Biden Signs Executive Order To End Private Prison Contracts

As I said, the DemoKKKrats want a monopoly on putting black people in cages. I see you concur.
Perhaps Biden has changed his mind about mass incarceration...or not?

Think Private Prison Companies Are Going Away Under Biden? They Have Other Plans

"For the second time in four years, fears that a Democrat would be elected president sent private prison stocks plummeting earlier this month.

"To the casual observer, the prospect of President-elect Joe Biden—who promised to 'stop corporations from profiteering from incarceration'—presented an existential threat to the multi-billion dollar industry."

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...

I'm so glad Biden did that.

I don't believe anyone should make a profit from incarcerating American citizens.

I hope all the investors lose everything they put into it. I hope the owners are left bankrupt.

The investors and owners were providing a legal service to the Government, and you want to see them punished for it.
If you're letting all the criminals out, why would we need prisons?
We need the space for the Trump Traitors

We never should have gone to for profit Prisons

So who's going to pay for the new prisons that will be needed?
The prisons still belong to the government, the employees and operation will just be under government management now. New employees, same inmates, same bottom line. No change, just democrat smoke and mirrors--just like Biden and Clinton's crime bill of the 90's.

Do taxpayers foot the bill for private run prisons to be built?
As I understand, the private management companies just contract to run the prisons. The facilities are still owned by the government. So, if my understanding is correct, the employees would probably just be getting their checks from the government instead of a private company. Of course, all of the attendant costs, utilities, food etc. would remain constant. The only place that I really see any increased costs would be the hiring and firing of employees, i.e. the private company can hire as a temp with the carrot of permanent employment. An easier way to screen employees that is not typically used in federal hiring. Also the legal costs of defending against wrongful termination would again be the government's responsibility. The government would also have the added costs of inmate lawsuits that they currently don't have to answer to.
As I said, the DemoKKKrats want a monopoly on putting black people in cages. I see you concur.
Perhaps Biden has changed his mind about mass incarceration...or not?

Think Private Prison Companies Are Going Away Under Biden? They Have Other Plans

"For the second time in four years, fears that a Democrat would be elected president sent private prison stocks plummeting earlier this month.

"To the casual observer, the prospect of President-elect Joe Biden—who promised to 'stop corporations from profiteering from incarceration'—presented an existential threat to the multi-billion dollar industry."

Why would you think he changed his mind. It seems he's just consolidating the power to put black people in cages under himself.
We never should have gone to for profit Prisons

So who's going to pay for the new prisons that will be needed?
The prisons still belong to the government, the employees and operation will just be under government management now. New employees, same inmates, same bottom line. No change, just democrat smoke and mirrors--just like Biden and Clinton's crime bill of the 90's.

Do taxpayers foot the bill for private run prisons to be built?
As I understand, the private management companies just contract to run the prisons. The facilities are still owned by the government. So, if my understanding is correct, the employees would probably just be getting their checks from the government instead of a private company. Of course, all of the attendant costs, utilities, food etc. would remain constant. The only place that I really see any increased costs would be the hiring and firing of employees, i.e. the private company can hire as a temp with the carrot of permanent employment. An easier way to screen employees that is not typically used in federal hiring. Also the legal costs of defending against wrongful termination would again be the government's responsibility.

I hope that it true and that we do not see a lot of people lose their jobs, for no reason.
WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons
Why do you think anyone should profit from incarcerating people many of whom never had a jury trial?
By their own choice. They could have had a jury trial but they plead out.
Biden Signs Executive Order To End Private Prison Contracts...
It's about god damned time. One of the worst things ever to happen to our nation.

Yep, the DemoKKKrats definitely want a monopoly on putting black people in cages. When Biden wrote the crime bill that sent black incarceration through the roof, this was his Part 2.
Biden Signs Executive Order To End Private Prison Contracts...
It's about god damned time. One of the worst things ever to happen to our nation.

Errr, they tried to cut costs by outsourcing a service.

