Biden To Meet With Putin Next Month


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden To Meet With Putin Next Month​

25 May 2021 ~~ By Morgan Chalfant
President Biden will meet in person with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, next month.
It will be the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders since Biden became president.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced the June 16 meeting in a statement on Tuesday, saying the two leaders "will discuss the full range of pressing issues, as we seek to restore predictability and stability to the U.S.-Russia relationship."
The meeting had been in the works for some time and will take place at the end of Biden's first trip abroad to Europe.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) quickly criticized the White House’s decision to schedule the summit with Putin as “weak,” saying it would legitimize the Russian leader's actions.
“Putin imprisoned Alexei Navalny and his puppet Lukashenko hijacked a plane to get Roman Protasevich,” Sasse said in a statement, referring to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. “Instead of treating Putin like a gangster who fears his own people, we're giving him his treasured Nord Stream 2 pipeline and legitimizing his actions with a summit. This is weak.”

I'd love to see this meeting broadcast live. Kind of like when Pelosi and Schumer came up to the White House for a meeting with our President about the budget. Rather than some closed door nonsense so they could pontificate about how bad he was, our president invited in the press to watch and Pelosi had a fit. She stormed out and Schumer slithered out like he usually does.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist comrades are sharing a lot of laughs over this impending meeting, no doubt.
I expect a virtual Hollywood production with the ability to script Joey Xi and cut him off if he wanders away physically or rhetorically.
Sadly Chyna Joey Xi Bia Din has shut down America's pipelines while letting the Russians make improve and extend theirs. No more America First from this administration.
Why do I get the feeling that Chyna Joey Xi will return Alaska to the Russians in this June meeting?
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The meeting between Trump and Putin were not broadcast in fact they were done in secrecy so, I bet Biden does the same.

What US pipelines did Biden shut down in the US that were operational?

Biden To Meet With Putin Next Month​

25 May 2021 ~~ By Morgan Chalfant
President Biden will meet in person with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, next month.
It will be the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders since Biden became president.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced the June 16 meeting in a statement on Tuesday, saying the two leaders "will discuss the full range of pressing issues, as we seek to restore predictability and stability to the U.S.-Russia relationship."
The meeting had been in the works for some time and will take place at the end of Biden's first trip abroad to Europe.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) quickly criticized the White House’s decision to schedule the summit with Putin as “weak,” saying it would legitimize the Russian leader's actions.
“Putin imprisoned Alexei Navalny and his puppet Lukashenko hijacked a plane to get Roman Protasevich,” Sasse said in a statement, referring to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. “Instead of treating Putin like a gangster who fears his own people, we're giving him his treasured Nord Stream 2 pipeline and legitimizing his actions with a summit. This is weak.”

I'd love to see this meeting broadcast live. Kind of like when Pelosi and Schumer came up to the White House for a meeting with our President about the budget. Rather than some closed door nonsense so they could pontificate about how bad he was, our president invited in the press to watch and Pelosi had a fit. She stormed out and Schumer slithered out like he usually does.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist comrades are sharing a lot of laughs over this impending meeting, no doubt.
I expect a virtual Hollywood production with the ability to script Joey Xi and cut him off if he wanders away physically or rhetorically.
Sadly Chyna Joey Xi Bia Din has shut down America's pipelines while letting the Russians make improve and extend theirs. No more America First from this administration.
Why do I get the feeling that Chyna Joey Xi will return Alaska to the Russians in this June meeting?

Only after challenging Putin to an arm wrestle, and putting up the state of Alaska as a bet.

Don't think Biden isn't stupid enough to do something like that.

