Biden's IRS going after Uber drivers, part-timers, single moms trying to make ends meet, and students working gigs to pay for school

Good. Start going after these Only Fans , sluts. Some of these whores make more in a month showing off their buttholes, than most of you probably make in a year...

I doubt that they will focus on the Democrat base.
yeah and the left solves the problem by going after uber drivers and baby sitters .
What does “going after” mean? All I want is for people to report their income and pay their taxes. What’s wrong with that?
Workers were supposed to be paying taxes on all income. Nothing has changed as far as that goes
Regardless, is this a fair and equitable change to the tax laws? Where is the automatic outrage from the left when taxes impact low-income workers?
More indebted this regime becomes; the more desperate, and aggressive it will become in squeezing the taxpayers.

Back when spending and taxation had some relationship,that was true.
Today they simply keep raising the credit card limit.
Taxation, as this point is simply a means of control and punishment.
No deals. You mean you don't declare your cash profits each year?

No, I don't! I hide as much of my income as I can, Boo. Why? Because I value my hard earned money more than our politicians do in Washington! But you're going to come on here and tell me that I'm a bad person because I won't let Government steal more of my money...aren't you? Even though our President and his family engage in rampant influence peddling and then don't pay taxes on what they've scammed? That's fine with you but you think the Middle class needs to report every dime that they make!
A lot of this s the principal of things. An extra fifty dollars to the government is not as important to someone struggling or even a school age teenager working for weekend money. The young are so screwed.

Maybe the young will get a much needed economic and political education.
Did I ever call you a bigmouth idiot? I think so.
did i ever call you a faggot ? and if you aint a faggot you need to stick to drinking black coffee because you are only a couple of pumpkin spice latte's away from taking it up the ass on a regular bases ...sissy boy .
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but.... but ...only people making over 400 grand are going to get taxed more !
Demafascist lie, and they lie often, their entire agenda is about destroying the working class and making people more dependent on's how they maintain control and power

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