Big Government News Refuses to Cover Bobulinski Story Despite Documentation

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Cowardly media outlets are simply embargoing any news regarding Biden corruption which has been documented by former Biden employee Tony Bobulinski.

The proof is there. So there is no doubt Biden is corrupt and filthy dirty.

Democracy and liberty die when Fifth Columnists refuse to do their jobs. They would rather help turn the US into the Soviet Union than honestly do their jobs. It makes decent fair minded people want to puke
Cowardly media outlets are simply embargoing any news regarding Biden corruption which has been documented by former Biden employee Tony Bobulinski.

The proof is there. So there is no doubt Biden is corrupt and filthy dirty.

Democracy and liberty die when Fifth Columnists refuse to do their jobs. They would rather help turn the US into the Soviet Union than honestly do their jobs. It makes decent fair minded people want to puke
They are waiting.

As you say, the documentation is there, but they must first remove Trump in order to install the most Left winged politician of our time, Kamala Harris.
The struggle is real. Real stupid.

We all know that, in the end, you will be disappointed. You have been duped by RW radio and
Rupert Murdoch for decades. You have yet to learn. And the anguish you now feel is your due.

The "drain the swamp" guy who is a media mastermind can't get a single fucking indictment of
anyone....and he can't convince voters that his opponent is corrupt.
The left wing media is actually signaling that they somewhat blame themselves for their witch bonking her head on that glass ceiling in 2016. They actually reported a few negative stories about her.

Remember how they took down matt lauer for having the gall to question hiillary in September of 2016? No?

All of a sudden, shortly afterwards, one of the married women he was plowing claimed she was "coaxed" and had nooooo choice but to polish his nob in a closet?

Uhhhh huh

The media are not daring to report anything negative. Their omissions are lies. They are traitors.
Bobulinski is not an Adam Schiff Whistleblower. His evidence is real, it's physical. The FBI is in possession of the VERIFIED laptop of Hunter Biden containing emails with Bobulinski. Biden supporters are voting to put America's national security and the economy at great risk.

Wow! That sounds serious!
Hasn't the FBI proven it is not working for joe citizen? Hillary computers and Epstein are pretty good evidence- and if that doesn't convince you read the story of Leonard Peltier- and look at the Bundy fiasco- Waco and Ruby Ridge come to mind as well-

Federal Bureau of Incompetence- unless you're well ensconced in the cess pool.
Cowardly media outlets are simply embargoing any news regarding Biden corruption which has been documented by former Biden employee Tony Bobulinski.

The proof is there. So there is no doubt Biden is corrupt and filthy dirty.

Democracy and liberty die when Fifth Columnists refuse to do their jobs. They would rather help turn the US into the Soviet Union than honestly do their jobs. It makes decent fair minded people want to puke

Absolute anti American scum.

THE EMAILS AND TEXTS ARE VERIFIED AS AUTHENTIC! That was their bullshit excuse before. Then they went to Russian disinformation. Now they are claiming Tony is a liar. Just unreal.
Cowardly media outlets are simply embargoing any news regarding Biden corruption which has been documented by former Biden employee Tony Bobulinski.

The proof is there. So there is no doubt Biden is corrupt and filthy dirty.

Democracy and liberty die when Fifth Columnists refuse to do their jobs. They would rather help turn the US into the Soviet Union than honestly do their jobs. It makes decent fair minded people want to puke

It's no surprise
It's what The Democrat Media does
Their trained seals will then bark how it's fake and stay in their bubble
It doesn't make sense
But, if they made sense they wouldn't be Democrats.
The struggle is real. Real stupid.

We all know that, in the end, you will be disappointed. You have been duped by RW radio and
Rupert Murdoch for decades. You have yet to learn. And the anguish you now feel is your due.

The "drain the swamp" guy who is a media mastermind can't get a single fucking indictment of
anyone....and he can't convince voters that his opponent is corrupt.

Trained seal alert
Bobulinski is not an Adam Schiff Whistleblower. His evidence is real, it's physical. The FBI is in possession of the VERIFIED laptop of Hunter Biden containing emails with Bobulinski. Biden supporters are voting to put America's national security and the economy at great risk.

Wow! That sounds serious!
Yes, providing the country that has decimated the world with a virus with free access to whatever technology they want from us is very serious.
this all reminds me of how the media ran with that Woman who claimed that Cavanaugh was part of a group that threw parties that resulted in getting girls wasted and then standing in line to gang bang them.

As she put it..."It happened every weekend and I witnessed it".....that was paraphrased....

Did anyone in the media question....'if you knew it happened the first weekend, exactly what gave you reason to go back to the same party week after week?'

I mean....really? You know a group of guys gang rape girls on a weekly basis at a house party yet you go back to the same house party week after week?

I am not a reporter.....but that was the first thing I questioned.
You can bet your ass if this were Trumps son and he was implicated the press would be all over the story.

Hell we haven't had real journalists in decades and the news people we have now are more interested in fake news than real news.

Wonder if the DOJ will be taking a look at what Bobulinskis evidence. Should be interesting if they do.

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