'Big Tent'....or 'Pup tent'?

Think about it my right wing friends.....

You've pretty much ousted the black voters (although you've tried to curb voting right)

You've ousted the Latino/Hispanic voters (well, maybe except for Cubans)

You've lost the voters who have benefitted from the ACA by your 4 down plus attempts to veto the law.

You've shown that there's no room in your tent for the gay/lesbian voters......

...and THEN you expect to regain the WH anytime soon???
The GOP has female, black, Hispanic and white candidates for president.
The Democrats have old white rich people.
Enough said.
The republicans have become a regional party , not a national party. Just look at their base. Without the hispanic vote and the women's vote they have no chance , and the millennials laugh at them on social issues

Indeed......I've stated this before; keep an eye on Texas where the increasing Latino vote may change that state to at least a "purple shade"......Without Texas' electoral votes, the WH may be lost to the GOP for a very, very long time.
The GOP has female, black, Hispanic and white candidates for president.
The Democrats have old white rich people.
Enough said.

One of your ilk stated the very same on another thread; but you must realize that its not a matter of ethnicity and gender.....you must also add a measure of sanity to your candidates.
The GOP has female, black, Hispanic and white candidates for president.
The Democrats have old white rich people.
Enough said.

One of your ilk stated the very same on another thread; but you must realize that its not a matter of ethnicity and gender.....you must also add a measure of sanity to your candidates.

What are your qualifications to determone who is sane and who is insane?
The coming election really will prove to be interesting in my estimation.

People prognosticate for a couple of reasons.

Or does anyone really believe that the OP was posted for the BENEFIT of the GOP ? Does the OP hope to provide some form of advice that might actually allow the GOP to strategically take back the WH ?

Some how, I don't believe that is the case. Maybe the OP could address that question.

Back to the two reasons.

1. To make themselves feel better about a situation they don't really feel good about.

2. To discourage the opposition so they will be less inclined to fight.

I have attempted to think about the election as it plays out over the next 1 1/2 years. And I can't tell you how enamored I am with the prospect of listening to the garbage that will fly for that time period.

In the past, it seemed that there was an equal percentage of folks who had their minds made up for them at birth. People would vote for George Bush no matter what and people would vote for Barack Obama no matter what.

Then there were those in the middle. As I understand it, they don't make up their minds until it is two to four weeks out from voting.

That used to be the case. I honestly don't know anymore.

As I understand it, those in the middle (which includes the so-called independents) are a growing population.

I used to believe that the level of rancor and partisanship had reached it's effective limit. From what I see, it has gone far pas that and I expect and extremely ugly campaign (and again am so looking forward to seeing people embarrass and humiliate themselves).

The decisons of the past two weeks, neither of which hold much interest for me, are only going to widen that divide.

I'm to the point that I wonder if the system can tolerate much more (and that is not meant to be partisan).

Having said that, given the fervor and rancor, once the issues hit, and the polling starts and the momentum builds and swings.....will there be any restraint ? It is a question I wish I didn't even think about. But I do because I am concerned.

What bothers me is that I don't believe it much really matters.

I don't believe the GOP will win the WH. Not, as has been stated here, because of statements or positions directed at ethnic/gender sensitive issues. Economics trumps all and we have a big problem. Not because the eoncomy isn't doing well. It is good in some areas and not so good in others. But overall, we have the continuing issue of wealth concentration. The GOP does not acknowledge that and does nothing about it. While the democrats really don't either they are seen as being concerned. The problem with the democrats is that they have a spending issue. The GOP does nothing to help that...but are seen as being more concerned. That is the balance I think will resonate when it comes down to it. And I simply don't believe the GOP has done anything to create a case that can convince the swing voters to put them in the WH.

As an aside: I think that is actually good for the GOP.....they don't have a plan and any plan either side can come up with is going to be painful. Repealing Obamacare (if they could even do it) does little to help the larger issues. They'd be out in four years again anyway.

The senate may go to the democrats. But even if it does, it won't be by much. It was democratic up until eight months ago and things were bogged down. The GOP got it and....SO What ? They've done little to nothing with it (nor can they just like the democrats couldn't).

And even if the democrats with the senate, they likely lose it again in 2018. Let's say it goes back to 51-49 for the GOP...so what ? What does it really matter.

I guess my point is that I don't see the election of 2016 mattering much.

Except that I believe the levels of ugliness and partisanship are going to break down all accepted levels of decency (such as they might still exist) and it's pretty much going to be a very emotional time.

I plan to turn off the TV (I quite watching political shows several years ago), stay out of election threads and hope the country does not go into open civil war.

In the mean time, you can all keep prognosticating on results. I guess it makes you feel like you are doing something (if you really think Obamacare was something great......I guess that's good for you....reality has yet to show differently).

