Biden says some funding should 'absolutely' be redirected from police


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I don't know how this will play out with voters or not, I can tell you this is a VERY popular position in Canada right now, especially in Ontario where we are broke and the East German Stasi have decimated so many lives.

I think the best play for Trump is to say "we focus on federal matters and allow states and cities to make their own decisions about appropriate funding levels." Clearly the Dem pollsters have determined that his position is a winning one with Independents and others as he flip flopped on this issue it seems. He will also have to explain his history in which he had a much different perspective and put it into law which hurt many Black citizens in particular.

Biden says some funding should 'absolutely' be redirected from police

Joe Biden said in an interview Wednesday that some funding should “absolutely” be redirected from police, amid calls from some in his party to "defund the police" in the wake of the protests across the country.

Biden's campaign has said he does not support defunding the police. But in a Now This interview with activist Ady Barkan, the presumptive Democratic nominee said that police forces don’t need surplus military equipment, saying this is what leads them to “become the enemy” in a community.

“But do we agree that we can redirect some of the [police] funding?” Barkan asked Biden.

“Yes, absolutely,” said the former vice president.

Biden went on to call for police reforms.

"One of the things that we also need to be doing is fundamentally changing way we deal with our prison system," he said. "It should be a rehabilitation system, not a punishment system. We’re going to make sure you're qualified for every single right you had before you went to prison if you served your time."
. . . just wait.

A few years into a DNC administration when crime rises?

The DNC will want to federalize all police services, just like they want the federal government to take over everything.

Health care, Education, you name it.

No longer will folks get to vote for their local sheriff.
Some bureaucrat in D.C. will appoint their local federal Marshall to oversee their community policing, and all investigative work will be done by the FBI.

The left always wants Uncle Sam to grow, while destroying local government.

That is probably what this has alwas been about. Getting more tax money flowing to central city (D.C.)

Lol...."we should change the very system I fought so hard to put in place".

You can say that people evolve over time but no. Much of the problems we have seen Biden has helped create.
Lol...."we should change the very system I fought so hard to put in place".

You can say that people evolve over time but no. Much of the problems we have seen Biden has helped create.

How so?
I predict it won't be long before he says something different about policing and law and order. I think that the Dems are going to find out that there are a significant number of blacks who are not happy with the defund police message or the democrats who have mismanaged their cities and allowed bad cops to stay on the force. They might not vote for Trump cuz they don't like him that much, but they might just stay home and not vote at all.
Lol...."we should change the very system I fought so hard to put in place".

You can say that people evolve over time but no. Much of the problems we have seen Biden has helped create.

How so?

He's the one that helped put in place the crime bill that incarcerated so many over things like being caught with pot or other petty crimes.

The states are cutting back everything , they are in a dire need funds due to the pandemic.
The "pandemic" is being exaggerated all out of proportion.

If the states didn't do that, folks could get back to work, and the economy could get rolling again. They would have no problem with tax revenue.

They are doing this to themselves, they like to destroy the economy.

They love deficit spending. . . .
The states are cutting back everything , they are in a dire need funds due to the pandemic.
The "pandemic" is being exaggerated all out of proportion.

If the states didn't do that, folks could get back to work, and the economy could get rolling again. They would have no problem with tax revenue.

They are doing this to themselves, they like to destroy the economy.

They love deficit spending. . . .

Anything to destroy the economy and blame it on Trump.
Lol...."we should change the very system I fought so hard to put in place".

You can say that people evolve over time but no. Much of the problems we have seen Biden has helped create.

How so?

He's the one that helped put in place the crime bill that incarcerated so many over things like being caught with pot or other petty crimes.

I've always been against harsher drug laws, and sentencing drug offenders as habitutal offenders. But in the Clinton admin I bought the "super predator" shit. And I should have known better even back then.

I tend to believe those pols who say "I've learned" than those who just say we were wrong then. We were. I'm still very leery about letting convicts who did premeditated, calculated violence out. But now we continually are learning more about people who did violence even their early 20s, and who did not have the brain/social development that people typically don't get till nearly 30. I'm still not sure how I feel on that.
The states are cutting back everything , they are in a dire need funds due to the pandemic.
The "pandemic" is being exaggerated all out of proportion.

If the states didn't do that, folks could get back to work, and the economy could get rolling again. They would have no problem with tax revenue.

They are doing this to themselves, they like to destroy the economy.

They love deficit spending. . . .

Anything to destroy the economy and blame it on Trump.
Well we could have opened up successfully if Trump hadn't shit all over testing and isolating ill people.
The states are cutting back everything , they are in a dire need funds due to the pandemic.
The "pandemic" is being exaggerated all out of proportion.

If the states didn't do that, folks could get back to work, and the economy could get rolling again. They would have no problem with tax revenue.

They are doing this to themselves, they like to destroy the economy.

They love deficit spending. . . .

Anything to destroy the economy and blame it on Trump.
Well we could have opened up successfully if Trump hadn't shit all over testing and isolating ill people.

We test more than any country in the world.
And Trump didnt put coronavirus patients in old folks homes or stuff em into subways that hadnt been cleaned in months.
The states are cutting back everything , they are in a dire need funds due to the pandemic.
The "pandemic" is being exaggerated all out of proportion.

If the states didn't do that, folks could get back to work, and the economy could get rolling again. They would have no problem with tax revenue.

They are doing this to themselves, they like to destroy the economy.

They love deficit spending. . . .

Anything to destroy the economy and blame it on Trump.
Well we could have opened up successfully if Trump hadn't shit all over testing and isolating ill people.

We test more than any country in the world.
And Trump didnt put coronavirus patients in old folks homes or stuff em into subways that hadnt been cleaned in months.
Our testing is fucked because it's too late to contact trace. The virus will spread until it gets tired or we get a vaccine. and Trump downplayed testing in Feb when it could have made a difference, as it did in developed countries, which once - before Trump - we were one of.
Lol...."we should change the very system I fought so hard to put in place".

You can say that people evolve over time but no. Much of the problems we have seen Biden has helped create.

How so?

He's the one that helped put in place the crime bill that incarcerated so many over things like being caught with pot or other petty crimes.

I've always been against harsher drug laws, and sentencing drug offenders as habitutal offenders. But in the Clinton admin I bought the "super predator" shit. And I should have known better even back then.

I tend to believe those pols who say "I've learned" than those who just say we were wrong then. We were. I'm still very leery about letting convicts who did premeditated, calculated violence out. But now we continually are learning more about people who did violence even their early 20s, and who did not have the brain/social development that people typically don't get till nearly 30. I'm still not sure how I feel on that.

I think a lot of people have believed that a president really had the countries best interests at heart only to find out over time they really only had their own best interests in mind.

I think your experience is the experience of many. I can relate also.

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