Outlaw that damn flag

Porter Rockwell

Gold Member
Dec 14, 2018
The war again against the 'defects" as BLM co-founder Yusra Khogali calls those blond hair, blue eyed devils and those of approximate skin tone (aka whites) has been won. The dumb asses who thought they could protect their heritage saw that Confederate flag go up in flames. Even though 97 percent of the people who fought under that flag never owned a slave, it is offensive as it acknowledges the Right of self determination of a people. That is OFFENSIVE! The black race is THE superior race and have proven same. The black people have removed the statues, memorials, monuments, plaques and statues of the white people; changed road signs, renamed schools and government buildings; censored words that offend blacks and gotten their message taken down from most Internet venues. BLM has ended many a career of those who ever uttered an opinion on race. Steve Martin and a few others are to come.

BLM has the whites rallying around the communist martyr, Martin Luther King, Jr. spouting his left wing mantra even Hush Bimbo in support of it, showing that the whites are now owned by the black race. And to many of those idiots like Walmart and Home Depot who gave generously to BLM - they got the big screw you when BLM took those corporate giants money and then told their supporters BLM is boycotting those dumb asses. So, having won all those wars - and without any resistance, I propose that we take down that "Red, White and Blue" flag from atop the White House and all the other city, county, state, and federal buildings. Burn it. It was the flag that was that was flying when Chief Justice Roger Taney of the United States Supreme Court ruled that blacks could not become citizens. Taney was nominated by a Democrat president with a Democrat majority U.S. Senate, so maybe when all those Old Glory flags are rounded up, they can be stacked atop white Democrats before lighting them up. Those people feel guilty enough not to resist and they certainly do not deserve to be understood. Let's get rid of the First Amendment and show the whites what it's really all about...


I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?
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View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?

No. We are a Republic, not a Democracy, so until they officially declare the Constitution of the United States a G.D. piece of paper, we are a Republic... though admittedly BLM mob rule is the de facto government for now.
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The war again against the 'defects" as BLM co-founder Yusra Khogali calls those blond hair, blue eyed devils and those of approximate skin tone (aka whites) has been won. The dumb asses who thought they could protect their heritage saw that Confederate flag go up in flames. Even though 97 percent of the people who fought under that flag never owned a slave, it is offensive as it acknowledges the Right of self determination of a people. That is OFFENSIVE! The black race is THE superior race and have proven same. The black people have removed the statues, memorials, monuments, plaques and statues of the white people; changed road signs, renamed schools and government buildings; censored words that offend blacks and gotten their message taken down from most Internet venues. BLM has ended many a career of those who ever uttered an opinion on race. Steve Martin and a few others are to come.

BLM has the whites rallying around the communist martyr, Martin Luther King, Jr. spouting his left wing mantra even Hush Bimbo in support of it, showing that the whites are now owned by the black race. And to many of those idiots like Walmart and Home Depot who gave generously to BLM - they got the big screw you when BLM took those corporate giants money and then told their supporters BLM is boycotting those dumb asses. So, having won all those wars - and without any resistance, I propose that we take down that "Red, White and Blue" flag from atop the White House and all the other city, county, state, and federal buildings. Burn it. It was the flag that was that was flying when Chief Justice Roger Taney of the United States Supreme Court ruled that blacks could not become citizens. Taney was nominated by a Democrat president with a Democrat majority U.S. Senate, so maybe when all those Old Glory flags are rounded up, they can be stacked atop white Democrats before lighting them up. Those people feel guilty enough not to resist and they certainly do not deserve to be understood. Let's get rid of the First Amendment and show the whites what it's really all about...

What about this one? Edmund of Langley, Lancaster and York, Stuart Scottish Navy Azure. Georgia to the Hudson Bay, Charles II, 2 generations after George Washington Kennon. Golden Stars means Black, Red, White, Yellow, Indigo, Olive; all shades of Golden Light. Red Acadian Maple Leaf, Leif Erickson. First Nationals taught the immigrants how to farm Maple Syrup, and you will never forget pourquoi Je souvenez.

