Bill Clinton today: "Extend the Bush tax cuts!!"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
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LOL......what a bad, bad day for the k00ks on this forum!!!

What else is there to say but.....................


The Obamabots are getting their fucking clocks cleaned this week...........its becomming a weekly thing around here. 5 more months 'till we mothball this crap..............
Nice try, my ass! He succeeded in telling the truth. Bill Clinton doesn't think like the Marxist Obama.

Obama is TOAST!

All you liberal numbnuts get out your cryin' towels and prepare to bawl!
"They will probably have to put everything off until early next year," he added. "That's probably the best thing to do right now. But the Republicans don't want to do that unless he agrees to extend the tax cuts permanently, including for upper income people, and I don't think the president should do that."


"They will probably have to put everything off until early next year," he added. "That's probably the best thing to do right now. But the Republicans don't want to do that unless he agrees to extend the tax cuts permanently, including for upper income people, and I don't think the president should do that."



However, Clinton did say that Congress would be best off agreeing, at least for the time being, to extend all the tax cuts that are set to expire at the end of the year, including the so-called Bush tax cuts named after Clinton's successor, George W. Bush.


Bubba also said...
I think they look high because there's a recession

I thought Obama proclaimed the recession over?
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Bill Clinton Only Said One Thing About The Bush Tax Cuts, And It's The Opposite Of What Everyone's Reporting

MARIA BARTIROMO: So does that mean extending the tax cuts?

PRES. BILL CLINTON: Well, I think what it means is they will have extend-- they will probably have to put everything off until early next year. That's probably the best thing to do right now. But the Republicans don't want to do that unless he agrees to extend the tax cuts permanently, including for upper income people.

And I don't think the president should do that. That's going to-- that's what they're fighting about. I don't have any problem with extending all of it now, including the current spending level. They're still pretty low, the government spending levels. But I think they look high because there's a recession. So the taxes look lower than they really would be if we had two and a half, 3% growth. And the spending is higher than it would be if we had two and a half, 3% growth because there are so many people getting food stamps, so many people getting unemployment, so many people are Medicaid.

But-- the real issue is not whether they should be extended for another few months. The real issue is whether the price the Republican House will put on that extension is the permanent extension of the tax cuts, which I think is an error.

Bill Clinton On The Bush Tax Cuts - Business Insider
Bill better watch it, he might get thrown out of the democratic party talking like that. :eusa_whistle:

Bill and Barack looked like besties in that speech today.

Clinton has Obama's back, he looks like he's in campaign mode. Lucky for Obama.
#1 Headline on DRUDGE right now.....................

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LOL......what a bad, bad day for the k00ks on this forum!!!

What else is there to say but.....................


The Obamabots are getting their fucking clocks cleaned this week...........its becomming a weekly thing around here. 5 more months 'till we mothball this crap..............

Yes, and we cannot forget Bill Clinton calling Mitt Romneys' record at Bain as "sterling."
Shaman........bro, ya got maybe 5 months left to seek some help via the pharmachological route for that OCD stuff. Just sayin' s0n................gonna be a pretty miserable holiday season otherwise.:fu: Especially after spending the past 2 years fallling all over yourself every night posting up your nonsense that wont add up to dick.:gay:

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