Biden's Fault: UAW goes on Strike --- First Time in History Workers Will Picket All Big Automakers At Same Time

When UPS was threatening to go on strike, and workers got significant benefit from that - I said that other unions are going to follow suit quickly.
And that is exactly what is happening. The UAW saw that the Teamsters were very successful at what they did.
Bottom line, this activity is going to cause further inflation on the rest of the country and 100% will cause more factories to be built off shore.
They are shitting in their own back yards.
The "Invisible Hand" Is the One Picking Your Pocket

The corpies can cut profits, including management's obscene salaries, instead of raising prices. Besides, if they raise prices, there will be fewer buyers, which will cut profits anyway. Volume is how they got rich back when the auto industry first became important.
A strike proves we are in recession?

Are you truly that fucking stupid/brainwashed?
9 unions are on strike our threatening to strike... we are in a recession pal.... get out of your basement and talk to people...
Food lines are two miles long... its too bad our media is not reporting on that... they would if Trump were president...
9 unions are on strike our threatening to strike... we are in a recession pal....

There is no connection between strikes and recessions.

get out of your basement and talk to people...
Food lines are two miles long...

I do not really go in my basement. The people I know are doing fine, I do not know anyone that is suffering.

Sorry you and yours have such a shitty life, I will be sending my hopes and prayers your way!
I knew this was coming. Biden has completely wrecked the economy. Expect vehicle prices to skyrocket. Do you think Union workers deserve a 40% pay raise?

Big companies are making huge profits and workers want a share of it. Biden has done nothing to the economy. Big businesses are attacking every working person in the world. Fascists want to blame minorities and others for it but it is big multinational companies that have too much power.
I knew this was coming. Biden has completely wrecked the economy. Expect vehicle prices to skyrocket. Do you think Union workers deserve a 40% pay raise?

Biden has nothing to do with this.

Automakers are making record profits and the workers want a piece of the pie
When Biden mandated full electric cars by 2035 he left one thing out... China will be able to beat our price... and all of these jobs will be gone forever.... so strike away it won't help...
Looming is AI and robotics. Will Trump embargoes suffice?
Democrats are only good for the no competition, government unions. You know, the ones who rob the middle class taxpayers. If the UAW were part of the AFSCME, Biden might have helped them.
I work with some Trump loving linemen that belong to a government union.

You should meet with them and tell them how you feel.

Have an ambulance ready though.
Please quit pissing all over yourself, you poor mother is tired of washing your pee pee pants.
Try using a diaper and save her from taking care of your wetness.
It would be nice to have you try to respond as an adult but we see that is impossible.
Urine trousers!

Oh, STFU Commie. 32 hour workweek and at over $50/hr? Totally unsustainable.
Please quit pissing all over yourself, you poor mother is tired of washing your pee pee pants.
Try using a diaper and save her from taking care of your wetness.
It would be nice to have you try to respond as an adult but we see that is impossible.
Urine trousers!
Did you think that was an adult response?

Whoever gave you that idea… smack em

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