The way many of you behave, I think you should be more concerned about the character of the country instead.
The GOP has female, black, Hispanic and white candidates for president.
The Democrats have old white rich people.
Enough said.

One of your ilk stated the very same on another thread; but you must realize that its not a matter of ethnicity and gender.....you must also add a measure of sanity to your candidates.
By that measure the Democrats have no one running.
No. HOMICIDAL ones. That appears to be the only way we're gonna fix what's wrong with this country.

To tell you the honest truth, "what's [really] wrong with this country" is citizens with your twisted mindset.
Think about it my right wing friends.....

You've pretty much ousted the black voters (although you've tried to curb voting right)

You've ousted the Latino/Hispanic voters (well, maybe except for Cubans)

You've lost the voters who have benefitted from the ACA by your 4 down plus attempts to veto the law.

You've shown that there's no room in your tent for the gay/lesbian voters......

...and THEN you expect to regain the WH anytime soon???

You said the same thing about our chances in 2014
You said the same thing about our chances in 2014

I know that it doesn't matter when "debating: with nitwits like you, BUT, first I joined this forum in March 2015....and second, find a grown up to explain what the difference in voters' turnout is in MID-TERM elections versus NATIONAL elections.
You said the same thing about our chances in 2014

I know that it doesn't matter when "debating: with nitwits like you, BUT, first I joined this forum in March 2015....and second, find a grown up to explain what the difference in voters' turnout is in MID-TERM elections versus NATIONAL elections.

OK, you've had your trolling fun. In case you failed to notice, the political parties controlling the White House tend to switch every eight years.
Think about it my right wing friends.....

You've pretty much ousted the black voters (although you've tried to curb voting right)

You've ousted the Latino/Hispanic voters (well, maybe except for Cubans)

You've lost the voters who have benefitted from the ACA by your 4 down plus attempts to veto the law.

You've shown that there's no room in your tent for the gay/lesbian voters......

...and THEN you expect to regain the WH anytime soon???

The above is only true if the left's beliefs are true. If black people really are too stupid to get an ID and really believe the hype that whites are out to get them.

The Hispanics will only turn if they want more illegal immigration. The left assumes that all Hispanics must automatically support illegals, as if none went through the legal process to get here.

The left also assumes that more people have been helped by ACA than hurt by it. They forget that in order to give people something, government must first take it from others.

Not all Republicans are against gay marriage, though unfortunately many are. I know many liberals who are against it, but don't admit it. Even Obama spoke out against it and only 'evolved' for the sake of his political career. Libs don't care what is in people's hearts, only that they support the agenda. Many religious people who are against gay marriage were never violent or hateful, just held some beliefs. Disagreeing in itself seems to be a crime in the mind of lefties.

The media has successfully made a few social issues the focus of people's attention.

What the right needs to do is put things back in perspective and look at national security, foreign policy and the unsustainable path we are on that will bring us down. The Dems have made things much worse, all the while diverting attention to matters that don't threaten the security of our nation.
What the right needs to do is put things back in perspective and look at national security, foreign policy and the unsustainable path we are on that will bring us down. The Dems have made things much worse, all the while diverting attention to matters that don't threaten the security of our nation.

Likewise, what right wingers continually do (and do rather well,) is the oft-tried and oft-successful FEAR-mongering ....Like Israel does well, the main nucleus for right wingers' policies is to both keep the US citizenry in constant fear and claiming that they are the only one who could defend them, AND, of course, cater to the needs of the wealthiest members of the constituency, who in turn reward republican elected officials with what were once called bribes but that now, we euphemistically label as PACs.

The poster "blames" the media for distorting the true backing that the right wing really has with minorities, women and the LBGT community.....but the reality is self evident; if the poster thinks that these sub groups will increase their backing of the GOP, then delusion has set in.
Think about it my right wing friends.....

You've pretty much ousted the black voters (although you've tried to curb voting right)

You've ousted the Latino/Hispanic voters (well, maybe except for Cubans)

You've lost the voters who have benefitted from the ACA by your 4 down plus attempts to veto the law.

You've shown that there's no room in your tent for the gay/lesbian voters......

...and THEN you expect to regain the WH anytime soon???

Gospel according to left wing blogs.
OK, you've had your trolling fun. In case you failed to notice, the political parties controlling the White House tend to switch every eight years.

Well, with the recent exception of the 12 years of Reagan-Bush, you're historically correct; however, if you think that after 8 years of Obama the WH is "due" to the GOP, you'd better find a republican virgin to sacrifice at a pagan altar to make your wishes come true.
OK, you've had your trolling fun. In case you failed to notice, the political parties controlling the White House tend to switch every eight years.

Well, with the recent exception of the 12 years of Reagan-Bush, you're historically correct; however, if you think that after 8 years of Obama the WH is "due" to the GOP, you'd better find a republican virgin to sacrifice at a pagan altar to make your wishes come true.

LOL, I'm looking!

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