Build Bolsheviks Better: Biden Colludes With Putin To Build Russian Pipeline​

24 My 2021 ~~ By Daniel John Sobieski
Unlike Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia, Russia, Russia… Biden’s is not imaginary but very real and in your face. Democrats could never say what exactly Trump did, what precise decision was made, or what policy was changed. He “colluded,” don’t ya know. With Biden, we can start with the Colonial Pipeline hack by Russian conspirators and Biden’s non-reaction to it, Biden’s approval of a pipeline designed to make our NATO allies dependent on energy from Moscow, and, of course, his day-one cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Trump promised Europe a share in our energy independence including building liquefied natural gas ports to ship and receive the natural gas largess from our fracking energy bonanza. He opposed any pipelines making Europe more energy-dependent on Russia. Enter Joe Biden and son Hunter, who made a fortune doing nothing for Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Joe Biden loves foreign fossil fuel energy a lot, American energy, not so much.
Bryan Preston at PJ Media asks all the right questions about Biden’s energy surrender to Vladimir Putin, Russian oligarchs, and criminal hackers engaging in an act of war against a sovereign state:
Tell me again, who’s the Russian agent in the White House?

Environmentalists who claim that the Keystone pipeline from Canada represents an unprecedented environmental threat ignore that the pipeline would pose no greater danger than the more than 50,000 existing miles of safely operating pipeline already crisscrossing the U.S.
A 2012 study from the free-market Manhattan Institute, said trains spill 33 times more oil than pipelines. “The evidence is so overwhelming that railroads are far less safe than pipelines,” says Charles Ebinger, director of the Brookings Institution’s energy security initiative.
And isn’t it curious that as Joe makes war on American energy, his son made millions working for a foreign energy company, Ukraine’s Burisma? Apparently, their energy development doesn’t facilitate climate change or pollute the environment. And just where does John Kerry think the aviation fuel for his private jet comes from?

All we've seen from Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din is the removal by Exec Order all the good President Trump gave America for four years. From the Keystone Pipeline, lower taxes to the building of the border wall.
To taday in less than 6 months we have a gasoline crisis, inflation higher taxes, and above all a crisis at the Border.
This proves that canceling Keystone XL and stopping expansion of fracking has NOTHING to do with global warming/climate change. Progress Marxist/DSA Democrats and specifically Joey Xi is trying to destroy the USA economic engine!
Meanwhile, Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din will meet with Vladimir Putin to personally collect his 10%.

Biden To Meet With Putin Next Month​

25 May 2021 ~~ By Morgan Chalfant
President Biden will meet in person with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, next month.
It will be the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders since Biden became president.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced the June 16 meeting in a statement on Tuesday, saying the two leaders "will discuss the full range of pressing issues, as we seek to restore predictability and stability to the U.S.-Russia relationship."
The meeting had been in the works for some time and will take place at the end of Biden's first trip abroad to Europe.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) quickly criticized the White House’s decision to schedule the summit with Putin as “weak,” saying it would legitimize the Russian leader's actions.
“Putin imprisoned Alexei Navalny and his puppet Lukashenko hijacked a plane to get Roman Protasevich,” Sasse said in a statement, referring to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. “Instead of treating Putin like a gangster who fears his own people, we're giving him his treasured Nord Stream 2 pipeline and legitimizing his actions with a summit. This is weak.”

I'd love to see this meeting broadcast live. Kind of like when Pelosi and Schumer came up to the White House for a meeting with our President about the budget. Rather than some closed door nonsense so they could pontificate about how bad he was, our president invited in the press to watch and Pelosi had a fit. She stormed out and Schumer slithered out like he usually does.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist comrades are sharing a lot of laughs over this impending meeting, no doubt.
I expect a virtual Hollywood production with the ability to script Joey Xi and cut him off if he wanders away physically or rhetorically.
Sadly Chyna Joey Xi Bia Din has shut down America's pipelines while letting the Russians make improve and extend theirs. No more America First from this administration.
Why do I get the feeling that Chyna Joey Xi will return Alaska to the Russians in this June meeting?
Liberal media will push a false narrative with headlines like:
"Biden Stares down Putin" when the reality behind the scenes will be this:
"Hey Vlad here is me and Hunters price list... everything for sale for a price."

