Biden sets goal of half of cars to have zero emissions by 2030


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The stupid is strong with this.

Where is all the electricity going to come from to charge EVs? The grid is already under strain in many states thanks to stupid policies almost exclusively by the Blue States.

And of course, the taxpayers get it coming and going as electric rates will soar, the EVs cost much more and taxpayer subsidies top of all of that.

President Joe Biden will sign an executive order on Thursday establishing the goal of making half of all new vehicles sold in the United States zero emissions—either hybrid or fully electric—by 2030, according to the White House.


“It doesn’t function as a mandate but it does create the conditions for us to meet that goal,” Buttigieg said, adding that his agency would be announcing new Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards which he called “ambitious, aggressive” but “also feasible.” He said the new rules would require fuel efficiency to increase by about 8 percent per year.

General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-parent Stellantis NV have endorsed Biden’s zero emissions sales target, saying in a joint statement that they aspired “to achieve sales of 40-50 percent of annual U.S. volumes of electric vehicles… by 2030,” adding that the goal can only be met with more government investment in charging stations and other infrastructure.

Biden’s 50 percent goal and the automakers’ 40-50 percent aspiration includes battery electric, fuel cell, and plug-in hybrid vehicles that also have gasoline engines.


"Zero emission" if you don't count the coal and gas fired electric plants.

These enviro-moonbats are truly dopey people.
As usual, your post has little basis in fact, and is based on outdated and discredited information .

Read this and learn something:

A new study lays to rest the tired argument that electric vehicles aren’t much cleaner than internal combustion vehicles. Over the life cycle of an EV — from digging up the materials needed to build it to eventually laying the car to rest — it will release fewer greenhouse gas emissions than a gas-powered car, the research found. That holds true globally, whether an EV plugs into a grid in Europe with a larger share of renewables, or a grid in India that still relies heavily on coal.

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As usual, your post has little basis in fact.

Read this and learn something:

A new study lays to rest the tired argument that electric vehicles aren’t much cleaner than internal combustion vehicles. Over the life cycle of an EV — from digging up the materials needed to build it to eventually laying the car to rest — it will release fewer greenhouse gas emissions than a gas-powered car, the research found. That holds true globally, whether an EV plugs into a grid in Europe with a larger share of renewables, or a grid in India that still relies heavily on coal.

All those "green energy" contraptions are made in China, which is building more and more coal-fired plants every day.

Like I said, you envirowhacks are truly dopey people.
All those "green energy" contraptions are made in China, which is building more and more coal-fired plants every day.

Like I said, you envirowhacks are truly dopey people.
No one denies China and India need to do more. However, you failed to grasp the study that finds even considering all those factors, EVs are still better for the environment than those burning fossil fuels.

You really need to stop being a shill for the fossil fuel industry. You can't keep your head in the sand forever when it comes to the sorry state of our environment.
The stupid is strong with this.

Where is all the electricity going to come from to charge EVs? The grid is already under strain in many states thanks to stupid policies almost exclusively by the Blue States.

And of course, the taxpayers get it coming and going as electric rates will soar, the EVs cost much more and taxpayer subsidies top of all of that.

President Joe Biden will sign an executive order on Thursday establishing the goal of making half of all new vehicles sold in the United States zero emissions—either hybrid or fully electric—by 2030, according to the White House.
“It doesn’t function as a mandate but it does create the conditions for us to meet that goal,” Buttigieg said, adding that his agency would be announcing new Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards which he called “ambitious, aggressive” but “also feasible.” He said the new rules would require fuel efficiency to increase by about 8 percent per year.
General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-parent Stellantis NV have endorsed Biden’s zero emissions sales target, saying in a joint statement that they aspired “to achieve sales of 40-50 percent of annual U.S. volumes of electric vehicles… by 2030,” adding that the goal can only be met with more government investment in charging stations and other infrastructure.
Biden’s 50 percent goal and the automakers’ 40-50 percent aspiration includes battery electric, fuel cell, and plug-in hybrid vehicles that also have gasoline engines.

Joe can want in one hand, crap in the other and see which one fills up first. It ain't happening in the next 8 model years in this country or any other. I have nothing against the concept, and think it is possible someday, after they get the battery replacement costs, home fire hazard, and even really learn how to fight a batter fire in some of them. It won't be in 2030.
Nice thought, but unrealistic.
Not really

Both Ford and GM are well on the way to converting to Evs by the end of the decade. Tesla is becoming a major player.
EV infrastructure will rapidly follow
The stupid is strong with this.

Where is all the electricity going to come from to charge EVs? The grid is already under strain in many states thanks to stupid policies almost exclusively by the Blue States.

And of course, the taxpayers get it coming and going as electric rates will soar, the EVs cost much more and taxpayer subsidies top of all of that.

President Joe Biden will sign an executive order on Thursday establishing the goal of making half of all new vehicles sold in the United States zero emissions—either hybrid or fully electric—by 2030, according to the White House.
“It doesn’t function as a mandate but it does create the conditions for us to meet that goal,” Buttigieg said, adding that his agency would be announcing new Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards which he called “ambitious, aggressive” but “also feasible.” He said the new rules would require fuel efficiency to increase by about 8 percent per year.
General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-parent Stellantis NV have endorsed Biden’s zero emissions sales target, saying in a joint statement that they aspired “to achieve sales of 40-50 percent of annual U.S. volumes of electric vehicles… by 2030,” adding that the goal can only be met with more government investment in charging stations and other infrastructure.
Biden’s 50 percent goal and the automakers’ 40-50 percent aspiration includes battery electric, fuel cell, and plug-in hybrid vehicles that also have gasoline engines.

I want an end to the stupid emissions from his senile mouth.
The stupid is strong with this.

Where is all the electricity going to come from to charge EVs? The grid is already under strain in many states thanks to stupid policies almost exclusively by the Blue States.

And of course, the taxpayers get it coming and going as electric rates will soar, the EVs cost much more and taxpayer subsidies top of all of that.

President Joe Biden will sign an executive order on Thursday establishing the goal of making half of all new vehicles sold in the United States zero emissions—either hybrid or fully electric—by 2030, according to the White House.
“It doesn’t function as a mandate but it does create the conditions for us to meet that goal,” Buttigieg said, adding that his agency would be announcing new Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards which he called “ambitious, aggressive” but “also feasible.” He said the new rules would require fuel efficiency to increase by about 8 percent per year.
General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-parent Stellantis NV have endorsed Biden’s zero emissions sales target, saying in a joint statement that they aspired “to achieve sales of 40-50 percent of annual U.S. volumes of electric vehicles… by 2030,” adding that the goal can only be met with more government investment in charging stations and other infrastructure.
Biden’s 50 percent goal and the automakers’ 40-50 percent aspiration includes battery electric, fuel cell, and plug-in hybrid vehicles that also have gasoline engines.

If Sleepy Joe tries to enforce it, he'll be sued by numerous organizations. That clown is already being sued by more than 50 states and groups.
Where they gonna put the charging stations for long drives thru the mountains and desert?
You think Central and South America, Africa and poor countries will actually pay for that? People will have to stop taking long drives and fly or take the bus. It's stupid. We gonna have electric buses and electric airplanes, too???? What a crock of shit.
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