Biden's $1.9 trillion relief bill


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
How much of Biden's relief bill money will go to the Corrupt Democrat Politicians and and how much will actually go to the people in need?
Dems are notorious liars and thieves.
Always remember the Dirty Dem Motto: Never let a good crisis go to waste
How much more debt will it load on to the backs of the middle class taxpayers?
How long will it take to pay it back?
It looks like the Dems are exploiting the Corona Crisis to line their pockets.
Biden Seeks $1.9 Trillion for Relief in First Economic Plan (
How much of Biden's relief bill money will go to the Corrupt Democrat Politicians and and how much will actually go to the people in need?
Dems are notorious liars and thieves.
Always remember the Dirty Dem Motto: Never let a good crisis go to waste
How much more debt will it load on to the backs of the middle class taxpayers?
How long will it take to pay it back?
It looks like the Dems are exploiting the Corona Crisis to line their pockets.
Biden Seeks $1.9 Trillion for Relief in First Economic Plan (
Probably the same amounts that went to corrupt Republicans when Trump did it several times..
I see cities run by democrats, I see poverty and mass homelessness. I get employees at Walmart that can't speak English. Ok, next we get a Somalian RTD bus driver running red lights and drive past stops... because librprogdemocrats are so superficial as to value "diversity" over competency.
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I see cities run by democrats, I see poverty and mass homelessness. I get employees at Walmart that that can't speak English, don't know where the mushrooms are. I get a black somalin RTD driver running red lights and speeding, because librprogdemocrats are so superficial as to value "diversity" over competency.
Mushrooms are on the veggie in cans isle. I don't know why they are considered fungi not a veggie. They will also keep some by the pasta and spaghetti sauce.
No matter who runs a city there is poverty, crime the better things in civilization.
I see cities run by democrats, I see poverty and mass homelessness. I get employees at Walmart that that can't speak English, don't know where the mushrooms are. I get a black somalin RTD driver running red lights and speeding, because librprogdemocrats are so superficial as to value "diversity" over competency.
I see 2012 all over again.....just what you are fact ...yes...Joe was the VP in 2012....
When I go into a store, I expect the employees to be able to communicate. But according to our wonderful liberal overlords, its racism to expect some basic level of competency from anyone, especially
people of color.
When I go into a store, I expect the employees to be able to communicate. But according to our wonderful liberal overlords, its racism to expect some basic level of competency from anyone, especially
people of color.
All the good ones are working the better jobs.
I quit taking mass transit after 1983. White bus driver runs over a black man accidentally The media made it a race issue, the media lied or confabulates everything. Like say, Breanna Taylor. The media leaves out soo much and exaggerates so much.
I see cities run by democrats, I see poverty and mass homelessness. I get employees at Walmart that can't speak English. Ok, next we get a Somalian RTD bus driver running red lights and drive past stops... because librprogdemocrats are so superficial as to value "diversity" over competency.

A covid relief bill = Somalian bus drivers running red lights?
Why is race a issue? Why this focus on blacks all of a sudden? Um when German, French or English news outlets
does an about face and focuses on mostly black issues and has mostly negro representatives . Funny thing about that.
$1400 per person. Unemployment extensions with $400 per week extra.

That's gonna help a lot of people considering nearly a million filed for UI last week
If they start mailing out $2,000 checks to people, I will be taking swift action to ensure people don't get those checks. Any true patriots who work at the post office or at banks should do the same. Make sure those checks and deposits are not made. Make sure people filing for extended unemployment do not have their forms processed. It's time to stand up for what's right. That money could be used for more important things. How many more carriers could we have for that $1.9 trillion dollars? We could have over 140 new Ford Class carriers for that amount of money. We're going to need those for what will hopefully be a glorious war with chicoms in the near future.
You're advocating Federal crimes

Way to go MAGArat
You're advocating Federal crimes

Way to go MAGArat

I don't believe in federalism. I only obey the articles of the confederation. I do not recognize the constitution or the powers it grants to the national/federal government.


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