Biden to campaign on “restoring” ROE V WADE.

There are a lot of things in the Bible. Are you prepared to look at them in context? I am.
Context like God killing babies?

What “sin” could God possibly accuse them of?
Context like God killing babies?

What “sin” could God possibly accuse them of?
The first thing you need to look at is what was going on at the time? Are you aware of that, what man was doing in those circumstances that you are so upset about, what they were doing that made God angry enough to wipe out almost all of them? If you have no concept of that, you need to.

Here's something to consider, the winning military forces in WW2 killed a LOT of innocent men, women and children. We decimated entire cities, even dropping nuclear bombs that incinerated thousands in an instant and left many more to die shortly thereafter from illness and starvation. Were we right in doing so?
Are you aware of that, what man was doing in those circumstances that you are so upset about, what they were doing that made God angry enough to wipe out almost all of them?

Are you aware you don’t hold babies responsible for the sins of the fathers?
As “evil” as you claim that society may be, you don’t hold babies responsible

God killed the babies
Dems in the Senate could vote to restore aborting babies today, why haven't they?

Maybe because they don’t control the House and lack 60 votes in the Senate

Do you know nothing about politics?
Are you aware you don’t hold babies responsible for the sins of the fathers?
As “evil” as you claim that society may be, you don’t hold babies responsible

God killed the babies
I notice that you took the cheap way out and split my post so you didn't have to deal with all of it. Bad form there. And the deaths of the children are on the shoulders of the evil parents. What, you think God should just take out the parents and leave the kids to do the same thing all over again? How much evil are you willing to ignore? And, deal with the rest of my post.
Maybe they trusted the Supreme Court to honor precidence?
Or, in reality, they wanted the Court to legislate from the bench so they could hide behind it and not have to do the difficult work of actually crafting legislation.

It is a states rights issue. Wasnt that determined By SCOTUS? Why should California care what Texas does?

Blue states now have WAY LAXER abortion laws.
You know the upside of that ruling is that it helped democrats win every election since. Abortion needs to be codified into law but in the mean time it is simply wonderful republicans are losing lol

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