Biden’s Gift to Terror: STUNNING infographic shows the MASSIVE new arsenal the Taliban now possesses

I remember both. Biden's clusterfuck was just as humiliating, if not more so.
Thank you for con-firming that this is a thing at the end of a war......................not so humiliating as it is for the guy who set this withdrawal up.............or rather, did nothing to set it up besides invite the Taliban to Camp David.
Thank you for con-firming that this is a thing at the end of a war......................not so humiliating as it is for the guy who set this withdrawal up.............or rather, did nothing to set it up besides invite the Taliban to Camp David.
Pity is he wasn't re-elected. Biden's clusterfucks could have been avoided.
A decade ago, on another message board, I was chastised and blasted by Democrats for arguing that we were not fighting to win, but not to lose.

I’ve said it before. To win the war, we would have to bankrupt ourselves many times over. We would have to drag Afghanistan into the modern world, slowly and carefully managed. Educating the kids to be more Liberal than their parents, and then educating the next generation to be more liberal still. Until finally in four or five generations, the nation was Sectarian instead of based upon Religious beliefs.

I have always given credit to McCain for that truth during the 2008 campaign.

I like healthy debate. I love to argue issues. I like to think about them and consider my own opinions. I am in awe of some of the greats in history. Reagan is my favorite to quote for this sort of thing. He could describe and discuss his core beliefs without a note or prompter. He believed in those ideals. For him Star Wars was common sense. According to his beliefs it made all the sense in the world to take action to protect yourself.

I was a Democrat then, and honestly didn’t vote until 88 when I was old enough. But it made sense then, and now. When someone throws a punch at you, your instinctive survival instinct is to protect yourself. You try and block the punch. You may not block them all, but you still try. And every single one you block prevents damage to yourself.

Common sense. Survival instinct. Combined to a logical conclusion according to Reagan, and I largely agreed.

That is what it looks like when a man or woman has Core Beliefs. Those beliefs are lacking in the modern political leadership. Hell any political figure to be honest.

For a time, I lived in the district of John Barrow. A Democrat. The issue at hand was CAFTA. I sent him a letter arguing that Trade reduced enemies. You don’t go to war with a trading partner. And wars were bad.

John Barrow’s staff wrote me back. Congressman Barrow signed it. And I believe it was his ideals in the letter. He described the concerns he had about worker protections and protecting American Jobs. I was not convinced, but I agreed his view had some validity. I modified my opinion based upon his writings. They were core beliefs, and he didn’t blow smoke up my ass about how he agreed except this or that. He was honest, and I respected that.

Another time I wrote Alan Colmes of Hannity and Colmes fame. I told him I disagreed with him but respected his positions because they were consistent. He didn’t change them based upon the issue, he stayed true to his beliefs. I respected that and thanked him for being an honorable man on the issues.

He wrote me back thanking me. He said in the email that the viewers of Fox were supportive of him, but that Democrats were generally speaking upset with him for working there.

That was the beginning of the absence of Core Beliefs. When opposing the other side took precedence over everything. I’ve watched this happen. I’ve watched the slow march towards insanity. Our political debates have become nothing more than High School Homecoming game nonsense. Our team is awesome. We are Blue. You Blue guys suck. We’re Red!

As time went by, fewer core beliefs were in evidence. We are left with shallow little men and women who want power, not to make changes that are good for the people. But to punish and penalize their enemies. Political Enemies.

Which of those would I vote for? Which person do I choose to abuse the Constitutional Rights of the people? Which party do I support? I decided after 2018 that there wasn’t anyone left to vote for.

Look at your reply and see what I mean. We don’t have a candidate yet. They don’t have one yet. But we are already trying to come up with ways to get people to vote against them. We focus on stopping and defeating them to the point where we stand for nothing else.

It doesn’t make me happy. It makes me sad. It is a depressing thing to see. From glorious debates on issues to we have to get them. From moving rhetoric inspiring people to Stop the Fascists, stop the Socialists.

We will never again hear words like we once did. We will never again see a Politician inspire us as Kennedy did. Or Reagan. We will never again see the vital part of the process again. The part where a core belief shines through.

We are about to enter a new Dark Age. And your future will be determined not by your policies or beliefs. But by the color you are given to wear by your team.

You are correct about entering a new dark age. But your future will be determined by how much ammo you have.
Which will mostly be junk with no proper maintenance or parts within a month or two. Military people know this.

Only moronic twits, like yourself believe that nonsense. The night vision is the item that is most concerning.

An idiot such as yourself will say "oh the batteries will die and then they are useless".

The taliban, not being stupid, like you, will merely drop in some new batteries.
Oh...China has American equipment parts do they?

Yeah, you should look at all of the American technology the Chinese have been stealing for all these years.

More to the point, look at whatever you have technology wise and guess where it's made.

Since when does "ending a war" mean arming your enemy with all of your equipment when you leave?

Bodie claims to have been an Airforce pilot, maybe in her fantasy land that's what they do.
Everything that Biden has done since being sworn in has helped enemies and potential ememies, from Putin to Xi, now this.

Seems quite a plan being put into effect if you think about all this.


President Potatohead's incompetency is mind bogging.

The Taliban can kick anybody's ass now.

The result will be more Muslim extremist in the Middle East.

Most certinally attacks against the West. More 911s.
True or false, once the collapse was recognized the equipment could, and SHOULD have been destroyed.

The troops were already gone. That is why they had to send RDF units of the Airborne and Marines back in. There weren’t any troops to destroy the equipment.
The troops were already gone. That is why they had to send RDF units of the Airborne and Marines back in. There weren’t any troops to destroy the equipment.

Drones with Hellfires would do the job quite nicely.

Why aren't they being used instead of xiden using them to murder a poor innocent family.

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