Do you believe the humans should be mandated to take untested mRNA "therapies"

  • I believe in Mandated Human Trials, so did Dr. Mengele

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No One should be mandated to take experimental therapies as a condition of employment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • Freedom is a Myth Give Me New World Order or Give Me Death!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
If you sign up for the Agendas of The Paris Climate Accords, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, and The Climate Hoax Agenda, you are for every goal they want to achieve one of which is depopulation.

To quote Al Gore, "The Planet has a fever and HUMANS ARE THE VIRUS!"

Don't take this lightly. The wealthy elite who all have membership in the "Green Club" believe in depopulation, population control, as part of their approach to subjugate sovereign nations and bring them under the control of a Global Government where "You will own nothing, THEY will OWN EVERYTHING, and you will be Forced to be Happy!"

Want to know what COVID 19 was all about? We know it was a Bio Weapon developed by Dr. Fauci as a Black Ops project through The Pentagon, and the money was laundered through a front called Eco Health, all set up and ordered by Obama.

Gain of Function Research was illegal when Obama set all this up, and only 10 day prior to Trump taking office did Obama remove that Ban. In 2017, Fauci came out and publicly predicted that The Trump Administration would be attacked by a Pandemic. They were. During the 2020 election year COVID 19 (the very Bio Weapon created by Fauci in Wuhan) was unleashed on The Unsuspecting American Citizen, then the attacks on our Freedom began immediately, and early on we were told to accept it, as this was The NEW NORMAL and THE NEW NORMAL was never going to go away. Comply, do it for your neighbors, your co-workers, we are all in this together they said. Unity they said.

Where have we heard this before? At The Tower of Babel when humanity was being encourage to join in on a unified rebellion against God. God confused their languages to put a stop to it. During The Days of Noah when humanity descended into wickedness and in unified rebellion against God, and against Human Freedoms God brought a flood to start over and wipe the slate clean. During the Rise of The Soviet Union the cries for Unity were deafening as the firearms used to kill 70 million Soviets that disagreed with "Unity." You can read about "Unity" in Mein Kampf, and Mao's Little Red Book. Global Socialist Fascist Rule they claim is the solution to humanity's problems, so long as they get to stay at the top, reap all the benefits for themselves at the expense of us all and our Freedoms.

Utopia? That only exists for The Elite when the try to sell you on "Unity". "Unity" is just a license to steal your freedom and your property for themselves.

Want to know why Biden allows illegal immigration and an open border and why we do not do health screenings with illegal immigrants, and why things like Measles, Polio and a multiple array of weird diseases we once thought were eradicated or new diseases are showing up now in the US? Want to know why young athletes and famous celebrities who are fully jabbed are dying suddenly?

Watch this.

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I hope they wipe out every last human being, because y'all suck and I don't want to be here anymore.
Not to bring Jesus into this, but He's our only chance of real change and real peace when He returns. All the people making us miserable will have no place in God's Kingdom when He returns.....and if His return is delayed, take heart, there are still some very good, pure and righteous loving people in The World. The issue is, that there are too few of them.

As far as The New World Order goes, if we submit to it, it will be here sooner. If we resist it, we have a chance of holding on to our freedoms longer. As far as your statement goes, you are 100% in line with The WEF, Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development Goals. These people think you suck, think that you are a parasite, think that you are in the way of them achieving their dystopian view, and think The World and The Earth would be better off with fewer people on it, without you on it, so they can have a larger share of The Earth's Wealth and Resources hoarded all for themselves.

You can help them achieve that kind of Greed, or you can at the very least intellectually oppose the advance of their agendas and slow their progress towards their goal.
If you believe the world is overpopulated, there is one way YOU can help TODAY.

What are you waiting for? Someone else to fix it? :rolleyes:
I oppose The New World Order and Depopulation. I also know for a fact that The Climate Change Agenda is 100% Hoax and is just another "Program" being sold to the masses to move us from National Sovereignty and Individual Liberties into a Globalist Fascist Collectivist New World Order.

There is a reason Biden is allowing enough Chinese Fentanyl to be imported into The US to kill off our entire population. There is a reason for him to ignore the border crisis and to refuse to deport illegals and refuse to give them health screenings.
Algore was sorta right...

"Liberal (lol..) 'humans' (lol..) "

Are indeed a virus.

They pose no more of a threat to the planet itself than a humming bird of course, it's the genepool and civilized society that they're destroying.
Liberals think they are going to get a Socialist Utopia by going along with this. They will find out too late that they will become the victims of this.
Two points.
1. The earth is only 'overpopulated' to the extent of the damage large populations do to themselves and to the earth.
2. The wealthy depend on large populations for their wealth: Cheap labor, and a mass market for their stuff.
If you sign up for the Agendas of The Paris Climate Accords, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, and The Climate Hoax Agenda, you are for every goal they want to achieve one of which is depopulation.

