Biden twists the truth "300 million vaccinations given"

Hey. You don't wanna get the shot?

Fuck you. I hope you get a good case and expire. Darwinism rules
and if you get it, i hope YOU have health issues no, FUCK YOU
I am fully vaccinated for polio, this means I never need another.

Information about polio disease, vaccines and recommendations for vaccination from the Australian Immunisation Handbook

recommended to receive a booster dose of inactivated poliovirus (IPV) vaccine or an IPV-containing vaccine every 10 years.
I am going to sadly laugh when the vaccinated begin having kids with autism

The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.

In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
That was back in 2008 and then everything changed....except it didn't.

Hannah Poling was unique in that she had a pre existing condition, Mitochondrial disease to be specific. The court found that the vaccines might have exasperated symptoms associated with autism. This is a very rare condition as no medication is 100% safe.

Glad to be of assistance.

Now tell us how many billion dollars in vaccine damages have been paid out.


PS. The only thing that you can be of assistance to is providing Hunter Biden with crack
About 4.2 billion since 1988. Most claims submitted via the National Childhood Vaccine Act have been declined. And under that act they've awarded money even if there isn't proof of an absolute link between an illness and a vaccine.

There is no real evidence that vaccines are the cause of autism. Actually only 1 autism claim was awarded and that is the one you posted.

People can become ill from vaccines, I don't think that is in question. Just like any medication.
4.2 billion is the proof that vaccines are a disaster
No, it's not.

How many people have died of Polio and Smallpox in this country in the last 50 years?

Almost every single American has been vaccinated against something, hundreds of millions of people and a few thousand were awarded for damages? Come on, man.
yup....1 jab and done...not being jabbed repeatedly, with no guarantees....pathetic you are
What you going on about? Booster shots making you shit yourself or something?
the lack of will learn the hard way....good luck w/that
I am fully vaccinated for polio, this means I never need another.

Information about polio disease, vaccines and recommendations for vaccination from the Australian Immunisation Handbook

recommended to receive a booster dose of inactivated poliovirus (IPV) vaccine or an IPV-containing vaccine every 10 years.
I am going to sadly laugh when the vaccinated begin having kids with autism

The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.

In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
That was back in 2008 and then everything changed....except it didn't.

Hannah Poling was unique in that she had a pre existing condition, Mitochondrial disease to be specific. The court found that the vaccines might have exasperated symptoms associated with autism. This is a very rare condition as no medication is 100% safe.

Glad to be of assistance.

Now tell us how many billion dollars in vaccine damages have been paid out.


PS. The only thing that you can be of assistance to is providing Hunter Biden with crack
About 4.2 billion since 1988. Most claims submitted via the National Childhood Vaccine Act have been declined. And under that act they've awarded money even if there isn't proof of an absolute link between an illness and a vaccine.

There is no real evidence that vaccines are the cause of autism. Actually only 1 autism claim was awarded and that is the one you posted.

People can become ill from vaccines, I don't think that is in question. Just like any medication.
4.2 billion is the proof that vaccines are a disaster
No, it's not.

How many people have died of Polio and Smallpox in this country in the last 50 years?

Almost every single American has been vaccinated against something, hundreds of millions of people and a few thousand were awarded for damages? Come on, man.
yup....1 jab and done...not being jabbed repeatedly, with no guarantees....pathetic you are
What you going on about? Booster shots making you shit yourself or something?
the lack of will learn the hard way....good luck w/that
Oooh, sounds cryptic and ominous in a Corky from Life Goes On sort of way.
I am fully vaccinated for polio, this means I never need another.

Information about polio disease, vaccines and recommendations for vaccination from the Australian Immunisation Handbook

recommended to receive a booster dose of inactivated poliovirus (IPV) vaccine or an IPV-containing vaccine every 10 years.
I am going to sadly laugh when the vaccinated begin having kids with autism

The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.

In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
That was back in 2008 and then everything changed....except it didn't.

Hannah Poling was unique in that she had a pre existing condition, Mitochondrial disease to be specific. The court found that the vaccines might have exasperated symptoms associated with autism. This is a very rare condition as no medication is 100% safe.

Glad to be of assistance.

Now tell us how many billion dollars in vaccine damages have been paid out.


