Biden’s ‘Hamas Helper’ Trip to Israel Was an Embarrassing Disaster

Contrary to known reality. It was a cut in humanitarian aid like food and medical supplies to the Palestinians in retribution for the Palestinian Authority's protest over Benedict Donald's recognition of Jerusalem as the Israel Capitol, and ignoring the Palestinians right to their part of the city. Had nothing to do with Hamas. But like I said before, the Neo-GOP herd, like the average angry Arab, believe what their propagandists like "Faux Not News" tells them to believe.
WTF are you babbling about? Just because American taxpayers aren’t supporting terrorism doesn’t mean all those mega rich Arab nations around them can’t.

And there is no ‘Palestinian part of Jerusalem’ and there never has been. Muslims have 1/4 of the pie and the Temple Mount. Palestinians are free to go anywhere in Israel if they aren’t on the terror list. Just like I walk around in the Muslim Quarter they can walk around the Jewish Quarter.
He negotiated humanitarian aid for Palestine. Thats a big win.
Biden has shown himself up with his reaction to all of this but you cant fault him for this.
"Humanitarian aid for Palestine" is just another way of saying "Hey Hamas, here's a little, you know, bling bling for the trouble!"

Btw, there is no such thing as "Palestine". Even shit head stated that the "aid" (i.e., Hamas funding) is for Gaza (and the West Bank, for some odd reason).

Why don't you get off the internet and go learn a thing or two, Tommy? You fat, stupid twat!
Tard, they cancelled the election because HAMAS was going to dominate. The President is the opposite of HAMAS.
Sending funds to Hamas is like giving money to your drug-addicted son when he promises to spend it only on food and clothing.

You gotta be a fuckin' idiot.
“Biden is giving money to Gaza. No matter how many times the Democrats and other leftists around the world deny it, Gaza IS Hamas, and vice-versa. The people of Gaza have chosen Hamas to be in charge and that’s not really a casual hook up type of relationship that is easy to break off. There is no demarcation point where Gaza ends and Hamas begins. It’s a distinction that’s made by leftists to whip college kids into a frenzy and justify funneling funds to terrorists.”

Urging restraint as they gang rape hostages, some of them Americans. Palestinians elected Hamas and not one tip came in from any Gaza resident that weapons and armed men were mounting an attack. Israel is making a massive mistake in delaying the ground invasion. Biden was shipped to Israel to delay the invasion that is desperately needed. Time to get ‘er done.
Actually the only vote they had was in 2006...

They then had a civil war with Fatah afterwards..

Polls since have Hamas loosing to Fatah

This is not helped with Isreal favouring Hamas over Fatah.. Fearing a singular Palestinian leadership would be more trouble... Divide and conquer approach... (It is stupid idea, there is no military solution to this problem)

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