Hardly the stuff of nightmares.
Yes, it it.lobbyists form the for profit prison industry are keeping the disastrous war on drugs going and are in large part responsible for our prisons being filled with nonviolent offenders where they often become violent offenders after serving their time. Don't even get me started on the racial inequities this fosters.
Biden Signs Executive Order To End Private Prison Contracts...
It's about god damned time. One of the worst things ever to happen to our nation.

Errr, they tried to cut costs by outsourcing a service.

Hardly the stuff of nightmares.
Yes, it it.lobbyists form the for profit prison industry are keeping the disastrous war on drugs going and are in large part responsible for our prisons being filled with nonviolent offenders where they often become violent offenders after serving their time. Don't even get me started on the racial inequities this fosters.

1. The War on Drugs is about law abiding people being disgusted by the antics of drug fiends, and the violence of drug dealers.

2. That stupid black kids tend to be used by black drug gangs to be the front line dealers, leads to them getting arrested a lot, is not wacism, but black criminals not caring about their employees.
By their own choice. They could have had a jury trial but they plead out.
Because prosecutors often stack charges in such a way that defendants can be sentenced as repeat offenders even if that defendant has no prior convictions. This is done during the pre-trial phase to encourage defendants to accept plea deals regardless of their innocence or guilt. In order to avoid the possibility of spending decades in prison for a crime they may or may not have committed, defendants plea out and prosecutors notch another "conviction" on their resumes.
By their own choice. They could have had a jury trial but they plead out.
Because prosecutors often stack charges in such a way that defendants can be sentenced as repeat offenders even if that defendant has no prior convictions. This is done during the pre-trial phase to encourage defendants to accept plea deals regardless of their innocence or guilt. In order to avoid the possibility of spending decades in prison for a crime they may or may not have committed, defendants plea out and prosecutors notch another "conviction" on their resumes.

I can believe that this is a real thing. It is based upon the idea of liberal courts being staffed by lazy and uncaring lawyers.

I have seen it done to minority Conservatives, specifically dinesh d'souza.
By their own choice. They could have had a jury trial but they plead out.
Because prosecutors often stack charges in such a way that defendants can be sentenced as repeat offenders even if that defendant has no prior convictions. This is done during the pre-trial phase to encourage defendants to accept plea deals regardless of their innocence or guilt. In order to avoid the possibility of spending decades in prison for a crime they may or may not have committed, defendants plea out and prosecutors notch another "conviction" on their resumes.
You can't be charged as a repeat offender if you haven't been convicted. Period. If the prosecutor convinces you (or your incompetent lawyer) that they can convict you as a repeat offender and you believe it, again that is your problem. Don't break the law and you don't have to worry about it.
The blue states are not going to like this....
I don't know why you would say that, but I really don't care if they do or don't. For profit prisons are a disaster.
Because corrupt blue state elected officials are banking big bucks from granting licenses and signing contracts...same with pot stores in CA...
Who, in seventeen short years went from nobody in Oakland to SF DA, to CA AG, to resident of the VPOTUS home. Kameltoe, that's who.
By their own choice. They could have had a jury trial but they plead out.
Because prosecutors often stack charges in such a way that defendants can be sentenced as repeat offenders even if that defendant has no prior convictions. This is done during the pre-trial phase to encourage defendants to accept plea deals regardless of their innocence or guilt. In order to avoid the possibility of spending decades in prison for a crime they may or may not have committed, defendants plea out and prosecutors notch another "conviction" on their resumes.

I can believe that this is a real thing. It is based upon the idea of liberal courts being staffed by lazy and uncaring lawyers.

I have seen it done to minority Conservatives, specifically dinesh d'souza.
I am not denying that there are injustices done in our courts systems. I have been a victim myself. The bottom line is the bottom line. If they can get you to plead to a lesser charge with no incarceration (which is the most likely result) they win on prosecution and incarceration costs. Most accused jump at the chance because they know they are guilty. Don't break the law and chances are you don't have to worry about it.

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