PS. The only thing that you can be of assistance to is providing Hunter Biden with crack
About 4.2 billion since 1988. Most claims submitted via the National Childhood Vaccine Act have been declined. And under that act they've awarded money even if there isn't proof of an absolute link between an illness and a vaccine.

There is no real evidence that vaccines are the cause of autism. Actually only 1 autism claim was awarded and that is the one you posted.

People can become ill from vaccines, I don't think that is in question. Just like any medication.
4.2 billion is the proof that vaccines are a disaster
No, it's not.

How many people have died of Polio and Smallpox in this country in the last 50 years?

Almost every single American has been vaccinated against something, hundreds of millions of people and a few thousand were awarded for damages? Come on, man.
yup....1 jab and done...not being jabbed repeatedly, with no guarantees....pathetic you are
What you going on about? Booster shots making you shit yourself or something?
the lack of will learn the hard way....good luck w/that
Oooh, sounds cryptic and ominous in a Corky from Life Goes On sort of way.
much better than having a pee wee
I am fully vaccinated for polio, this means I never need another.

Information about polio disease, vaccines and recommendations for vaccination from the Australian Immunisation Handbook

recommended to receive a booster dose of inactivated poliovirus (IPV) vaccine or an IPV-containing vaccine every 10 years.
I am going to sadly laugh when the vaccinated begin having kids with autism

The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.

In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
That was back in 2008 and then everything changed....except it didn't.

Hannah Poling was unique in that she had a pre existing condition, Mitochondrial disease to be specific. The court found that the vaccines might have exasperated symptoms associated with autism. This is a very rare condition as no medication is 100% safe.

Glad to be of assistance.

Now tell us how many billion dollars in vaccine damages have been paid out.


PS. The only thing that you can be of assistance to is providing Hunter Biden with crack
About 4.2 billion since 1988. Most claims submitted via the National Childhood Vaccine Act have been declined. And under that act they've awarded money even if there isn't proof of an absolute link between an illness and a vaccine.

There is no real evidence that vaccines are the cause of autism. Actually only 1 autism claim was awarded and that is the one you posted.

People can become ill from vaccines, I don't think that is in question. Just like any medication.
4.2 billion is the proof that vaccines are a disaster
No, it's not.

How many people have died of Polio and Smallpox in this country in the last 50 years?

Almost every single American has been vaccinated against something, hundreds of millions of people and a few thousand were awarded for damages? Come on, man.
yup....1 jab and done...not being jabbed repeatedly, with no guarantees....pathetic you are
What you going on about? Booster shots making you shit yourself or something?
the lack of will learn the hard way....good luck w/that
Oooh, sounds cryptic and ominous in a Corky from Life Goes On sort of way.
much better than having a pee wee
Sorry, I didn't realize mommy gave you the keyboard unattended.
If you're vaccinated you owe Trump a debt of gratitude.
There is a small smeckle of truth in that.

Trump being Trump...he COULD have screwed that pooch but thankfully didn't. He did what any reasonable leader should have done in showing the US Government's willingness to pay for the vaccine (pretty much a no brainer...)

But that's as far as it goes. He made few effective (if any) plans for how to distribute and ramp up production.

Thank you JOE! Biden made that all work...
Because the states were in control of distribution and how the state would address the pandemic.
If you're vaccinated you owe Trump a debt of gratitude.
There is a small smeckle of truth in that.

Trump being Trump...he COULD have screwed that pooch but thankfully didn't. He did what any reasonable leader should have done in showing the US Government's willingness to pay for the vaccine (pretty much a no brainer...)

But that's as far as it goes. He made few effective (if any) plans for how to distribute and ramp up production.

Thank you JOE! Biden made that all work...
Because the states were in control of distribution and how the state would address the pandemic.
That hasn't worked out well since the beginning of the pandemic where states were forced to procure their own PPE. It was kind of a clusterfuck and made the equipment more expensive than need be.
Do you know how much Apple is up in the last 10 years?

I do
Let's use your math.Apple shares started the 2010s trading at around $30.

Market Summary
Apple Inc NASDAQ: AAPL 130.46

It was $30 ten years ago, it's $130 today
LOL then they split 1 to 7 then they split 1 to 4, so for every share owned in 2010 the holder now has 24 shares. Being a nobody you could not possibly understand.

Come back when you grow uppy


Hahaha. Boom! Head shot.