To quote Al Gore, "The Planet has a fever and HUMANS ARE THE VIRUS!"

Don't take this lightly. The wealthy elite who all have membership in the "Green Club" believe in depopulation, population control, as part of their approach to subjugate sovereign nations and bring them under the control of a Global Government where "You will own nothing, THEY will OWN EVERYTHING, and you will be Forced to be Happy!"

Want to know what COVID 19 was all about? We know it was a Bio Weapon developed by Dr. Fauci as a Black Ops project through The Pentagon, and the money was laundered through a front called Eco Health, all set up and ordered by Obama.

Gain of Function Research was illegal when Obama set all this up, and only 10 day prior to Trump taking office did Obama remove that Ban. In 2017, Fauci came out and publicly predicted that The Trump Administration would be attacked by a Pandemic. They were. During the 2020 election year COVID 19 (the very Bio Weapon created by Fauci in Wuhan) was unleashed on The Unsuspecting American Citizen, then the attacks on our Freedom began immediately, and early on we were told to accept it, as this was The NEW NORMAL and THE NEW NORMAL was never going to go away. Comply, do it for your neighbors, your co-workers, we are all in this together they said. Unity they said.

Where have we heard this before? At The Tower of Babel when humanity was being encourage to join in on a unified rebellion against God. God confused their languages to put a stop to it. During The Days of Noah when humanity descended into wickedness and in unified rebellion against God, and against Human Freedoms God brought a flood to start over and wipe the slate clean. During the Rise of The Soviet Union the cries for Unity were deafening as the firearms used to kill 70 million Soviets that disagreed with "Unity." You can read about "Unity" in Mein Kampf, and Mao's Little Red Book. Global Socialist Fascist Rule they claim is the solution to humanity's problems, so long as they get to stay at the top, reap all the benefits for themselves at the expense of us all and our Freedoms.

Utopia? That only exists for The Elite when the try to sell you on "Unity". "Unity" is just a license to steal your freedom and your property for themselves.

Want to know why Biden allows illegal immigration and an open border and why we do not do health screenings with illegal immigrants, and why things like Measles, Polio and a multiple array of weird diseases we once thought were eradicated or new diseases are showing up now in the US? Want to know why young athletes and famous celebrities who are fully jabbed are dying suddenly?

Watch this.

I think the world should depopulate by eradicating all Americans and Chinese ;)
Former Chair of Council of Europe Health Committee Says COVID Vaccines “Kill People Intentionally.”

"Analysis of the CDC’s official Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data shows that 5% of batches of the COVID vaccines are associated with almost all of the reported deaths, permanent cripplings and other injuries. Top scientists including a former chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and a former Chief Science Officer and VP of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, say that this cannot possibly be a coincidence."

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg said:

““It is not true that there is the same stuff in each shot,”

In an interview with attorney Reiner Fuellmich, below, widely known for his successful lawsuits against Deutsche Bank and Volkswagon, Dr. Wodarg says:

“Now is the time they can do it because we are afraid…it is worse than Nuremberg…and they kill people…intentionally.”

In 2010 as head of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wodarg led an inquiry into the controversial 2009 Swine Flu “pandemic.”

Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Pfizer CSO and VP, who after Pfizer founded the successful biotech company Ziarco, which was acquired by Novartis, says:

“if you harboured any residual doubts about whether there is or not a depopulation agenda, this presentation destroys that doubt.”


Dr. Mike Yeadon said in an interview:

“I am worried that this is the calibration of a killing weapon…I have got no reason to make this stuff up. I’ve never been a conspiracy theorist,”

Dr. Yeadon wrote to his Telegram audience:

“You’ll be aware that one of our assiduous researchers noticed a short while ago that adverse events are not occurring randomly throughout the batches & lots of vaccines made by a given manufacturer.

Instead, it appears that just 5% of the batches / lots are associated with almost all the deaths.

Given the tight requirements of consistency associated with an authorised product, it’s absolutely impossible that this is a chance event.”

Below: Dr. Mike Yeadon, CDC death report patterns resemble “calibration of a killing weapon” (view at Rumble) (view at Bitchute)

Below: Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Wofgang Wodarg, COVID vaccines are deliberate killing experiment (watch at Rumble)
If you believe the world is overpopulated, there is one way YOU can help TODAY.

What are you waiting for? Someone else to fix it? :rolleyes:

Jokes do not delete truth or data. There are fresh water shortages and fires all over the planet. Too many humans are consuming too much fresh water. Bill gates knows that. Bill gates knows co2 and covid are both frauds.

