Biden Took Question From Former Obama-Biden Speechwriter At Last Night’s Town Hall


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Shocked! I tell ya I'm shocked. Not!

Two individuals that ABC News presented as non-affiliated members of the general public and chose to be questioners during Thursday’s town hall with Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, had deep ties to the Democrat apparatus.


Nathan Osburn, who was identified in the “communications” field in the ABC News town hall splash, actually worked in the Obama-Biden administration as a speech writer. During that time Osburn worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department and at the Small Business Administration.

The Philadelphia Inquirer identified Osburn earlier this year as “a former Obama administration speechwriter.” Osburn created a “Philly for Pete group” that supported the candidacy of former Democrat presidential primary candidate Pete Buttigieg.

ABC News also spotlighted Mieke Haeck, identifying her as a physical therapist from State College, Pennsylvania. A deeper examination into Haeck reveals that she is the wife of Ezra Nanes, a prominent Democrat in Pennsylvania. In 2018, Haeck’s husband ran a campaign challenging the Pennsylvania Republican State Senate Majority Leader. He currently sits as an at-large member of the Centre County Democratic Committee.


Shocked! I tell ya I'm shocked. Not!

Two individuals that ABC News presented as non-affiliated members of the general public and chose to be questioners during Thursday’s town hall with Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, had deep ties to the Democrat apparatus.
Nathan Osburn, who was identified in the “communications” field in the ABC News town hall splash, actually worked in the Obama-Biden administration as a speech writer. During that time Osburn worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department and at the Small Business Administration.
The Philadelphia Inquirer identified Osburn earlier this year as “a former Obama administration speechwriter.” Osburn created a “Philly for Pete group” that supported the candidacy of former Democrat presidential primary candidate Pete Buttigieg.
ABC News also spotlighted Mieke Haeck, identifying her as a physical therapist from State College, Pennsylvania. A deeper examination into Haeck reveals that she is the wife of Ezra Nanes, a prominent Democrat in Pennsylvania. In 2018, Haeck’s husband ran a campaign challenging the Pennsylvania Republican State Senate Majority Leader. He currently sits as an at-large member of the Centre County Democratic Committee.

The mother of the 8 year old tranny was a plant too, the wife of a Democratic candidate:

Completely staged “town hall”, 100% Fake News.
It's hard to have any respect for the Democratic Party these days. The lies, the deception, the constant TDS bullshit, there's no honor in that party. Not that the GOP is a buncha choirboys, but damn. The democrats have absolutely no scruples whatsoever.
The mother of the 8 year old tranny was a plant too, the wife of a Democratic candidate:

Completely staged “town hall”, 100% Fake News.

We should expect nothing less from the rats of the MSM.

This is why Republicans need to STOP playing the MSM game and demand at least one moderator out of three be a non-MSM type, someone like Mark Levin as an example. What are the Dims afraid of?
And are we surprised that Hunter was enabled by his parents, was a drug addict at 50 and Biden let him go to the Ukraine? Joe took his cut from Hunter's good works, Joe has a video of telling the Ukrwaine had better fire the prosecuter that was investigatin him in the Ukraine before they go yheir billion dollars from the uS...and son of a bitch, 6 hours later the prosecutor was fired.
In one of Hunter's emails, he complains that "pop takes half my salary..." Love it...he called it his salary.
Hey, if Trump sat with that rabid liberal skank, Guthrie, and handled it easily, how about we let Biden sit and be questioned by Steve Bannon for an hour and a half? Sounds like the fair thing to do.
Rudy was just on with Lou Dobbs and in reply to Dobbs asking whether there was enough in emails released in last two days for a serious criminal probe, Rudy chuckled and told Dobbs that there was significantly more then ample evidence in just the emails released so far, to easily obtain RICO convictions against Joe, Hunter, and the rest of the Biden clan! Further, Rudy told Dobbs that he provided DOJ all of this ammunition just prior to impeachment, and they sat on it, and did absolutely squat!

Bill Barr had to have known all of this, its not possible he did not know....:mad:

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