a black person. Both have been proven to be liars...
Why do we allow our taxpayer dollars go to public school and college educational systems to inculcate and underwrite this sort of brainwashing? Time to cut off all federal funding! If there is a cry for Defunding a Program there it is....These people are the poster children for it.
King's remarks about Jesus being dark skinned is also false..."White Jesus," yeah. Has it occurred to him that Semitics are Caucasian?
Never mind, too much conscious thought to expect. Historically, the Mediterranean rim has been Caucasian for the most part. But we can't expect Shaun to know any real history. And a black man couldn't blend into that unless he posed as a subsaharan slave.
Hmm..., I wonder if King's head would explode when he realizes that the Arabs were (are) the world's foremost slave trading group since the cult was created by a thief... It's really ironic that Afro-American blacks convert to Islam and take on faux Arab names, thereby honoring slave masters. That is the epitome of the Stockholm Syndrome.

Isn't it interesting how fascists always repeat themselves.
A Call for Kristallnacht Against Christians
Murals and stained glass windows of Jesus are a “gross form of white supremacy” and “should all come down,” says non-black leftist Shaun King.

24 Jun 2020 ~~ By Lloyd Billingsley
“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form of white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.”
That was a June 22 tweet from Shaun King, and the “far-left activist,” wasn’t done.
“Yes I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,” King tweeted. “In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Demark. Tear them down.”
The casual reader might wonder about this man Shaun King, so eager for a Christian Kristallnacht. As Fox News noted, King was “a surrogate for Sen. Bernie Sanders,” and introduced the Vermont socialist at a rally for his presidential bid. Bernie Sanders is big fan of Denmark, so King’s anti-Jesus tweets may be a form of socialist distancing. For their part, other groups on the left have been distancing themselves from Shaun King.
“King was once a leading voice in the Black Lives Matter movement,” according to Fox News, “but fell from grace when his race was questioned and he was accused of being a Caucasian falsely portraying himself as black.” In the 2015 “The Shaun King Controversy Explained,” German Lopez delved into the back story.
Shaun King had “been told” that his actual father was a light-skinned black man. Lopez found that official sources in Kentucky listed the father as Jeffery Wayne King, like his mother “also white.” A family member also told CNN that King’s parents were both white, but King claimed he didn’t lie about using his race to obtain an Oprah Scholarship to historically black Morehouse College.
Lopez claims that race “may not be biologically real,” but it’s clear that Shaun King, 40, is a genuine fake. Aside from the racial issue, the former “senior justice writer” for the New York Daily News has been criticized as self-promoter, narcissist and incompetent activist. King’s anti-Jesus hatred is likely an effort to recover credibility with Black Lives Matter. On the other hand, it recalls a central reality of the left.
Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries have always hated Christianity because it elevates truth and offers a moral authority beyond politics. In America, black leftist radicals continued the tradition. As University of Pennsylvania professor Thomas J. Sugrue notes, black-power radicals derided the Rev. Martin Luther King, a Christian minister, as “de Lawd” and branded him as “hopelessly bourgeois, a detriment rather than a positive force in the black freedom struggle.”
“The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) planned to attack the Statue of Liberty in New York City with pressure cooker bombs,” Newsweek reported in January of 2018, “the Statue of Liberty has a very weak point in its lower back,” noted Munther Omar Saleh, 21, “if I can get a few pressure cooker bombs to hit the weak point, I think it will fall face down.” The FBI busted Saleh and fellow bomber Fareed Mumuni, 22, who were aided by Australian jihadi Neil Prakash and an English supporter of ISIS.

First we had a Senator claiming she is partially native America indian, now the leader of the Black Lies Matter scam is WHITE! Like the phony Marxist "Civil Rights Worker" Rachel Anne Dolezal, Shaun King aka Talcum X, also makes the claim that he's a black person. Both have been proven to be liars...
Why do we allow our taxpayer dollars go to public school and college educational systems to inculcate and underwrite this sort of brainwashing? Time to cut off all federal funding! If there is a cry for Defunding a Program there it is....These people are the poster children for it.
King's remarks about Jesus being dark skinned is also false..."White Jesus," yeah. Has it occurred to him that Semitics are Caucasian?
Never mind, too much conscious thought to expect. Historically, the Mediterranean rim has been Caucasian for the most part. But we can't expect Shaun to know any real history. And a black man couldn't blend into that unless he posed as a subsaharan slave.
Hmm..., I wonder if King's head would explode when he realizes that the Arabs were (are) the world's foremost slave trading group since the cult was created by a thief... It's really ironic that Afro-American blacks convert to Islam and take on faux Arab names, thereby honoring slave masters. That is the epitome of the Stockholm Syndrome.

Myself? I see it like this from the viewpoint of a veteran and currently serving guardsman and American business owner. Either the terrorist protestors targeting our history, culture and sacred religious iconography are gonna poke the sleeping giant known as WE THE PEOPLE one too many times and awaken a terrible retribution or Americans are just gonna continue to take it squarely in the ass in front of the rest of the civilized world. Crude assessment perhaps but that's about where we're at. When the Visigoths finally sacked Rome in 410 AD the eternal city, while no longer the official capital of the empire, remained its beating heart and cultural soul. So when King Alaric ordered his armies to make a statement so loud it would spread hopelessness, despair and intimidation throughout the entire empire, what do you think his commanders ordered their troops to destroy and desecrate first? The same historical and cultural symbols the terrorist protestors are attacking today in modern America.

I am a PROUD American. I am proud to be American, proud of my nation's history and thrilled to have been born under our Flag. And I'll tell you what else. I am strongly considering a drive up to Gettysburg on the 4th of July.
This hurts my heart. As does vandalizing black churches.
They almost destroyed a 120-year+ old one in my town.
Why?! The congregation just wants to worship God. Enough is enough.
Actually the fire Marshal usually gets them. Idk what kinda tech they use, but they really get their man.
Given that it was good Lutherans who did the original Kristalnacht ... it is their turn.

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