Biden To Meet With Putin Next Month​

25 May 2021 ~~ By Morgan Chalfant
President Biden will meet in person with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, next month.
It will be the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders since Biden became president.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced the June 16 meeting in a statement on Tuesday, saying the two leaders "will discuss the full range of pressing issues, as we seek to restore predictability and stability to the U.S.-Russia relationship."
The meeting had been in the works for some time and will take place at the end of Biden's first trip abroad to Europe.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) quickly criticized the White House’s decision to schedule the summit with Putin as “weak,” saying it would legitimize the Russian leader's actions.
“Putin imprisoned Alexei Navalny and his puppet Lukashenko hijacked a plane to get Roman Protasevich,” Sasse said in a statement, referring to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. “Instead of treating Putin like a gangster who fears his own people, we're giving him his treasured Nord Stream 2 pipeline and legitimizing his actions with a summit. This is weak.”

I'd love to see this meeting broadcast live. Kind of like when Pelosi and Schumer came up to the White House for a meeting with our President about the budget. Rather than some closed door nonsense so they could pontificate about how bad he was, our president invited in the press to watch and Pelosi had a fit. She stormed out and Schumer slithered out like he usually does.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist comrades are sharing a lot of laughs over this impending meeting, no doubt.
I expect a virtual Hollywood production with the ability to script Joey Xi and cut him off if he wanders away physically or rhetorically.
Sadly Chyna Joey Xi Bia Din has shut down America's pipelines while letting the Russians make improve and extend theirs. No more America First from this administration.
Why do I get the feeling that Chyna Joey Xi will return Alaska to the Russians in this June meeting?
Liberal media will push a false narrative with headlines like:
"Biden Stares down Putin" when the reality behind the scenes will be this:
"Hey Vlad here is me and Hunters price list... everything for sale for a price."

Russkie's can't pay the Bi-Dung Criminal Org. as much as China!
Both sides better be careful, otherwise one side might call in Murder, Inc., after all is agreed to.
Joey Xi Bai Dung talked big before he left for the G-7 meeting. Let's see just how much he gives away to Europe. There's already talk about a 15% world tax that would be paid primarily by the U.S.
Yet communist democrats will commiesplain about how much world leaders respect Chicom Joe.

This entire administration is one huge cluster fuck.

Biden To Meet With Putin Next Month​

25 May 2021 ~~ By Morgan Chalfant
President Biden will meet in person with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, next month.
It will be the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders since Biden became president.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced the June 16 meeting in a statement on Tuesday, saying the two leaders "will discuss the full range of pressing issues, as we seek to restore predictability and stability to the U.S.-Russia relationship."
The meeting had been in the works for some time and will take place at the end of Biden's first trip abroad to Europe.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) quickly criticized the White House’s decision to schedule the summit with Putin as “weak,” saying it would legitimize the Russian leader's actions.
“Putin imprisoned Alexei Navalny and his puppet Lukashenko hijacked a plane to get Roman Protasevich,” Sasse said in a statement, referring to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. “Instead of treating Putin like a gangster who fears his own people, we're giving him his treasured Nord Stream 2 pipeline and legitimizing his actions with a summit. This is weak.”

I'd love to see this meeting broadcast live. Kind of like when Pelosi and Schumer came up to the White House for a meeting with our President about the budget. Rather than some closed door nonsense so they could pontificate about how bad he was, our president invited in the press to watch and Pelosi had a fit. She stormed out and Schumer slithered out like he usually does.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist comrades are sharing a lot of laughs over this impending meeting, no doubt.
I expect a virtual Hollywood production with the ability to script Joey Xi and cut him off if he wanders away physically or rhetorically.
Sadly Chyna Joey Xi Bia Din has shut down America's pipelines while letting the Russians make improve and extend theirs. No more America First from this administration.
Why do I get the feeling that Chyna Joey Xi will return Alaska to the Russians in this June meeting?

Only after challenging Putin to an arm wrestle, and putting up the state of Alaska as a bet.

Don't think Biden isn't stupid enough to do something like that.
I did notice you are stupid enough to think it would happen.
Yet communist democrats will commiesplain about how much world leaders respect Chicom Joe.

This entire administration is one huge cluster fuck.
There is no communist nations yet for some reasons you people think people are as dumb as you all in not recognizing that fact.
Joey Xi Bai Dung talked big before he left for the G-7 meeting. Let's see just how much he gives away to Europe. There's already talk about a 15% world tax that would be paid primarily by the U.S.
Why do you lie so much, is it because you are a Russian troll?

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