Biden Says People Unwilling to Get Covid Vaccine Are “Lazy” and Will Cause Others to Die


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2021
The President of the United States is stigmatizing citizens unwilling to get an experimental treatment with unknown long term effects, known complications, and uncertain benefits as lazy and causing people to die.

Not far at all from declaring us public health problems requiring federal government intervention.

WTF is going on in this country?

Here is that same guy demonstrating his vigilance. Wears his mask on Zoom calls and alone outside, but he and his brilliant wife take theirs off to visit two people in their 90s and give them hugs and hand shakes.

He's wrong to try and emotionally blackmail folk by saying they will cause people to die. That's awful rhetoric to use.

He should be encouraging people to get it, not speaking to them like that.

The Republican's/centre-right let themselves down with anti-vax agenda. For all the Democrats are called the looney left (and rightly so) you can call the Republican's paranoid conspiracy nuts when it comes to some of the anti-vax crap that's spouted.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion in regards the seriousness of the virus but speaking from a personal point of view I've known on a personal level 3 people that's died from it and I've never known anyone (especially under 70) to die from flu or respiratory failure like they did.
So, let me get this if nearly everyone in the US gets vaccinated, how the hell are we going to "infect" anyone....I mean didn't dementia Joe say that we were ALL going to be vaccinated?
The President of the United States is stigmatizing citizens unwilling to get an experimental treatment with unknown long term effects, known complications, and uncertain benefits as lazy and causing people to die.

Not far at all from declaring us public health problems requiring federal government intervention.

WTF is going on in this country?

Here is that same guy demonstrating his vigilance. Wears his mask on Zoom calls and alone outside, but he and his brilliant wife take theirs off to visit two people in their 90s and give them hugs and hand shakes.

View attachment 487070

Interestingly enough, it was JIMMY CARTER who, in 2005, said everything Joe did to run his election and get elected was fraudulent, illegal and cheating!

The President of the United States is stigmatizing citizens unwilling to get an experimental treatment with unknown long term effects, known complications, and uncertain benefits as lazy and causing people to die.

Not far at all from declaring us public health problems requiring federal government intervention.

WTF is going on in this country?

Here is that same guy demonstrating his vigilance. Wears his mask on Zoom calls and alone outside, but he and his brilliant wife take theirs off to visit two people in their 90s and give them hugs and hand shakes.

View attachment 487070
Yep...and selfish.
The President of the United States is stigmatizing citizens unwilling to get an experimental treatment with unknown long term effects, known complications, and uncertain benefits as lazy and causing people to die.

Not far at all from declaring us public health problems requiring federal government intervention.

WTF is going on in this country?

Here is that same guy demonstrating his vigilance. Wears his mask on Zoom calls and alone outside, but he and his brilliant wife take theirs off to visit two people in their 90s and give them hugs and hand shakes.

View attachment 487070

Interestingly enough, it was JIMMY CARTER who, in 2005, said everything Joe did to run his election and get elected was fraudulent, illegal and cheating!

Ahh yes....but that was then, and this is now....(I guess hypocrisy knows no bounds with fascist democrats). But to be fair - Carter was the biggest waste of a CiC that I have ever seen...until now.
The President of the United States is stigmatizing citizens unwilling to get an experimental treatment with unknown long term effects, known complications, and uncertain benefits as lazy and causing people to die.

Not far at all from declaring us public health problems requiring federal government intervention.

WTF is going on in this country?

Here is that same guy demonstrating his vigilance. Wears his mask on Zoom calls and alone outside, but he and his brilliant wife take theirs off to visit two people in their 90s and give them hugs and hand shakes.

View attachment 487070
Yep...and selfish.
Selfish how?
The President of the United States is stigmatizing citizens unwilling to get an experimental treatment with unknown long term effects, known complications, and uncertain benefits as lazy and causing people to die.

Not far at all from declaring us public health problems requiring federal government intervention.

WTF is going on in this country?

Here is that same guy demonstrating his vigilance. Wears his mask on Zoom calls and alone outside, but he and his brilliant wife take theirs off to visit two people in their 90s and give them hugs and hand shakes.

View attachment 487070
Some really are lazy Fks. Some are chicken-sh#t of anything new or different then they have already experience and have an amebic reaction, automatically pulling back and going the other way. Some have legitimately had reactions to injections in the past and with good reason, slow to jump on a new one, especially one developed and on the market to the public in a year or less. For some it is a political thing. Those are the real triple A rated dumb asses, not wanting the vaccine because they think it part of the Covid thing that helped bring down the Furor, trump, though trump was personally was one of the first group to get the vaccine long before people even 70 years old could get it. He just didn't tell anybody, as would have had a political price to support it and he was in the hole already.