Earth is finite.

It can sustain X number of humans.

Testing that X is really dumb.

Religious people are 100% full of shit negligent math morons on this subject, which unlike co2 is real and now....
It can sustain X number of humans.

Testing that X is really dumb.

Religious people are 100% full of shit negligent math morons on this subject, which unlike co2 is real and now....

Since you godless people are so smart, what's the number?


And, it wasn't a joke. What are you waiting for?
Jokes do not delete truth or data. There are fresh water shortages and fires all over the planet. Too many humans are consuming too much fresh water. Bill gates knows that. Bill gates knows co2 and covid are both frauds.

Earth is finite.

It can sustain X number of humans.

Testing that X is really dumb.

Religious people are 100% full of shit negligent math morons on this subject, which unlike co2 is real and now....
God created the universe and you loons are destroying it.
Since you godless people are so smart, what's the number?


And, it wasn't a joke. What are you waiting for?

My take is we are already past the safe number of "no effect" and global fresh water shortages and fires are the evidence of that.

But you super smart religious folks know that stars are really the same size as figs, and LBJ was really a great guy too...
God created the universe and you loons are destroying it.

Voyager has weaponry, but detroying the universe...

Well, if you think stars are the same size as figs....

Cool thing. God took 7 days to make earth. And then snapped his fingers and created the rest of the universe...

There are hundreds of billions of galaxies.

We live in 1.

What percent of the mass of the Milky Way is Earth?

A - same as your IQ
If you sign up for the Agendas of The Paris Climate Accords, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, and The Climate Hoax Agenda, you are for every goal they want to achieve one of which is depopulation.

To quote Al Gore, "The Planet has a fever and HUMANS ARE THE VIRUS!"

Don't take this lightly. The wealthy elite who all have membership in the "Green Club" believe in depopulation, population control, as part of their approach to subjugate sovereign nations and bring them under the control of a Global Government where "You will own nothing, THEY will OWN EVERYTHING, and you will be Forced to be Happy!"

Want to know what COVID 19 was all about? We know it was a Bio Weapon developed by Dr. Fauci as a Black Ops project through The Pentagon, and the money was laundered through a front called Eco Health, all set up and ordered by Obama.

Gain of Function Research was illegal when Obama set all this up, and only 10 day prior to Trump taking office did Obama remove that Ban. In 2017, Fauci came out and publicly predicted that The Trump Administration would be attacked by a Pandemic. They were. During the 2020 election year COVID 19 (the very Bio Weapon created by Fauci in Wuhan) was unleashed on The Unsuspecting American Citizen, then the attacks on our Freedom began immediately, and early on we were told to accept it, as this was The NEW NORMAL and THE NEW NORMAL was never going to go away. Comply, do it for your neighbors, your co-workers, we are all in this together they said. Unity they said.

Where have we heard this before? At The Tower of Babel when humanity was being encourage to join in on a unified rebellion against God. God confused their languages to put a stop to it. During The Days of Noah when humanity descended into wickedness and in unified rebellion against God, and against Human Freedoms God brought a flood to start over and wipe the slate clean. During the Rise of The Soviet Union the cries for Unity were deafening as the firearms used to kill 70 million Soviets that disagreed with "Unity." You can read about "Unity" in Mein Kampf, and Mao's Little Red Book. Global Socialist Fascist Rule they claim is the solution to humanity's problems, so long as they get to stay at the top, reap all the benefits for themselves at the expense of us all and our Freedoms.

Utopia? That only exists for The Elite when the try to sell you on "Unity". "Unity" is just a license to steal your freedom and your property for themselves.

Want to know why Biden allows illegal immigration and an open border and why we do not do health screenings with illegal immigrants, and why things like Measles, Polio and a multiple array of weird diseases we once thought were eradicated or new diseases are showing up now in the US? Want to know why young athletes and famous celebrities who are fully jabbed are dying suddenly?

Watch this.

How long did you spend in the nuthouse before they let you out? Oh, btw. You did a bang up job bullshitting them.
My take is we are already past the safe number of "no effect" and global fresh water shortages and fires are the evidence of that.

But you super smart religious folks know that stars are really the same size as figs, and LBJ was really a great guy too...

What are you waiting for, don't you want to save the planet?

Or, are you just going to blow smoke?
What are you waiting for, don't you want to save the planet?

Or, are you just going to blow smoke?

The only good thing about bill gates' use of covid vax to "solve" the problem of human overpopulation is that it is disproportionately wiping out moronic parrots.

Shocking you are still alive...

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