Biden's Flip-Flops On COVID-19 Show He Is Incapable OfLeading During A Pandemic

Biden would listen to scientists instead of the gang over at fox news....a novel idea in this trump la la land.
You mean scientists like Dr. Fauci THE LEAD COVID DOCTOR IN THE USA who was saying in late February that masks don't really help and everything is fine? Or scientists like Dr. Tedros the head of the WHO parroting the Chinese narrative that all is well? Which scientists are you referring to?

Still parroting this non story six months later? As Fauci said in a later interview, they went on the best information they had at the time as the situation was constantly evolving and Trump and his cronies weren't taking the virus outbreak seriously. They started recommending masks in short order. The WHO reversed themselves on method of transmission at the end of January. That's what people who study the facts and the science do. They change their methods based on what is learned. I believe Trump said on January 22nd it was only one person and that they had it under control. He stated at his pep rallies that it was just the Democrats "latest hoax". He didn't start taking it seriously until he was forced to on March 13th....way too late in the game.
Everybody got it wrong in the beginning which you even admit in your jumble of doublespeak. Go back and study the timeline of events. You either don't understand the sequence or more likely you are blowing smoke so you can blame Trump for all the US COVID deaths.
Masks, Promising to shutdown the country again, Travel Ban oppositions.....flip....flop....flip...flop....

It was sure a change of listening to someone use sentences, other than one who has dissociated train of thoughts and run on sentences.

“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and ... correct the public health.” -Crazy Joe Biden
Nope. You get your spoon fed from Trump and right wing media. All of whom have been against all three of the measures I listed. The rest of us sane people form our own opinions and listen to the science.

Democrats believe in 'science', and decrepit, dementia-suffering China Joe is the leader of that belief in and adherence to that 'science'?!

JONT, the world literally watched feeble China Joe standing in what looked to be someone's back yard and declare that President Trump is responsible for fires, floods, hurricanes, high winds, and other natural disasters, as if President Trump had some magical control over nature itself, and declared if Trump is re-elected all of this would get WORSE.

Please tell me, JONT, what 'science' Joe is referring to that proves President Donald Trump has control of global, or at least US, weather, and that the President is unleashing fires, famine, hurricanes, flooding, and other weather Armageddon on the country, which will only be stopped if the president is removed from office...and provide the link to support Joe's claim.

Based on Joe's public declaration, the TRUTH is that Joe is a complete, 100%, mentally defective 'Whack-A-Doodle'! And if you believe what Joe said, or even if you believe there is any 'science' that supports this completely 100% DEPERATE, FEAR-MONGERING statement, then the truth is whoever buys what he said even for a minute is just as crazy as dementia-suffering China Joe.
-- As if Mother nature herself was outraged at Joe's unbelievable bullshit and acted to rebuke / silence him, a BUG attacked Joe in mid-RAMBLE.

AFTER his fear-mongering diatribe during which Joe accused President of dealing in weather-affecting black magic, Joe quickly sprinted for his car to avoid any understandably coming questions wanting to know who wrote the bullshit he just shoveled & if he would actually read ANYTHING typed onto his teleprompter...


The 'gold standard measuring stick' for 'Global Warming / Climate Change' has been and still is CARBON EMISSIONS. If the Biden nut-hugging media and snowflakes would bother to do a little of their own research, starting with the latest EPA reports, they would see that current Carbon Emissions are lower than at any time during the Obama /Biden administration.

Furthermore, if they bothered to look at the under-reported news on the devastating wildfires across the country they would read / hear / understand:

1. One of the major factor of these wildfires has been / is failed Liberal policies of preventing controlled burning and cleaning out old /downed trees, thick brush, etc...

2. 'Global warming' is not responsible for these wildfires - it's f*ing liberal extremist domestic terrorists:
- Some liberal terrorist was arrested for causing a wildfire by throwing / using a 'Molotov cocktail'. Another domestic terrorist was arrested for arson, was released, and reportedly set 6 more fires (contributing to the wildfires) before being arrested again. These domestic terrorists are literally burning down our country -- Not only are these foreign enemies of our state burning down neighborhoods, homes, and businesses, they are starting wildfires that burn hundreds of thousands of acres and have resulted in the deaths of over 20 Americans.

...but crazy-ass Joe is standing in a grassy back yard, fighting off man-eating bugs, to declare President Trump is creating fires, floods, hurricanes, high winds, etc... and that it will continue unless he is removed from office.

....and YOU are laughably claiming thatthis is based on 'SCIENCE'.


I labeled you as a LIAR a long time ago and you are still a LIAR today. That is just a bunch of HOGWASH.

I have not seen Joe displayed dementia. Do you care to give us an example? but over and over Donnie boy showed dementia when he get cornered..... I don’t know that person I never met him.

China Joe? Like WHAT ? How about Trump a Putin lover puppet? Russians fighter planes and ships harassing us in the international waters and air, fighter jets and tankers were caught several times near the Alaskan coast, bounty against US soldiers in Afghanistan, meddling in 2020 election again. That MORON has not said a single word against his master Putin because he is a useful idiot. Biden warned the Russians of the consequences.

