BILL CLINTON Now Says Enough Is Enough - 'There Has To Be A Limit'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After Biden set the new historical US record for aiding and abetting 2 million illegals to illegally enter the US, even Bill Clinton had come out against Biden's Un-Constitutional & National Security-threatening Open Border and illegal invasion.

"There is a limit" to how many migrants the U.S. can accept before it causes disruption", said Slick Willey.

Of course he wouldn't be a Democrat if he did not use the worn out standard DNC tactic of attempting to accuse Republicans of being who Democrats are and of doing what Democrats have done, are doing, and will continue to do...

Pedo Bill rebuked GOP governors for 'staining' Elitist Democrat Playground Martha's Vineyard and Dem-run cities by transporting illegals across the country to deliver illegals to the doorsteps of Democrats who have supported and defended Biden's illegal invasion - something Biden has been doing (using tax dollars to traffick illegal aliens all over the country) since he took office.

After cheering on 2 million illegals pouring across Joe's Open Border into Red Border States, hypocritical elitist Dems freaked out, declared a 'humanitarian crisis', and called for the Natioal Guard when 50 (FIFTY) brown-skinned poor 'migrants' showed up in Martha's Vineyard.

laughing hilariously.jpg

Dirty, smelly, homeless, poor illegals showing up in THEIR cities and THEIR elitist vacation spot? Martha's Vineyard was the proverbial straw that broke the elitist Democrats' back.


'There must be a limit to what is acceptable!'

The Democrats initial attempted (& failed) pedo / scandal-plagued version of Reagan just called out Biden and Democrats for their Un-Constitutional, Illegal failed Open Border / Successful Illegal Invasion policy

Who will the snowflakes and sheep side with on this - the guy wearing the blue dress who loves to f* kids or the compromised, dementia-ravaged perv who just likes to sniff and grope them?


'OH NO YOU DI'INT, you did NOT just go there...!'

See? Trumpers and MAGAts can't help being assholes even when a Democrat says something they like. This is why you will not ever regain power. You are in a tiny minority: Americans who are complete and utter assholes with no redeeming qualities.
Call me a MAGAt again, bitch. It turns me on. Then get your ignorant ass out in the kitchen and wash some dishes.
He must have looked at the numbers showing a hard turn to the right among Hispanic voters.
Exactly my thought on it. Something tells me that the DNC is learning that people south of the border are not at all pro-abortion, don't believe in faggotry and are even more so disgusted by the tranny clowns running amok, but are also generally opposed to tyrannical despotic collectivist government.

If that's the case you can expect the democrooks to suddenly demand we finish the wall, as well as set up mine fields and sniper towers along the border if it turns out that the hordes of central and south americans are going to turn around and vote for pro life republicrats.
Joes not listening too busy profiting...create a problem and then pay your friends with taxpayer money

He's also looking for dead congresswomen...

Maybe that's the reason we've seen him reach out to shake hands with people who aren't there....

This is the potato bed wetters want us to believe received 81 million legit votes hiding in a basement. :safetocomeoutff:

Actually, HIllary told Bill to shut up and start attacking Biden because she is going to run in 2024 and she wants him to be her first man. Probably the only man that would touch her :stir: mixing the witch's brew

More lies?
The Democrats initial attempted (& failed) pedo / scandal-plagued version of Reagan just called out Biden and Democrats for their Un-Constitutional, Illegal failed Open Border / Successful Illegal Invasion policy

Who will the snowflakes and sheep side with on this - the guy wearing the blue dress who loves to f* kids or the compromised, dementia-ravaged perv who just likes to sniff and grope them?

View attachment 703273
'OH NO YOU DI'INT, you did NOT just go there...!'


Lies destroy your credibility.
How many of the lovely brown tourists got sent to Chappaqua?
Quite a few, but mostly in nearby Mount Kisco. Not sure about Chappaqua or Byrum Hills schools, but neighboring schools report that non English speaking children are registered each month. Has to do with the Biden Mayorkas Midnight Flights to Westchester Country airport
Quite a few, but mostly in nearby Mount Kisco. Not sure about Chappaqua or Byrum Hills schools, but neighboring schools report that non English speaking children are registered each month. Has to do with the Biden Mayorkas Midnight Flights to Westchester Country airport

Is Desantis still flying illegals to Massachusetts?
They would if I told any like you.

You're very cheesy. What's your latest conspiracy theory? I think we should have a 20 year moratorium on all immigration. I also think we should fine employers who hire illegals. If they do what other countries have done so successfully 90 of illegals will self deport.
If a majority of illegals are now voting Republican, I could see the left wing cult changing their minds on the border….but this is just a bullshit ploy prior to the midterms.

Bill Clinton can eff off.

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