'Big Tent'....or 'Pup tent'?

Think about it my right wing friends.....

You've pretty much ousted the black voters (although you've tried to curb voting right)

You've ousted the Latino/Hispanic voters (well, maybe except for Cubans)

You've lost the voters who have benefitted from the ACA by your 4 down plus attempts to veto the law.

You've shown that there's no room in your tent for the gay/lesbian voters......

...and THEN you expect to regain the WH anytime soon???

Gospel according to left wing blogs.

Let's revisit the "gospel" with some facts:



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OK, you've had your trolling fun. In case you failed to notice, the political parties controlling the White House tend to switch every eight years.

Well, with the recent exception of the 12 years of Reagan-Bush, you're historically correct; however, if you think that after 8 years of Obama the WH is "due" to the GOP, you'd better find a republican virgin to sacrifice at a pagan altar to make your wishes come true.

LOL, I'm looking!

Since I kind-of like Lindsey Graham....please spare him.
Think about it my right wing friends.....

You've pretty much ousted the black voters (although you've tried to curb voting right)

You've ousted the Latino/Hispanic voters (well, maybe except for Cubans)

You've lost the voters who have benefitted from the ACA by your 4 down plus attempts to veto the law.

You've shown that there's no room in your tent for the gay/lesbian voters......

...and THEN you expect to regain the WH anytime soon???

Gospel according to left wing blogs.

Let's revisit the "gospel" with some facts:




I am aware of the black vote being 90 percent dem. Its you political narrative I was labeling as left wing gospel.
After Friday's Ruling, the GOP has a shot at the southern black Christian and hispanic catholic vote again. We know the cult of LGBT vs Christianity lawsuits on appeal will be reined in just up until December 2016. But blacks and hispanic Christians all know they are coming.
Starting the celebration a bit early, don't you think?
They are just being realistic. Republicans may have used their good scares already. Remember the last election? Ebola, Isis will be in your back years, hoards of diseased immigrant children infecting your children? Shit like that only works once.
After Friday's Ruling, the GOP has a shot at the southern black Christian and hispanic catholic vote again. We know the cult of LGBT vs Christianity lawsuits on appeal will be reined in just up until December 2016. But blacks and hispanic Christians all know they are coming.

Well, that may be true among stupid and clueless voters......To interpret the SC decision as a republican versus democrat issue is foolish. Reversal of the SC decision borders on insanity......
You're trying to make the SC decision into a religious divide and we all know about that government-church separation/division.
actually, the bottom line is that the GOP may have even lost the Log Cabin constituency.
After Friday's Ruling, the GOP has a shot at the southern black Christian and hispanic catholic vote again. We know the cult of LGBT vs Christianity lawsuits on appeal will be reined in just up until December 2016. But blacks and hispanic Christians all know they are coming.
Just watched Huckabee say he supports civil disobedience over the recent rulings. That won't help and Hispanics will never let the GOP forget that Trump called them rapists.
After Friday's Ruling, the GOP has a shot at the southern black Christian and hispanic catholic vote again. We know the cult of LGBT vs Christianity lawsuits on appeal will be reined in just up until December 2016. But blacks and hispanic Christians all know they are coming.

Well, that may be true among stupid and clueless voters......To interpret the SC decision as a republican versus democrat issue is foolish. Reversal of the SC decision borders on insanity......
You're trying to make the SC decision into a religious divide and we all know about that government-church separation/division.
actually, the bottom line is that the GOP may have even lost the Log Cabin constituency.
Among the gays, the log cabin members are lunatics.
Among the gays, the log cabin members are lunatics.

Well, maybe not jus lunatics but certainly masochistic.....On the other hand, a good chunk of right wing voters often vote AGAINST their own best interests because of twisted and prevalent ideology.
What the right needs to do is put things back in perspective and look at national security, foreign policy and the unsustainable path we are on that will bring us down. The Dems have made things much worse, all the while diverting attention to matters that don't threaten the security of our nation.

Likewise, what right wingers continually do (and do rather well,) is the oft-tried and oft-successful FEAR-mongering ....Like Israel does well, the main nucleus for right wingers' policies is to both keep the US citizenry in constant fear and claiming that they are the only one who could defend them, AND, of course, cater to the needs of the wealthiest members of the constituency, who in turn reward republican elected officials with what were once called bribes but that now, we euphemistically label as PACs.

The poster "blames" the media for distorting the true backing that the right wing really has with minorities, women and the LBGT community.....but the reality is self evident; if the poster thinks that these sub groups will increase their backing of the GOP, then delusion has set in.

Only a nut case would not understand that Democrats also have large PACs. If the Republicans run a woman as President or VP and they both 'evolve' on the LGBT community like the community organizer did, they could pick up a lot of votes.
Among the gays, the log cabin members are lunatics.

Well, maybe not jus lunatics but certainly masochistic.....On the other hand, a good chunk of right wing voters often vote AGAINST their own best interests because of twisted and prevalent ideology.
I think it's more a combination of ignorance and racism.
What the right needs to do is put things back in perspective and look at national security, foreign policy and the unsustainable path we are on that will bring us down. The Dems have made things much worse, all the while diverting attention to matters that don't threaten the security of our nation.

