Biden says he'd mandate intrusive medical procedures, Trump says he would not

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016

When the people fear their government, it's tyranny. When the government fears the people, it's liberty. Pretty simple model.

It's pretty clear here which one of the two hates us for our freedoms, in my view.

The pharmaceutical companies who would profit from the barrel of a government gun have the luxury of immunity from liability for any dangers, btw.

Fascists gonna fascist.

Only good thing about this news is that Biden just sealed his fate. He'll be yesterday's news after November 3rd.
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When the people fear their government, it's tyranny. When the government fears the people, it's liberty. Pretty simple model.

It's pretty clear here which one of the two hates us for our freedoms, in my view.

The pharmaceutical companies who would profit from the barrel of a government gun have the luxury of immunity from liability for any dangers, btw.

Fascists gonna fascist.

Only good thing about this news is that Biden just sealed his fate. He'll be yesterday's news after November 3rd.
Agreed, but he likely is our next potus. Could be we are witnessing the death of a nation.
Strange...when Rick Perry wanted to do that with Gardasil in Texas--mandate that every 6th grade aged female get 3 guys were all for it.

And he mandated it using an executive order. You guys used to be against that also.

As for the forced vaccinations for Covid; that's a no-go for me. But the public has a right to protect itself. So you may end up in mandatory quarantine for a period of time.
Strange...when Rick Perry wanted to do that with Gardasil in Texas--mandate that every 6th grade aged female get 3 guys were all for it.

Not me. So, I dunno what you mean by 'you guys'

I put Perry into the same category as Biden. He's an enemy of the Republic.

The moron couldn't even remember which unconstitutional government agencies he was told to say he would abolish.
Strange...when Rick Perry wanted to do that with Gardasil in Texas--mandate that every 6th grade aged female get 3 guys were all for it.

Not me. So, I dunno what you mean by 'you guys'

I put Perry into the same category as Biden. He's an enemy of the Republic.

Wow, the blob has an "enemy of the republic" in his cabinet.
Wow, the blob has an "enemy of the republic" in his cabinet.

Well, start a topic about whoever you're talking about. This one is for comparing the policies of Biden and Trump with regard to their positions on mandating intrusive medical procedures and forced consumption of pharmaceutical products of companies with no liability at the barrel of a government gun.
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Wow, the blob has an "enemy of the republic" in his cabinet.

Well, start a topic about whoever you;re talking about. This one is for comparing the policies of Biden and Trump with regard to their positions on mandating intrusive medical procedures and forced consumption of pharmaceutical products of companies with no liability at the barrel of a government gun.

Rick Perry...former governor of Texas and current Energy Secretary.
Rick Perry...former governor of Texas and current Energy Secretary.

Alright. Well, start a Rick Perry thread.

As I said, here we're comparing the policies of Biden and Trump with regard to their positions on mandating intrusive medical procedures and forced consumption of pharmaceutical products of companies with no liability at the barrel of a government gun.
Who said I wasn't going to?

You sure weren't encouraging anyone else to stand up and fight. You're basically setting the tone that we have no choice. That we should just roll over and accept it. That's a defeatist attitude.

They don't have the authority to make these fascist mandates. The Constitution was designed to limit government. Not the electorate. Which is why they lack the authority in the first place. Government is strictly limited and bound by the chains of the Constitution. Limited for liberty!
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Words from politicians mean very little. I think we're going to see mandates eventually no matter who "wins."

Alright, well stay home, I intend to fight.

Who said I wasn't going to?

You sure weren't encouraging anyone else to stand up and fight.
I absolutely want people to fight the tyrannical madness going on and what is to come. My only point before was that I don't trust their words alone. The way things are going, I think we're going to see either mandates or pressure in other ways for people to comply with the agendas, regardless of who is in office.

ETA: You added on to your post after I replied. No, I never said or implied that we should roll over and take it, I believe just the opposite. Again, you missed my point entirely, but it's ok.
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Who said I wasn't going to?

You sure weren't encouraging anyone else to stand up and fight. You're basically setting the tone that we have no choice. That we should just roll over and accept it. That's a defeatist attitude.

They don't have the authority to make these fascist mandates. The Constitution was designed to limit government. Not the electorate. Which is why they lack the authority in the first place. Government is strictly limited and bound by the chains of the Constitution. Limited for liberty!
Just the past few weeks, Governor Whitmer's executive orders were ruled unconstitutional.

So what did she do? She responded by saying they would remain in effect through alternate sources of authority.

I agree with you, that they don't have the authority to make these fascist mandates, but most of them, both on the left and right are on the payola of Big Pharma, they will pass laws, and have it signed. . . and it will go on, unabated. . .

I was shocked, absolutely shocked that the ACA passed in the SCOTUS. How could they mandate that every American must have health insurance? If they can mandate that, those judges won't think twice about this. . . IMO.
Rick Perry...former governor of Texas and current Energy Secretary.

[QUOTE="candycorn said:

Strange...when Rick Perry wanted to do that with Gardasil in Texas--mandate that every 6th grade aged female get 3 guys were all for it.

So CC, no issue with the Dem Gov of California mandating Gardasil?


When the people fear their government, it's tyranny. When the government fears the people, it's liberty. Pretty simple model.

It's pretty clear here which one of the two hates us for our freedoms, in my view.

The pharmaceutical companies who would profit from the barrel of a government gun have the luxury of immunity from liability for any dangers, btw.

Fascists gonna fascist.

Only good thing about this news is that Biden just sealed his fate. He'll be yesterday's news after November 3rd.
One company just stopped testing and is not going ahead with developing one becuase the one they developed was to dangerous

It was just in the mainstream biz news couple days ago
I forget who it was was definitely a big boy multinational

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