I don't understand the post.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?

No. We are a Republic, not a Democracy, so until they officially declare the Constitution of the United States a G.D. piece of paper, we are a Republic... though admittedly BLM mob rule is the de facto government for now.
I think it's time for the Nobles to lead. The United States of America has proven itself as a self destructive mob of savage minded people. Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Republic to be.
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View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?

No. We are a Republic, not a Democracy, so until they officially declare the Constitution of the United States a G.D. piece of paper, we are a Republic... though admittedly BLM mob rule is the de facto government for now.
I think it's time for the Nobles to lead. The United States of America has proven itself as a self destructive mob of savage minded people. Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Republic to be.

Do you have a leadership and the ability to take charge of the current clusterphuck?
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?

No. We are a Republic, not a Democracy, so until they officially declare the Constitution of the United States a G.D. piece of paper, we are a Republic... though admittedly BLM mob rule is the de facto government for now.
I think it's time for the Nobles to lead. The United States of America has proven itself as a self destructive mob of savage minded people. Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Republic to be.

Do you have a leadership and the ability to take charge of the current clusterphuck?
Yes, I would come down on #blacklivesmatter like a Hammer and nails.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?

No. We are a Republic, not a Democracy, so until they officially declare the Constitution of the United States a G.D. piece of paper, we are a Republic... though admittedly BLM mob rule is the de facto government for now.
A Republic that votes on various things. BLM is a clown show, in the cities. What happened to BLM after Trump put the clamps on them? Don't see any more stateues falling.
Me thinks that November will settle things for a few years, one way or another.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?
It’s a symbol of American treason whether you like it or not lol. No amount of your spin will change that.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?

No. We are a Republic, not a Democracy, so until they officially declare the Constitution of the United States a G.D. piece of paper, we are a Republic... though admittedly BLM mob rule is the de facto government for now.
A Republic that votes on various things. BLM is a clown show, in the cities. What happened to BLM after Trump put the clamps on them? Don't see any more stateues falling.
Me thinks that November will settle things for a few years, one way or another.
#Blacklivesmatter is a terrorist organization that declared war on the police, and their leaders should be arrested and treated as the terrorist they are.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?
I see... Nova Scotia, undercover.
Not Nova Scotia, more like Alabama, on steroids.
Dixie Cross is Blue, oui?

View attachment 360974
Au contraire, Dixie flag is "stars and bars" pour sûr
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?
It’s a symbol of American treason whether you like it or not lol. No amount of your spin will change that.
1/2 the country said "stay out of my business" Federal Government.
I'm not sure that's called "treason" as much as rejecting the Federal "vision" for farm labor.
Spin is calling states' rights "treason". I'm not sure "no slavery" is defined in the constitution, as signed by the states?
The Founding Fathers disagreed on the slavery issue, and dodged it. The north won, the issue was settled.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?
I see... Nova Scotia, undercover.
Not Nova Scotia, more like Alabama, on steroids.
Dixie Cross is Blue, oui?