The lazy Fks will get around to it sooner or later. Most of the scared of anything new folks will probably yield to overwhelming numbers of people (like me) vaccinated with no ill effects and going on about their life. Many of the previous vaccine problem people probably will also, but probably not before there is solid data, specifically relating to people that have had reaction to other vaccines but being OK with one or more of these. Some of the politically opposed will get the vaccine, but tell nobody or outright lie about it, just out of habit, as that is the example set by their orange Jesus. Or will get it when other trumpers close to them keep dying of Covid, while most go back to their normal lives. Some of them will go on gambling to win or lose.

I'm going on about my life, getting out, doing things, going places, but still supporting community standards. I don't wear a mask when out (not required to) but do in stores that have the mask signs up or their employees are still required to wear them, except nice sit down restaurants. I have always preferred a little distance in line from others checking out. Good luck on your decisions. Hope you make the best one for you and yours and that you do not make an ass of yourself trying to force others to support your decisions, whichever way you go.
I've never known anyone (especially under 70) to die from flu or respiratory failure like they did.
Have you EVER seen a year in your life where there was NO flu? Amazingly, last year, there were no fatalities from flu in this country--that has NEVER happened in my 70 years. It is a scamdemic.
If the vaccine is indeed efficacious at immunizing against Covid-19 infection, then those who get vaccinated won't contract it and die from it. Hence, why does he care if someone doesn't get it, since the only people that would potentially be vulnerable to dying from Covid are those same "lazy people who are unwilling to get the vaccine" that he just attacked.

It never ceases to amaze that politicians can be so incapable of seeing their constant mixed messaging.
If the vaccine is indeed efficacious at immunizing against Covid-19 infection, then those who get vaccinated won't contract it and die from it. Hence, why does he care if someone doesn't get it, since the only people that would potentially be vulnerable to dying from Covid are those same "lazy people who are unwilling to get the vaccine" that he just attacked.

What they always claim is that a few people who cannot take a vaccine because of an already compromised immune system or some such reason will be threatened by people who simply refuse to be vaccinated. It is a real low argument but that is what they do.
The President of the United States is stigmatizing citizens unwilling to get an experimental treatment with unknown long term effects, known complications, and uncertain benefits as lazy and causing people to die.

Not far at all from declaring us public health problems requiring federal government intervention.

WTF is going on in this country?

Here is that same guy demonstrating his vigilance. Wears his mask on Zoom calls and alone outside, but he and his brilliant wife take theirs off to visit two people in their 90s and give them hugs and hand shakes.

View attachment 487070

I prefer to call those people who refuse to get the vaccine a name that more accurately portrays who and what they are. Stupid

How would you like a concrete example?

In Greenville, TN, there's a man named Walt Cross. He's the proprietor of the Mustard Seed, a shop in Newport just over the county line, that takes its name from the Gospel of Matthew and carries herbs, nutritional supplements and local produce. Apparently, the residents trust him because he gets a lot of calls from people asking about treatments for various ailments.

Mr. Cross, who is also a volunteer fire chief for Cocke County, is a tall, lanky east Tennessean with a blue-eyed focus and a warm mountain drawl, whether he’s describing his preferred method to rouse people who have overdosed (ammonia rather than Narcan) or answering questions from Covid patients about how to treat their symptoms (hydrate, eat, take herbal extracts, apply hot and cold compresses).

Before going to the doctor, many people phone Mr. Cross. Or after the doctor’s medicines don’t seem to be working.

Although his father died of Covid, Mr. Cross won’t get the vaccine. “We jumped into bed with the vaccine too fast!” he said. While he won’t tell people to get it or not, he says pointedly, “Do your due diligence.”

Mr. Cross, who lectures around the country and in Rwanda about preventive wellness, is studying for an advanced degree in naturopathic medicine. His shop evokes themes dear to Appalachians, with people calling these early April weeks the “redbud winter” — the spring chill during which redbud trees swell with mauve-pink blossoms. A store wall is lined with Mason jars filled with herbaceous plants like jewelweed, passionflower and elderberry, which Appalachians were taught to use by the Cherokee.
If the vaccine is indeed efficacious at immunizing against Covid-19 infection, then those who get vaccinated won't contract it and die from it. Hence, why does he care if someone doesn't get it, since the only people that would potentially be vulnerable to dying from Covid are those same "lazy people who are unwilling to get the vaccine" that he just attacked.

It never ceases to amaze that politicians can be so incapable of seeing their constant mixed messaging.
I am in total agreement. I don't see how they can say that their rushed vaccine is more effective than my bodies proven ability to defeat the same virus. The argument that the vaccine "teaches" your body how to fight the virus and is more effective is asinine.

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