Jesus people. How stupid are you?

A fully vaccinated person has received TWO doses. Each dose counts as one vaccination.

And infections and deaths declined almost as soon as we reached 100 million vaccinations.

Guess what?

With dumbass red/southern states being so slow to vaccinate there is a high likelihood that the virus will continue to "thin the heard" there.

I frankly don't care. I'm fuly vaccinated. You can't kill me any more.
You? Meaning China? The side effects of the vaccines is that you act like an idiot. You’re case in point.
I am fully vaccinated for polio, this means I never need another.

Information about polio disease, vaccines and recommendations for vaccination from the Australian Immunisation Handbook

recommended to receive a booster dose of inactivated poliovirus (IPV) vaccine or an IPV-containing vaccine every 10 years.
I am going to sadly laugh when the vaccinated begin having kids with autism

The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.

In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
Page not found.
The only thing not found is your IQ you are living in denial

The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.

In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
Not as you represented it. The vaccines aggravated a rare genetic disorder, they didn't "cause autism".

Next lie please.
Hanna would not have autism if not for the vaccine. The fact is that this happens so often that there is a dedicated vaccine court to issue the billions of dollars in damages.

But you did not hear that on TV so it is not real in your government owned mind
She doesn't have autism. She has a rare genetic disorder with symptoms similar to autism.
Furthermore there are no covid 19 vaccines that are guaranteed to work as intended
This is a lie.
Again kid, no covid 19 vaccine even makes the claim that it will prevent the disease which is why there are vaccinated people getting covid.
Read the CDC, FDA and NIH criteria for determining the efficacy of a vaccine. One criteria they set was for preventing serious illness (ex: hospitalization) or death.

The other for prevention of mild or moderate symptoms.

And all three vaccines have met or exceeded the target efficacy set.
who gives a fuck what any of them say....they have been LYING along with fake-i, on a daily basis
You're foaming at the mouth again.
thats beer...yours is foaming
Wow, is that really the best comeback you could think of?

Sad, the quality of the opposition here. Just sad.
I am fully vaccinated for polio, this means I never need another.

Information about polio disease, vaccines and recommendations for vaccination from the Australian Immunisation Handbook

recommended to receive a booster dose of inactivated poliovirus (IPV) vaccine or an IPV-containing vaccine every 10 years.
I am going to sadly laugh when the vaccinated begin having kids with autism

The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.

In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime.
Page not found.
that must be where that thing you refer to as a brain is....not found
This one's even weaker.
Furthermore there are no covid 19 vaccines that are guaranteed to work as intended
This is a lie.
Again kid, no covid 19 vaccine even makes the claim that it will prevent the disease which is why there are vaccinated people getting covid.
Read the CDC, FDA and NIH criteria for determining the efficacy of a vaccine. One criteria they set was for preventing serious illness (ex: hospitalization) or death.

The other for prevention of mild or moderate symptoms.

And all three vaccines have met or exceeded the target efficacy set.
who gives a fuck what any of them say....they have been LYING along with fake-i, on a daily basis
You're foaming at the mouth again.
thats beer...yours is foaming
Wow, is that really the best comeback you could think of?

Sad, the quality of the opposition here. Just sad.
Did you inform the CDC and Pfizer that all their numbers are wrong? Is their anything that you do not know?

Have you ever been tested for schizophrenia
Furthermore there are no covid 19 vaccines that are guaranteed to work as intended
This is a lie.
Again kid, no covid 19 vaccine even makes the claim that it will prevent the disease which is why there are vaccinated people getting covid.
Read the CDC, FDA and NIH criteria for determining the efficacy of a vaccine. One criteria they set was for preventing serious illness (ex: hospitalization) or death.

The other for prevention of mild or moderate symptoms.

And all three vaccines have met or exceeded the target efficacy set.
who gives a fuck what any of them say....they have been LYING along with fake-i, on a daily basis
You're foaming at the mouth again.
thats beer...yours is foaming
Wow, is that really the best comeback you could think of?

Sad, the quality of the opposition here. Just sad.
What do you believe that you are achieving here? The fact is that all you are doing is repeating what you heard on TV and in such are proving that you are a government drone repeating the lies that you heard on TV. I pity people like you, however drones like you are the mortal enemy of true freedom so stay clear of me and mine.

