Biden's [False] Claim About the Vaccinated Not Spreading COVID


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
On October 7, 2021, in another rambling presser, Biden made this false claim. Where are the fact-checkers? This is what Biden said:

... the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you.

Once again we see the Democrats as science deniers. And liars.

Biden's own Director of CDC told us months ago that the vaccinated could spread COVID.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidance on Tuesday recommending indoor mask use in areas with high transmission rates after new data suggested fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting Covid-19 but could potentially infect others.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said recent studies had shown that those vaccinated individuals who do become infected with Covid have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, making it possible for them to spread the virus to others. Based on that finding, Walensky said the CDC is also recommending that all school children wear masks in the fall.

Joe Biden spreading false information yet again, and outright lies as well. And the fact-checkers? The MSM?
Bidumb is the Liar in Chief god--he stutters and bumbles all the time = a total idiot
On October 7, 2021, in another rambling presser, Biden made this false claim. Where are the fact-checkers? This is what Biden said:

... the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you.

Once again we see the Democrats as science deniers. And liars.

Biden's own Director of CDC told us months ago that the vaccinated could spread COVID.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidance on Tuesday recommending indoor mask use in areas with high transmission rates after new data suggested fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting Covid-19 but could potentially infect others.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said recent studies had shown that those vaccinated individuals who do become infected with Covid have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, making it possible for them to spread the virus to others. Based on that finding, Walensky said the CDC is also recommending that all school children wear masks in the fall.

Joe Biden spreading false information yet again, and outright lies as well. And the fact-checkers? The MSM?
Weird, you're title says he was talking about the vaccinated, but he was actually talking about healthcare workers. It's almost like you would feign outrage no matter what he says.
The vaccine can do nothing aboout viral loads in mouths and throats. This takes care of the healthcare worker question.
The vaccine can do nothing aboout viral loads in mouths and throats. This takes care of the healthcare worker question.
Are you proposing a solution to the healthcare worker question?

Healthcare workers take all kinds of precautions, not just the vaccine.
Are you proposing a solution to the healthcare worker question?

Healthcare workers take all kinds of precautions, not just the vaccine.
Imagine if there was legitimate pamphlets and full page options in papers and magazines and the same on TV without charlatans like Fauci and the politicization of this virus. All the things that would reduce the chance of getting it, that are not masks and Big Pharma forced medicines. But that is not the way it is. We have hundreds and hundreds of TV stations and we get five minute sound bites. If I see authoritarian people in public places or even having get togethers in their homes with large numbers of guests not following the protocols they turn others into criminals for, I know they are lying. There are big lies and little lies. How can anyone want to fight and die for that?
President Biden is carrying out a Divine Punishment on Americans for their abominations.
Imagine if there was legitimate pamphlets and full page options in papers and magazines and the same on TV without charlatans like Fauci and the politicization of this virus. All the things that would reduce the chance of getting it, that are not masks and Big Pharma forced medicines. But that is not the way it is.
That wouldn't change the incentive your thought leaders have for turning you against them. You'd be railing against whatever was in those pamphlets instead.
Are you proposing a solution to the healthcare worker question?

Healthcare workers take all kinds of precautions, not just the vaccine.
Stating scientific facts. Have you figured out the airborne question?
If Trump said it... the media would be saying how dangerous and terrible to be spreading misinformation like this!! IRRESPONSIBLE!!!
People are dead!!.. DEAD I TELL YOU!!... and Trump saying this KILLS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... Biden said it... heh... nevermind.. he was probably misquoted or something...
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That wouldn't change the incentive your thought leaders have for turning you against them. You'd be railing against whatever was in those pamphlets instead.
All have their ways. My mistrust started in the late 1970's a half decade after graduating high school when PC, Diversity and Quotas went full steam ahead and applying for a job put me and millions of others in last place even for consideration. Even going into the service did not guarantee anything unless in a field that was vital. You will see no special reports or n0 progs broadcasting any of that. Graduate in the early 1970's and there was nothing unless you went to college for the white male. All the literature I bought about the globalism and people at that time is purely in that direction today.
All have their ways. My mistrust started in the late 1970's a half decade after graduating high school when PC, Diversity and Quotas went full steam ahead and applying for a job put me and millions of others in last place even for consideration. Even going into the service did not guarantee anything unless in a field that was vital. You will see no special reports or n0 progs broadcasting any of that. Graduate in the early 1970's and there was nothing unless you went to college for the white male. All the literature I bought about the globalism and people at that time is purely in that direction today.
So when did you start voting for policies that massively expanded the power of corporations and the elites? You still hoping their big bucks will start trickling down soon?
So when did you start voting for policies that massively expanded the power of corporations and the elites? You still hoping their big bucks will start trickling down soon?
People voted for Obama twice, yet he did both.
Reagan would never have DREAMED of the level of trickle down economics Obama engaged in.
But... I know... it doesn't count.
People voted for Obama twice, yet he did both.
Reagan would never have DREAMED of the level of trickle down economics Obama engaged in.
But... I know... it doesn't count.
Why do you care what Obama did? I'm not going to defend Obama. Why are you mad at him for something you've been voting for your entire life?
So when did you start voting for policies that massively expanded the power of corporations and the elites? You still hoping their big bucks will start trickling down soon?
By the end of the 1970's there was massive stagflation and a second oil crisis. I voted for a third party candidate John Anderson in 1980. When Reagan was elected, the Fed Reserve Chairman Paul Volker started to raise the prime rate and did not stop. It was double digits! It squeeze a lot of bad debt out of the economy. Most of this was from the LBJ years. I voted for Carter in 1976. To me, Reagan was the best President I was aware of as a voter in my life for his first term. Indexing and reducing the amount of tax brackets and inflation protection took the jackboot of the neck of taxpayers. Incredible IRA laws were passed only to be removed to a good degree a couple of years later. The Social Programs were kicking in big time. The Social Security people retiring in that era kicked in big time. The cost of medical insurance was increasing double digits each year because of it and government became more and more involved to help it along. Ideas for medical treatment that seemed noble somehow became incredibly expensive and Blue Cross/Blue Shield felt it as cheaper plans called HMO's became available with varying degrees of quality.
By the end of the 1970's there was massive stagflation and a second oil crisis. I voted for a third party candidate John Anderson in 1980. When Reagan was elected, the Fed Reserve Chairman Paul Volker started to raise the prime rate and did not stop. It was double digits! It squeeze a lot of bad debt out of the economy. Most of this was from the LBJ years. I voted for Carter in 1976. To me, Reagan was the best President I was aware of as a voter in my life for his first term. Indexing and reducing the amount of tax brackets and inflation protection took the jackboot of the neck of taxpayers. Incredible IRA laws were passed only to be removed to a good degree a couple of years later. The Social Programs were kicking in big time. The Social Security people retiring in that era kicked in big time. The cost of medical insurance was increasing double digits each year because of it and government became more and more involved to help it along. Ideas for medical treatment that seemed noble somehow became incredibly expensive and Blue Cross/Blue Shield felt it as cheaper plans called HMO's became available with varying degrees of quality.

Hmm what could have happened in the 80's to make those lines split...

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