Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
No because national security is a defense issue, and if you haven't noticed, the laziness of the Biden administration depts to fill out paper work on the people violating the border and releasing them inside without vetting, will be noted and has been noted by terrorist orgs and cells, some who were caught before the laziness and new heads came in to cause the chaos. That's why you no longer hear of the numbers coming in that are on terrorist lists, we no longer have a clue. It will take a big incident before people wake up, and perhaps someone with power and prestige to be affected by the event before they take national security serious.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
No because national security is a defense issue, and if you haven't noticed, the laziness of the Biden administration depts to fill out paper work on the people violating the border and releasing them inside without vetting, will be noted and has been noted by terrorist orgs and cells, some who were caught before the laziness and new heads came in to cause the chaos. That's why you no longer hear of the numbers coming in that are on terrorist lists, we no longer have a clue. It will take a big incident before people wake up, and perhaps someone with power and prestige to be affected by the event before they take national security serious.
T**** claimed it a defense issue, an emergency or disaster or something, and the court said he had the right to call it that because of that damned law passed during Clinton's term, but that law was not designed for the purpose T**** used it for, and HE DIDN'T GET APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS EITHER.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
No. The wall is a national security issue. The Dumbocrats tried to stop him in court and failed.
Interesting. There's a lot of effort and progress on the left to build a 100% Democrat U.S. military, especially among the middle ranks of Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officers. They have officer-level government pensions and generous health benefits with other freebies -- and some of that ex-military benefit garbage if it ever came to the attention of the GAO.

The rank-and-file troops are a little bit more conservative, they want to get out of the military eventually, and live with freedom and independence intact. The top brass, generals, colonels, lieutenants etc. at the Pentagon are also fairly conservative -- they know which side their bread is buttered on, whereas the middle ranks have quite a government employee-like labor union going on. There's too much bureaucracy in the Army, Marine Corps, etc., and some of those middle management positions are a little bit too cushy to be really considered military rather than civilian paper-pushers, and yet they have official active duty status, and certain benefits and privileges that go along with that, especially with their rank.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
Uh, no OL, Trump was actually building the wall. Stop trying to derail the subject, It's your MO and it's so obvious.
This is what it says in the OP. I'm just asking, since it sounds like T**** did the same thing to build it.
Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
No because national security is a defense issue, and if you haven't noticed, the laziness of the Biden administration depts to fill out paper work on the people violating the border and releasing them inside without vetting, will be noted and has been noted by terrorist orgs and cells, some who were caught before the laziness and new heads came in to cause the chaos. That's why you no longer hear of the numbers coming in that are on terrorist lists, we no longer have a clue. It will take a big incident before people wake up, and perhaps someone with power and prestige to be affected by the event before they take national security serious.
T**** claimed it a defense issue, an emergency or disaster or something, and the court said he had the right to call it that because of that damned law passed during Clinton's term, but that law was not designed for the purpose T**** used it for, and HE DIDN'T GET APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS EITHER.
Correct me where I'm wrong, Smokin' OP
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.

" Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall'.

Halting billions?

Is Biden holding up the check from Mexico?
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?
No because national security is a defense issue, and if you haven't noticed, the laziness of the Biden administration depts to fill out paper work on the people violating the border and releasing them inside without vetting, will be noted and has been noted by terrorist orgs and cells, some who were caught before the laziness and new heads came in to cause the chaos. That's why you no longer hear of the numbers coming in that are on terrorist lists, we no longer have a clue. It will take a big incident before people wake up, and perhaps someone with power and prestige to be affected by the event before they take national security serious.
T**** claimed it a defense issue, an emergency or disaster or something, and the court said he had the right to call it that because of that damned law passed during Clinton's term, but that law was not designed for the purpose T**** used it for, and HE DIDN'T GET APPROVAL FROM CONGRESS EITHER.
Correct me where I'm wrong, Smokin' OP
Corrected, wrong icon.
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.
I said it, and I'll say till the cows come home, that Biden is a national security risk, and should have never been allowed to be president. I have called these things right so many times.
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.
I said it, and I'll say till the cows come home, that Biden is a national security risk, and should have never been allowed to be president. I have called these things right so many times.

The only national security risk is in Palm Beach, sitting on his fat ass.
Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.
I said it, and I'll say till the cows come home, that Biden is a national security risk, and should have never been allowed to be president. I have called these things right so many times.

The only national security risk is in Palm Beach, sitting on his fat ass.

That must be you snowbird.

Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says
BREAKING: Biden ‘Under Investigation’ By GAO For Halting Billions Of Dollars To Finish Border Wall, Report Says | The Daily Wire
23 Mar 2021 ~~ By Ryan Saaverda

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly “under investigation” for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.
“Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow,” Politico reported. “The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent — or suspended — at odds with Congress’ intent.”
The report comes as Biden’s border crisis has overwhelmed the U.S.-Mexico border, promoting backlash against Biden from Republicans, Democrats, and even the president of Mexico.
Forty Senate Republicans said in a letter to the Government Accountability Office that in “the weeks that followed” Biden suspending construction of the border wall that “operational control of our southern border was comprised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued.”
The lawmakers wrote:
We are writing to be added as co-requesters of a March 17, 2021 letter, signed by 40 United States Senators, requesting the Government Accountability Office’s investigation and legal opinion on the actions of the Biden Administration to suspend border wall construction and to order a freeze of funds provided by Congress for that purpose, which we believe violated the Impoundment Control Act.
The news comes as the southern border has become overwhelmed under Biden’s leadership after the president reversed numerous policies put in place by the Trump administration. In at least one sector on the U.S. border, the Biden administration has started to release illegal border crossers into the U.S. without scheduling any kind of a court date for the migrants. Recent reports have indicated that there are more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors in U.S. custody, which is nearly twice as high as the previous record. The Washington Post recently highlighted how the Biden administration was repeatedly warned that a crisis would erupt on the border if they undid Trump’s policies—a warning that came from career officials, not just political appointees.

In the meantime it's costing $6 million a day for all the equipment lying unused and hundreds of workers unemployed because of a petulant Chyna Joey Xi and his handlers.
Not only is Joey Xi incompetent to stand trial he wasn’t legitimately elected so he can’t be held accountable for any Executive actions he’s taken.
His lawyers have a golden client.
He could allowed the wall to be built as well as the pipeline but he is spineless sellout and the worst kind of American. Maybe we can fight to get both done as this rotting fool wastes away and before giggles the Ho takes over.
What he and his handlers have perpetrated on Americ is something far, far worse than anything Trump ever did. Democrats in their power hungry spree ruin everything.
I said it, and I'll say till the cows come home, that Biden is a national security risk, and should have never been allowed to be president. I have called these things right so many times.

The only national security risk is in Palm Beach, sitting on his fat ass.

That must be you snowbird.


Not us that love communist and Russia.
Didn't T**** do the same thing when he abused the laws to take funding from the military and bypass Congress in order to build it, too?

Using discretionary funds is not abusing the 'laws'.
Not everyone agrees he should have declared a national emergency to do this.
My point was mostly that he also bypassed Congress. That is what they are investigating President Biden for, isn't it?
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