Anthony Falsi said there is no need to wear a mask, then he said if you do not wear a mask you will die, then he said that it is impossible that covid was made in a lab, now he says it was made in a lab and still you believe but that is what brain dead programmed zombies like you do. You are already dead, embalmed and in the casket and you have no clue
Do you know how much Apple is up in the last 10 years?

I do
Let's use your math.Apple shares started the 2010s trading at around $30.

Market Summary
Apple Inc NASDAQ: AAPL 130.46

It was $30 ten years ago, it's $130 today
LOL then they split 1 to 7 then they split 1 to 4, so for every share owned in 2010 the holder now has 24 shares. Being a nobody you could not possibly understand.

Come back when you grow uppy

OOPS, I fouled up here in a grand manner. 1 to 7 = 7 and 7 to 4 = 28 not 21. My bad, my eighth grade teacher would be spanking me for that one. That said Apple shares were not worth 30 dollars in 2010, that is the adjusted share price after repeated splits, as I recall when I bought my last shares they were 560 a piece. Kind of odd how much the value is up and now it's 130 a share.

CIAO Charlie
Furthermore there are no covid 19 vaccines that are guaranteed to work as intended
This is a lie.
Again kid, no covid 19 vaccine even makes the claim that it will prevent the disease which is why there are vaccinated people getting covid.
Read the CDC, FDA and NIH criteria for determining the efficacy of a vaccine. One criteria they set was for preventing serious illness (ex: hospitalization) or death.

The other for prevention of mild or moderate symptoms.

And all three vaccines have met or exceeded the target efficacy set.
No covid vaccine makes the claim to prevent covid. Shit fool 85 percent of the people who get covid without the vaccine have no symptoms, and all the vaccine says that it does is to prevent symptoms. The fact is that the government owns your mind and can do with you what it pleases.
No covid vaccine makes the claim to prevent covid.
Nor will they. They are meant to prevent severe cases that cause hospitalizations and deaths. IOW saving lives, dope.
Furthermore there are no covid 19 vaccines that are guaranteed to work as intended
This is a lie.
Again kid, no covid 19 vaccine even makes the claim that it will prevent the disease which is why there are vaccinated people getting covid.
Read the CDC, FDA and NIH criteria for determining the efficacy of a vaccine. One criteria they set was for preventing serious illness (ex: hospitalization) or death.

The other for prevention of mild or moderate symptoms.

And all three vaccines have met or exceeded the target efficacy set.
who gives a fuck what any of them say....they have been LYING along with fake-i, on a daily basis
You're foaming at the mouth again.
thats beer...yours is foaming
Wow, is that really the best comeback you could think of?

Sad, the quality of the opposition here. Just sad.
Did you inform the CDC and Pfizer that all their numbers are wrong? Is their anything that you do not know?

Have you ever been tested for schizophrenia
Me? You're the one hallucinating.
Furthermore there are no covid 19 vaccines that are guaranteed to work as intended
This is a lie.
Again kid, no covid 19 vaccine even makes the claim that it will prevent the disease which is why there are vaccinated people getting covid.
Read the CDC, FDA and NIH criteria for determining the efficacy of a vaccine. One criteria they set was for preventing serious illness (ex: hospitalization) or death.

The other for prevention of mild or moderate symptoms.

And all three vaccines have met or exceeded the target efficacy set.
who gives a fuck what any of them say....they have been LYING along with fake-i, on a daily basis
You're foaming at the mouth again.
thats beer...yours is foaming
Wow, is that really the best comeback you could think of?

Sad, the quality of the opposition here. Just sad.
What do you believe that you are achieving here? The fact is that all you are doing is repeating what you heard on TV and in such are proving that you are a government drone repeating the lies that you heard on TV. I pity people like you, however drones like you are the mortal enemy of true freedom so stay clear of me and mine.

Anthony Falsi said there is no need to wear a mask, then he said if you do not wear a mask you will die, then he said that it is impossible that covid was made in a lab, now he says it was made in a lab and still you believe but that is what brain dead programmed zombies like you do. You are already dead, embalmed and in the casket and you have no clue
Your post is chock full of conspiracy theory nonsense but you accuse me of repeating everything I'm told? A tRump cultist is accusing me of being a programmed zombie?

Do you realize what a fool you are making yourself out to be?

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