Biden stupidly promises to reduce US emissions by 50% without a plan of any kind

His heart is in the right place.....

His heart is in the wrong place for all the wrong reasons. But since you voted for that Chcom-In-Chief, you keep loving the guy. I'm glad that you are loving how the country has been "moving along" for the past 3 months.

Come on, there are only 170,000 of us dead from Covid since Biden took over, and he's still releasing infected illegals into cities all over the country. Give the guy a break!
These Liberal moron don't know jackshit about Climate Science and they sure as hell don't know jack shit about Economics.

A 50% reduction in CO2 emissions in that time frame would destroy our economy and it wouldn't do a damn thing to change the climate.

Of course being stupid uneducated Libtards they don't care.

The funny thing is that Joe Dufus is lying to them and they are too dumb to know it.
What a joke.

Meanwhile, Biden's Chinese owners are increasing their emissions over the next 10 years.

And the Chamber of Commerce, Ford, GM, are leading the way by ending production of gas burning vehicles, corporations including renewable energy sources in their production needs.

Looks like the world are leaving idiots like you behind cletis. So what are you plan on doing about it?
What a joke.

Meanwhile, Biden's Chinese owners are increasing their emissions over the next 10 years.

And the Chamber of Commerce, Ford, GM, are leading the way by ending production of gas burning vehicles, corporations including renewable energy sources in their production needs.

Looks like the world are leaving idiots like you behind cletis. So what are you plan on doing about it?

You're almost as deluded as Old Joe. LOL!
What a joke.

Meanwhile, Biden's Chinese owners are increasing their emissions over the next 10 years.

And the Chamber of Commerce, Ford, GM, are leading the way by ending production of gas burning vehicles, corporations including renewable energy sources in their production needs.

Looks like the world are leaving idiots like you behind cletis. So what are you plan on doing about it?

The only reason they sell those damn things is because the filthy ass government buys fleets.

A vehicle uses more energy being electric than it saves when you take into account the production of the batteries and the charging energy needed. In Physics (the same as with Economics) there is a saying; "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch". Stupid uneducated Liberals have never understood that concept.

Just another one of these stupid Environmental Wacko wet dreams that falls apart on scrutiny.
What a joke.

Meanwhile, Biden's Chinese owners are increasing their emissions over the next 10 years.

He has a plan but you choose not to look. Typical Marvin

He also had a plan to get 100 million shots in arms in 100 days. Then he doubled his goal and just hit 200 million in 90 days. Sell him short at your own risk Gomer.
What a joke.

Meanwhile, Biden's Chinese owners are increasing their emissions over the next 10 years.

He has a plan but you choose not to look. Typical Marvin

He also had a plan to get 100 million shots in arms in 100 days. Then he doubled his goal and just hit 200 million in 90 days. Sell him short at your own risk Gomer.

Ah, BlueAnon has entered the chat! Tell us about the Russians, Bluey!

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