Bigot banned from store for putting ‘gay pervert’ signs up - loses case

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

WRC adjudicator Pat Brady said the complainant knew the consequences of posting the notices because of previous incidents, and said defamatory, obscene, abusive and discriminatory material cannot be considered a protected expression of religious belief.

It ruled the actions of SuperValu were entirely justified for dealing with “a studied, premeditated act of provocation”.

Crazy fake Christian gets his arse kicked again. The Church needs to take some action against the haters in its midst. It isnt a good look for them.
Here's where you are showing your goofiness, Tommy.

Calling the plaintiff here, Mr. Savage, a "fake Christian".

Since you yourself aren't a Christian and don't believe the basic tenets of the faith such Almighty God putting Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the Garden, you are in no position whatsoever to sit in judgment of Mr. Savage's faith in Almighty God.

You just don't have standing to make that adjudication, just like I don't have standing to determine who is a "fake Muslim" or "fake Hindu"
Maybe not religious belief, but can't we be protected as assholes? Seems USMB members can get away with stuff like this...
The problem here was that Mr. Savage was being controversial on a supermarket owned bulletin board which really should be used to sell lawn-mowing services or used furniture, and not to comment on a politician's perversions.
I find the idea that homosexuals can't be perverted to be personally insulting.

I'm every bit as perverted as the next man (or woman).
The problem here was that Mr. Savage was being controversial on a supermarket owned bulletin board which really should be used to sell lawn-mowing services or used furniture, and not to comment on a politician's perversions.
He's a lunatic bigot who needs help. fake Christian spreading hate.
It's sad that these morons abuse religion, any religion, to spread hatred. I wish I could understand the motives of jerks like him and what emotional high they get out of it. As for the specific religion of Christianity, there is absolutely nothing in the teachings and life of Jesus that would link this sort of activity with Christianity. Just the opposite.

These fake Christians do not understand that they are disrespecting and denigrating the Christian faith. They don't understand that they are disrespecting Christians who are LGBTQs. They also don't understand that an unsubstantiated allegation that any person is a sex criminal, pedophile or otherwise, is out-right defamatory and, at least in the U.S., is grounds for a lawsuit.

That this guy's name is "Savage" is appropriate.
And queers just cant spread hate against Christians. Et tu Brute..

I heard of many Christians spreading hate like saying that LGBT people are going to hell.

Just go to youtube and see how much controversy there is over that.

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It's sad that these morons abuse religion, any religion, to spread hatred. I wish I could understand the motives of jerks like him and what emotional high they get out of it. As for the specific religion of Christianity, there is absolutely nothing in the teachings and life of Jesus that would link this sort of activity with Christianity. Just the opposite.

These fake Christians do not understand that they are disrespecting and denigrating the Christian faith. They don't understand that they are disrespecting Christians who are LGBTQs. They also don't understand that an unsubstantiated allegation that any person is a sex criminal, pedophile or otherwise, is out-right defamatory and, at least in the U.S., is grounds for a lawsuit.

That this guy's name is "Savage" is appropriate.
There are still plenty of these loons in the Republic. Only recently it was virtually a theocratic state. Most Irish folk are sound but there are still some idiots out there.
I heard of many Christians spreading hate like saying that LGBT people are going to hell.

Just go to youtube and see how much controversy there is over that.

How is telling the truth, that if you follow Lucifers way, you will end up in hell, hate speech? Lucifer is the guy swaying queers to do queer things. If God wanted queer, he would of made Adam and George, not Adam and Eve....
Tommy Tainant

The Irish Republic has been making great strides in transforming itself into a modern free state, but it has had to reject the domination of the Catholic Church to do so. The Catholic Church did an immense amount of damage there, particularly to women and children, not only on issues like birth control and abortion, but also with the "laundries," the prison camps for unmarried mothers, the mistreatment of orphans. I'm glad that the Irish have by and large freed their government from its influence. I was in a pub in Cashel about 30 years ago when 6 pm (1800) rolled around, the Angelus was broadcast over the TV, everyone put their pints down, turned to the TV, and crossed themselves, that's how thick it was.

Between the antics of the Catholics and the evangelicals in the U.S., and the history of Christianity in Europe and the Western Hemisphere, I've become quite skeptical as to whether Christianity, or any other organized religion, actually is the appropriate vehicle to help us humans get in touch with our better selves.

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