View attachment 360974
View attachment 360978 Au contraire, Dixie flag is "stars and bars" pour sûr
Still a blue cross on a white field.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?
It’s a symbol of American treason whether you like it or not lol. No amount of your spin will change that.
1/2 the country said "stay out of my business" Federal Government.
I'm not sure that's called "treason" as much as rejecting the Federal "vision" for farm labor.
Spin is calling states' rights "treason". I'm not sure "no slavery" is defined in the constitution, as signed by the states?
The Founding Fathers disagreed on the slavery issue, and dodged it. The north won, the issue was settled.
You can justify the civil war all you want. Treason is treason lol.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?
It’s a symbol of American treason whether you like it or not lol. No amount of your spin will change that.
1/2 the country said "stay out of my business" Federal Government.
I'm not sure that's called "treason" as much as rejecting the Federal "vision" for farm labor.
Spin is calling states' rights "treason". I'm not sure "no slavery" is defined in the constitution, as signed by the states?
The Founding Fathers disagreed on the slavery issue, and dodged it. The north won, the issue was settled.
You can justify the civil war all you want. Treason is treason lol.
A gentleman's disagreement can be called "treason" or a "state's rights" dispute. Does the Constitution specifically prohibit slavery, yes or no?
When one side takes up arms and tries to settle things by force, shit happens.
The issue is settled the "hard way", with lots if spilled blood.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?
It’s a symbol of American treason whether you like it or not lol. No amount of your spin will change that.
1/2 the country said "stay out of my business" Federal Government.
I'm not sure that's called "treason" as much as rejecting the Federal "vision" for farm labor.
Spin is calling states' rights "treason". I'm not sure "no slavery" is defined in the constitution, as signed by the states?
The Founding Fathers disagreed on the slavery issue, and dodged it. The north won, the issue was settled.
You can justify the civil war all you want. Treason is treason lol.
A gentleman's disagreement can be called "treason" or a "state's rights" dispute. Does the Constitution specifically prohibit slavery, yes or no?
When one side takes up arms and tries to settle things by force, shit happens.
The issue is settled the "hard way", with lots if spilled blood.
Not sure why we are talking about slavery. The issue is treason. You can sugar coat the reasoning and justification all you want. It’s still treason. You know what the constitution also doesn’t say? A state’s rights dispute can be settled with a war threatening the union.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?

No. We are a Republic, not a Democracy, so until they officially declare the Constitution of the United States a G.D. piece of paper, we are a Republic... though admittedly BLM mob rule is the de facto government for now.
A Republic that votes on various things. BLM is a clown show, in the cities. What happened to BLM after Trump put the clamps on them? Don't see any more stateues falling.
Me thinks that November will settle things for a few years, one way or another.

Hush Bimbo has all but declared a win for Joe Biden because Biden's handlers are shielding him from having to get into a presidential debate with Trump. The controlled news and entertainment media are trying to program the people 24 / 7 with lies and propaganda - even the tv series are one big push to get Americans to swing far left with no questions asked. The kosher conservatives like Hush Bimbo end up paying homage to communists and we have an entire generation out of touch with their heritage and real history.

We're outnumbered by an influx of foreigners, foreign money / influence, and when I buy materials, both Lowes and Home Depot (my only choices) donate to BLM - so I am doing it as well. Whites couldn't even save the flag in Mississippi. In order to be consistent, Old Glory has got to come down. The key here is that once an enemy destroys your history, they destroy your culture and once your culture has been destroyed, you are defeated. Donald Trump is only one man. A nation is run by leaders.
View attachment 360968
I'm not seeing the Rebel flag as "racist" but more of a symbol of anti-deep state.
People can see different things in a symbol.
If the 6% of minorities see one thing, and 70% or so see another, who is right? Does the majority rule?

No. We are a Republic, not a Democracy, so until they officially declare the Constitution of the United States a G.D. piece of paper, we are a Republic... though admittedly BLM mob rule is the de facto government for now.
A Republic that votes on various things. BLM is a clown show, in the cities. What happened to BLM after Trump put the clamps on them? Don't see any more stateues falling.
Me thinks that November will settle things for a few years, one way or another.
#Blacklivesmatter is a terrorist organization that declared war on the police, and their leaders should be arrested and treated as the terrorist they are.

Instead, major corporations give them millions of dollars while they shut the country down demanding that we kiss their ass. What really gets my boxers in a bunch is that there is no organized resistance from the people. So, as far as I can tell, we lost. EVERY politician in America ought to be willing to say they support the Right of white people to exercise their Rights under the First Amendment with no disclaimers, caveats, etc. Acknowledge our Rights is all I expect of them.

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