Biden Said "He's Coming for Kamala Harris"


May 23, 2014
Either it's a sexual thing or Old Man Joe don't know what time of day it is again.
Either it's a sexual thing or Old Man Joe don't know what time of day it is again.

This is my take on this, as I've said before.

If I were running Trumps campaign, I would view this as great news. I would have the Gabbard 45 second barrage delivered to Harris in the second debate in the can to be played over and over in attack ads. The fact that the Establishment wants her, and her record as AG has been criticized openly, will be a boon to Trump to get black and progressive voters on his side.

One might ask, why did Biden call her out by name so openly? Was it to appease those in the Establishment who support her so strongly? I personally found her to be the most ideologically dangerous of the entire Dem lineup, and that was when the stage was full. She has some right wing Canadian in her, and that's Neo-Con. I saw the posting by many Black Americans on social media who did NOT like her at all. There is a reason she polled so horribly after that debate after she had a strong first debate by crushing Biden. Gabbard exposed her. Trump can't let that genie back in the bottle.

Trump will have a stronger campaign team than in 2016. Thus, has to play it smart This is something they had to have anticipated, and they must exploit it to the maximum. It's an opening that the MSM will try to defend against when Trumps team raises it.

Biden will now more easily be painted as Clinton 2.0 and Harris being any part of his administration is an excellent reminder to voters why he makes that comparison.
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What I want to know is why people think Harris is black? Her father was half black and her mother was East Indian. Her skin tone is from her mother!

Haven't you heard, old-timer? It's called "Racial Self-Identification."

Now you can be a dark-skinned one too, and receive all the benefits that come with it.

All you have to do is click your heels together three times and say "I self-identify as a black person...I self-identify as a black person...I self-identify as a black person..."

Then the Race Fairy will float down from the clouds, touch you with her magic wand, and you'll be a darkie too.
What I want to know is why people think Harris is black? Her father was half black and her mother was East Indian. Her skin tone is from her mother!

Haven't you heard, old-timer? It's called "Racial Self-Identification."

Now you can be a dark-skinned one too, and receive all the benefits that come with it.

All you have to do is click your heels together three times and say "I self-identify as a black person...I self-identify as a black person...I self-identify as a black person..."

Then the Race Fairy will float down from the clouds, touch you with her magic wand, and you'll be a darkie too.
Times like these, I miss the Pull Muh Finger guy
What I want to know is why people think Harris is black? Her father was half black and her mother was East Indian. Her skin tone is from her mother!

Haven't you heard, old-timer? It's called "Racial Self-Identification."

Now you can be a dark-skinned one too, and receive all the benefits that come with it.

All you have to do is click your heels together three times and say "I self-identify as a black person...I self-identify as a black person...I self-identify as a black person..."

Then the Race Fairy will float down from the clouds, touch you with her magic wand, and you'll be a darkie too.
Times like these, I miss the Pull Muh Finger guy

Last I saw IM2, he was over in the Food & Wine section of the board, valiantly battling racism.
She's a little old for Joe...
If he's going to pick a chick as his veep, he should pick Amy Klobachar.

She's a moderate, she's popular in the Midwest, and she won't implement the most retarded policies of the Democrats like forced bussing after he surely dies in office.
Another excellent choice.
If he's going to pick a chick as his veep, he should pick Amy Klobachar.

She's a moderate, she's popular in the Midwest, and she won't implement the most retarded policies of the Democrats like forced bussing after he surely dies in office.
He should pick Maduro's wife or Mao's granddaughter or they lose the Bernie Bros
What I want to know is why people think Harris is black? Her father was half black and her mother was East Indian. Her skin tone is from her mother!

Haven't you heard, old-timer? It's called "Racial Self-Identification."

Now you can be a dark-skinned one too, and receive all the benefits that come with it.

All you have to do is click your heels together three times and say "I self-identify as a black person...I self-identify as a black person...I self-identify as a black person..."

Then the Race Fairy will float down from the clouds, touch you with her magic wand, and you'll be a darkie too.
Times like these, I miss the Pull Muh Finger guy

Last I saw IM2, he was over in the Food & Wine section of the board, valiantly battling racism.
Blackened catfish? Really?
Biden doesn't need the black vote. He doesn't need the California vote. He doesn't need the educated chick vote. He's got all that.

What he needs is the Midwest vote.

The election is going to be won in the Rust Belt. That's where Trump won it. He needs someone who can help him win that. Plus, he's old as shit and probably has Alzheimer's. So he needs someone extremely competent as his Veep.
How does Biden think Harris will benefit his campiagn? He has strong support in the black community and even if he didn't she didn't do well with black voters in the primary Tulsi Gabbard was able to sink Harris campgain in one exchange in a debate that is not an impressive selling point in her favor. Based on what we saw of her in the Democratic primaries I can't see any way she really would help the Biden campgain maybe other's can but I don't.

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