Likewise, what right wingers continually do (and do rather well,) is the oft-tried and oft-successful FEAR-mongering ....Like Israel does well, the main nucleus for right wingers' policies is to both keep the US citizenry in constant fear and claiming that they are the only one who could defend them, AND, of course, cater to the needs of the wealthiest members of the constituency, who in turn reward republican elected officials with what were once called bribes but that now, we euphemistically label as PACs.

The poster "blames" the media for distorting the true backing that the right wing really has with minorities, women and the LBGT community.....but the reality is self evident; if the poster thinks that these sub groups will increase their backing of the GOP, then delusion has set in.

Only a nut case would not understand that Democrats also have large PACs. If the Republicans run a woman as President or VP and they both 'evolve' on the LGBT community like the community organizer did, they could pick up a lot of votes.
Not gonna happen.
Running for the Republican nomination.
Carly Fiorina - woman
Ben Carson - black man
Bobby Jindal - Indian non native American
Ted Cruz - Hispanic
Marco Rubio - Hispanic
Running for the Democratic nonmination.
Hillary Clinton - woman
Three old white men
Looks like we have a new party of old white people to me.

Running after the convention

republicans: White man
democrats: White woman

First to elect a black man and a woman: Democrats
Party of old white men: Republicans
The republicans have become a regional party , not a national party. Just look at their base. Without the hispanic vote and the women's vote they have no chance , and the millennials laugh at them on social issues

Indeed......I've stated this before; keep an eye on Texas where the increasing Latino vote may change that state to at least a "purple shade"......Without Texas' electoral votes, the WH may be lost to the GOP for a very, very long time.
Florida is on the verge of being permanently blue
With Texas competitive and Florida out of play ...Republicans are out of the game
The republicans have become a regional party , not a national party. Just look at their base. Without the hispanic vote and the women's vote they have no chance , and the millennials laugh at them on social issues

Indeed......I've stated this before; keep an eye on Texas where the increasing Latino vote may change that state to at least a "purple shade"......Without Texas' electoral votes, the WH may be lost to the GOP for a very, very long time.
Florida is on the verge of being permanently blue
With Texas competitive and Florida out of play ...Republicans are out of the game

Yep and both the educated part of the east coast with the most population and the west cost is solid blue
Running for the Republican nomination.
Carly Fiorina - woman
Ben Carson - black man
Bobby Jindal - Indian non native American
Ted Cruz - Hispanic
Marco Rubio - Hispanic
Running for the Democratic nonmination.
Hillary Clinton - woman
Three old white men
Looks like we have a new party of old white people to me.

Running after the convention

republicans: White man
democrats: White woman

First to elect a black man and a woman: Democrats
Party of old white men: Republicans
Of course the Democrats will run a woman after the convention your only other choices are an old white male socialist and two old white male nobodys the Democrats aren't running Hillary as a first choice they are running her because of a lack of choice. It is early but there is a good chance the Republican nominee could be Marco Rubio Hispanic the undeniable truth is the so called party of divirsity the Democrats are currently the party of old white people.
The republicans have become a regional party , not a national party. Just look at their base. Without the hispanic vote and the women's vote they have no chance , and the millennials laugh at them on social issues

Indeed......I've stated this before; keep an eye on Texas where the increasing Latino vote may change that state to at least a "purple shade"......Without Texas' electoral votes, the WH may be lost to the GOP for a very, very long time.
Florida is on the verge of being permanently blue
With Texas competitive and Florida out of play ...Republicans are out of the game

Yep and both the educated part of the east coast with the most population and the west cost is solid blue
Republicans think the Presidential race starts dead even

Democrats start with 240 electoral votes and only need to pick up 30 to win
Only a nut case would not understand that Democrats also have large PACs. If the Republicans run a woman as President or VP and they both 'evolve' on the LGBT community like the community organizer did, they could pick up a lot of votes.

Well Too Dense, "evolving" for a right wing candidate at this point means abandoning your base AND smacking quite a bit of pandering, don't you think?
Running for the Republican nomination.
Carly Fiorina - woman
Ben Carson - black man
Bobby Jindal - Indian non native American
Ted Cruz - Hispanic
Marco Rubio - Hispanic
Running for the Democratic nonmination.
Hillary Clinton - woman
Three old white men
Looks like we have a new party of old white people to me.

Running after the convention

republicans: White man
democrats: White woman

First to elect a black man and a woman: Democrats
Party of old white men: Republicans
Of course the Democrats will run a woman after the convention your only other choices are an old white male socialist and two old white male nobodys the Democrats aren't running Hillary as a first choice they are running her because of a lack of choice. It is early but there is a good chance the Republican nominee could be Marco Rubio Hispanic the undeniable truth is the so called party of divirsity the Democrats are currently the party of old white people.
Any asshole can put his name in for President. Even Trump is running. The Republican "Rainbow" coalition never picks up a single delegate. Republican "We got minorities too" does not fool anyone
Of course the Democrats will run a woman after the convention your only other choices are an old white male socialist and two old white male nobodys the Democrats aren't running Hillary as a first choice they are running her because of a lack of choice. It is early but there is a good chance the Republican nominee could be Marco Rubio Hispanic the undeniable truth is the so called party of divirsity the Democrats are currently the party of old white people.

Perhaps.......democrats have old white people with an OPEN mind, while your party has relatively young people with the mindset of their great-grandfathers.
See the difference?

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