Biden's Failing Afghanistan Withdrawl

Soon they'll be shot in the head by the Taliban...

If you believe anything that lying traitor posts, you have no clue...

He knew col tim osman and "Osama" but he does not have

One single photo of "Osama" in Saudi despite lying and lying and lying about it....
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"We have a proud family tradition of fighting in Afghanistan
generation after generation through the ages."
Moving the withdrawl date (May 1, 2021) is, and will be forever, one of Biden's biggest blunders as POTUS. Thousands of good people are being killed right now, because of his stupidity.
Whether the President should have stuck with his original withdrawal date of 9/11 or followed Trump's insistence that it should be sooner may be of no consequence whatever.

Extricating the United States from the Bush quagmire - an inevitably gruesome necessity - has been an imperative that has been deferred far too long. Was a collapse of democratic governance inevitable? We can only speculate, but there are ample, historically-validated reasons to believe so. Why postpone the inevitable even further when the unjustifiable cost that has been exacted for two decades is relentless?

"It has only been twenty years. Let's squander American lives and treasure for just a while longer!" is not an informed calculus.

Here are five reasons why that the U.S. is not likely to return to war in Afghanistan.

1. American Voters are opposed to staying in Afghanistan​

"We already have service members doing their duty in Afghanistan today whose parents served in the same war," Biden said in April, explaining his plans to leave the country. "We have service members who were not yet born when our nation was attacked on 9/11."
His push has been largely supported by the American public. A July poll found 70% of Americans support withdrawing U.S. forces from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, the 20th anniversary of the attacks, while 29% oppose doing so.​

2. Returning would risk American casualties​

Yes, combat troops could return. The Taliban military is no match for U.S. forces. But the costs would not be insignificant and likely far more than what the American public is willing to support.​
"It would destroy his presidency, not least because they would have to fight their way back in, and they would clearly take casualties doing it," Crocker said.​

3. Doubts more time would create a different outcome​

The United States spent $2.26 trillion on the war in Afghanistan, trying to rebuild the Afghan government and train its military, according to the Costs of War project.​
... "And for his critics who say, 'Oh, if we had just stayed a little longer we would have avoided the situation.' If you weren't able to do what needed to be done in 20 years, why do you think 21 or 22 years would have done the trick?"​

4. The U.S. mission wouldn't be clear​

"We went to war with clear goals" Biden said. "We achieved those objectives. [Osama] Bin Laden is dead, and al-Qaida is degraded in Iraq — in Afghanistan. And it's time to end the forever war."
The United States would need a new reason to return.​
"So what's the mission?" Crocker said. "To exterminate the Taliban? Bolster the [Afghan President Ashraf] Ghani government? In what ways? And again, to what end? So it's just to me is an utterly imaginary scenario. We will not be going back."​

5. Biden's focus is on domestic challenges — and China​

"We'll be much more formidable to our adversaries and competitors over the long term if we fight the battles for the next 20 years, not the last 20," he said.​
Charles Kupchan, a senior adviser in the Obama White House, said it's a lesson Biden learned after four years of former President Donald Trump.​
"Trump was responding to a sentiment in the American electorate: 'Too much world, not enough America. What about us?'," Kupchan said.​
He said Biden understands this and therefore is focused on repairing problems at home and "rebuilding schools in Kansas, not in Kandahar."​

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"If we just wait one more day, peace in
Afghanistan may be achieved tomorrow!"
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When I'm stuck with a day
That's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,

I love ya
You're always
A day
A way!
Don't worry. The 3K troops Jo Dufus sent to evacuate the embassy are queers fresh off their CRT training. They will be hell for the Taliban.
To our troops who fought in the Afghan War:
You did your job. You did it well. You defeated the enemies of America at every turn.
You gave the Afghans a shot at freedom. Be proud of your service because America is proud of you.

This Afghan debacle is on the suits. Not the boots.
MSNBC finally disagrees with Biden and you'll never guess about what!

Pulling out of Afghanistan. Now, there's NOT ONE GOOD THING about liberals. They're not even anti-war.
Biden’s withdrawal of US forces just followed Trump’s deal with the Taliban to withdraw by May. They both erred by not withdrawing troops in November or December when fighting is at a lull as opposed to the summer months when the fighting is the most intense.
I think Biden is a dangerously stupid and incompetent person but I don't blame him for whatever happens in that shithole when we leave. And I don't care how we leave as long as it is safely. I don't buy the bullshit argument that we have to fight them over there or we'll have to fight them over here. That's just an excuse for a terrible policy.
My opinion is that we should have left YEARS ago. We have satellites that can read license plates so If we see something that needs delt with we can send in a few missiles from afar.
was pulling out for four years, just as he had been vociferously advocating should be done since 2011 if not before.
Trump just cant win with you folks

the generals were completely against leaving afghanistan

if trump had ordered it over their objections you would have roasted him for not obeying the experts

but he finally did schedule a pullout

btw, I now think leaving afghanistan was a mistake after all

so go figure
Biden's mistake was not evacuating all Americans before pulling the troops out. Then he should have used a MOAB to bombed the US embassy leaving nothing but ruble
Trump just cant win with you folks
I have no idea who your "you folks" are. It makes you sound alienated. Perchance, the majority of the American electorate who voted for the President?

In any event, I give Trump full credit for repeatedly calling for the withdrawal of U.S. troops over the years, as well as for his call for the President to move up the withdrawal date. If he needs to take credit, I'll give him the unstinting approval that he craves.

Was there ever a "good time" to extract the nation from the quagmire Dubya stumbled into, and is a "good time" now a prospect? No.
Was there ever a good time to extract the nation from the quagmire Dubya stumbled into, and was a good time ever a prospect? No.
I suppose I will never be in sync with events

because i fully supported in the invasion at first and still do

but in retrospect our mistake was trying to nation build

the afghans are a crazy people who are never going to be civilized or peaceful

it was folly to ever think they could be changed

so after six months of destruction there we should have left

however, having invested 20 years and much American blood, the payoff should be a very strategic base for the coming war with china and or iran
I suppose I will never be in sync with events

because i fully supported in the invasion at first and still do

but in retrospect our mistake was trying to nation build

the afghans are a crazy people who are never going to be civilized or peaceful

it was folly to ever think they could be changed

so after six months of destruction there we should have left

however, having invested 20 years and much American blood, the payoff should be a very strategic base for the coming war with china and or iran
The invasion was a horrible mistake (as Trump consistently noted.)

A targeted police action could have expediently fulfilled the mission of exterminating al Qaeda. Taliban never constituted a threat to the U.S.

The best time to extract the United States from the futile fiasco that has cost trillions and squandered American lives has always been and remains "now."

Two decades of an horrific lack of progress with none in the offing is quite enough.

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