What science is Joe referring too? It’s the climate change. What part of that don’t you understand? True Trump is not responsible for the hurricanes, flooding and other Armageddon. But we blamed him for total ignorance of science. The whole world are members of an organization PARIS ACCORD that includes Putin, Israel, Assad, Kim Jung un except dumb Trump. That has nothing to do with liberals. NON.

EPA reports? That’s BULLSHIT. Reports from Trump administration? Absolutely. Trump lowered the standards of EPA to accomodate his lying bullshit with the coal industry. It’s easier to pollute the air and water under this administration. Obama set a higher standard then here comes this idiot lowered it. Sued by 22 states. Link below

1. Just because an ignorant moron tells you about forest management raking the forest. Does not mean it’s right. You don’t even live here. If you look at some these wildfires there are no access except helicopters. So how the FUCK are you going to clean these forest? Most of these are under federal lands. So why is this moron not doing anything? Even if you can clean the forest floors how about the dry leaves on top of those trees?
We have a record breaking heat in last 2 weeks reaching 120°+ degrees some areas at 130°.
We have drought then Santa Ana winds. You and Trump is just pure dumb and ignorant.

2. You are a liar BIG TIME. One caught of arson in Kelso, Washington. The other 6 you are referring came from your conspiracies garbage Qanon. Link below. We have over 30+ deaths, hundreds of houses got burned looking for shelter. My heart goes with them. Here comes this SOB ASSHOLE best he can say is rake your forest. Trump and people like you are part of the problem in this country.

Masks, Promising to shutdown the country again, Travel Ban oppositions.....flip....flop....flip...flop....

From pjmedia? LOL Is that supposed to be credible? Labeled as fake news.

You're fake news. Educate yourself, you look stupid. Biden will shut it down and we will never recover.
What fake news I posted?
1. The link from OP is labeled as fake news.
2. Biden will shut down this country based from the scientists and experts are telling him. Thst is called science.

3. Trump is only doing it for himself with no respect to human lives. Look what is happening right now in this country? Because of Trump ignorance and stupidity is where we got here today. We cannot recover this year 2020. We are lucky if we can recover 2021. With Trump stupidity running this show I don’t think this Coronavirus crisis will get us to where we are before. Look at his rally in Nevada and Arizona yesterday. Does it looks like he care? Hell NO he doesn’t give a diddly squat about human lives.

Today Bibi of Israel shutdown the country again...

Masks, Promising to shutdown the country again, Travel Ban oppositions.....flip....flop....flip...flop....

From pjmedia? LOL Is that supposed to be credible? Labeled as fake news.

You're fake news. Educate yourself, you look stupid. Biden will shut it down and we will never recover.
What fake news I posted?
1. The link from OP is labeled as fake news.
2. Biden will shut down this country based from the scientists and experts are telling him. Thst is called science.

3. Trump is only doing it for himself with no respect to human lives. Look what is happening right now in this country? Because of Trump ignorance and stupidity is where we got here today. We cannot recover this year 2020. We are lucky if we can recover 2021. With Trump stupidity running this show I don’t think this Coronavirus crisis will get us to where we are before. Look at his rally in Nevada and Arizona yesterday. Does it looks like he care? Hell NO he doesn’t give a diddly squat about human lives.

Today Bibi of Israel shutdown the country again...

98.6% survival rate, you're a frightened child. PJ Media is a very good site, you being a Prog only like Looney Left sites. The Economy will NEVER recover if we shut it down again.
Masks, Promising to shutdown the country again, Travel Ban oppositions.....flip....flop....flip...flop....

From pjmedia? LOL Is that supposed to be credible? Labeled as fake news.

You're fake news. Educate yourself, you look stupid. Biden will shut it down and we will never recover.
What fake news I posted?
1. The link from OP is labeled as fake news.
2. Biden will shut down this country based from the scientists and experts are telling him. Thst is called science.

3. Trump is only doing it for himself with no respect to human lives. Look what is happening right now in this country? Because of Trump ignorance and stupidity is where we got here today. We cannot recover this year 2020. We are lucky if we can recover 2021. With Trump stupidity running this show I don’t think this Coronavirus crisis will get us to where we are before. Look at his rally in Nevada and Arizona yesterday. Does it looks like he care? Hell NO he doesn’t give a diddly squat about human lives.

Today Bibi of Israel shutdown the country again...

98.6% survival rate, you're a frightened child. PJ Media is a very good site, you being a Prog only like Looney Left sites. The Economy will NEVER recover if we shut it down again.

Wrong again. PJ media is labeled as fake news. Keep that in mind. Looney left sites.... why don’t you prove it. Why not try to debunked any of the left media? And give an example. Israel shut it down again. What makes you think they cannot recover? Trump handling of this Coronavirus crisis is a total failure. Evidence and results are crystal clear. Read my post do not stare at it.

Where and how did you get 98.6% survival rate? We have over 190,000 deaths and counting.
Masks, Promising to shutdown the country again, Travel Ban oppositions.....flip....flop....flip...flop....

Trump has already clinched that crown Biden cannot do any worse. He said he would shut the country down if medical experts recommended it. He is not trying to play doctor as Trump is.

Biden never said anything about the China travel ban. You morons are liars.

It has been proven that masks do help. A President does have emergency powers and can mandate the wearing of masks. The Supreme Court has already said that judges should not be substituting their judgement for that of elected official.

You use the extremist right media to justify your beliefs. They are as clueless as you are.

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